2022-2023 AAO-HNS/F Committee Highlights
Committees are the lifeblood of the AAO-HNS/F and a great way for members to contribute meaningfully to the organization and the specialty.
The AAO-HNS/F Committees continued to advance the otolaryngology specialty throughout the 2022-2023 term. The committees are the lifeblood of the AAO-HNS/F and a great way for members to contribute meaningfully to the organization and the specialty. The committees met during the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience in Nashville, Tennessee, and discussed achievements during the past year and planned for 2024.
To apply to join an AAO-HNS/F Committee, visit www.entnet.org/committees and complete the application before the December 31 deadline.
Highlights from some of the committees during the 2022-2023 term are available below.
Ethics Committee
Andrew G. Shuman, MD, HEC-C, Chair, 2022-2024
- Ethics-Related Panel Presentations by committee members
- Ethics in Our Every Day. Panelists: Andrew G. Shuman, MD, HEC-C, Jennifer L. Hatcher, MD, Jennifer J. Shin, MD, SM
- What Really Matters: End-of-Life Care. Panelists: Jayne R. Stevens, MD, Melina J. Windon, MD. Susan McCammon, MD (former Ethics Committee chair).
- Published
- “Otolaryngologists and Reproductive Rights,” Pratyusha Yalamanchi, Erynne A. Faucett, Andrew G. Shuman, in Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, 2023 Nov;169(5):1393-1396. DOI: 10.1002/ohn.371
- “Drug Shortages and Otolaryngology.” Antionette Esce, Andrew G Shuman, in Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, 2023 (E-pub) DOI: 10.1002/ohn.514
Airway and Swallowing Committee
Robbi A. Kupfer, MD, Chair, 2022-2024
- Presented at the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting on the following topics:
- Avoiding and Managing the Challenging Airway-A Team Approach
- Introduction to In-Office FEES and MBSS Swallowing Evaluation
- Published an article in the June 2023 Bulletin: “Dysphagia in the Older Population, Presbyphagia, and Sarcopenic Dysphagia” by Sara Abu-Ghanem, MD, MMedSc
- Partnered with the American Broncho-Esophagological Association (ABEA) and the American Laryngological Association (ALA) in sending a joint letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requesting continued coverage of Medicare outpatient speech language pathologist (SLP) telehealth services, provided by facility-based practitioners after the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) on May 11. The coalition letter, sent on May 5, also requests clarity from CMS on how to report and bill for these SLP telehealth services beginning May 12. Following the letter’s transmission, on May 19 CMS released updated guidance clarifying that it will continue coverage of Medicare SLP telehealth services for 2023, and instructing providers to bill for these telehealth services in the same manner as done during the PHE.
Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Committee
Cecelia Damask, DO, Chair, 2021-2024
- Participated in the following sessions at the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience
- FESS, Biologics, and Biomarkers: A Strategic Approach to Managing CRSwNP
- Christine B. Franzese, MD; Sarah K. Wise, MD, MS; Cecelia Damask, DO; Matthew W. Ryan, MD
- Therapeutic Dilemmas in Otolaryngology: Is It Allergy or Not?
- Cecelia Damask, DO; Matthew W. Ryan, MD
- Eosinophilic Esophagitis and the Patient Presenting With Dysphagia
- Christine B. Franzese, MD; Cecelia Damask, DO
- Proof Is in the Pudding: Update on Food Allergy
- Matthew W. Ryan, MD; Cecelia Damask, DO
- Understanding the Immunology Behind CRSwNP and Biologic Agents
- Christine B. Franzese, MD; Michael P. Platt, MD, MS
- Management of a Patient With Anaphylaxis
- Matthew W. Ryan, MD; Cecelia Damask, DO
- Released two podcasts on the AAO-HNS’ official podcast app, FrequENTcy:
- Mechanisms and Biomarkers of Endotypes in Chronic Rhinosinusitis, featuring Joshua M. Levy, MD, MPH and Bruce K. Tan, MD
- Immunodeficiency, featuring Matthew W. Ryan, MD, and Cecelia Damask, DO
- Published the article “Attack of the Killer.…Brisket?” by Christine B. Franzese, MD, in the September issue of the Bulletin
- Nominated a committee member to serve on the Clinical Practice Guideline: Immunotherapy for Inhalant Allergy panel
- Joined the External Peer Review Group for the Clinical Practice Guideline: Immunotherapy for Inhalant Allergy
- Joined the Review Group to provide an assessment of the original guideline for the Clinical Practice Guideline: Adult Sinusitis Update
Complementary/Integrative Medicine Committee
Nathan J. Gonik, MD, Chair, 2021-2023
Dale A. Tylor, MD MPH, Chair, 2023-2025
- Participated in the following session at the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience:
- Strategies for Teaching and Enhancing Wellness
- Todd E. Falcone, MD, Katherine R. Kavanagh, MD, Noriko Yoshikawa, MD
- Published the following article in the July 2023 issue of the Bulletin: Complementary Approaches to Chronic Pain Management By Liuba Soldatova, MD, and Ronda A. Hamaker, MD
Credentials and Membership Committee
Susan D. McCammon, MD, Chair, 2018-2023
Susan R. Cordes, MD, Incoming Chair, 2023-2025
Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Erynne A. Faucett, MD, Chair, 2020-2023
Minka L. Schofield, MD, Chair, 2023-2025
- A record number of Underrepresented in Medicine (URM) Away Rotation grant submissions were received. With generous support from Acclarent, Aerin Medical, and Medtronic, all 16 applicants received a grant to support their away rotations in 2023. Three of the recipients attended the 2023 Annual Meeting and participated in the Diversity and Inclusion Committee meeting.
- Awarded two Harry Barnes Travel Grants to the Annual Meeting. Grant recipients will submit a summary of their experiences, to be featured in a future Bulletin article.
- Published a Bulletin article on the topic of healthcare for patients with disabilities.
- As a joint effort between the American Neurotology Society and the Diversity and Inclusion committee, members partnered with three Nashville high schools to create an interactive day with students and members of the specialty.
Endocrine Surgery Committee
Joseph Scharpf, MD, Chair, 2021-2025
- Discussed upcoming changes to the continuing certification process for thyroid and parathyroid through the American Board of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery.
- Forthcoming survey of the radiofrequency ablation code related to ensuring the survey instrument reflects the accurate work of the procedure and the response rate is adequate for a valid survey per AMA requirements.
Equilibrium Committee
Bruce Fetterman MD, Chair, 2021-2025
- Discussed and identified topics for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Panel Presentations on recent findings for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo and Vestibular Migraine.
Geriatric Otolaryngology Committee
Cameron C. Wick, MD, Chair, 2022-2024
- June 2023 Bulletin article, “Pearls in the Management of the Aging Voice” by Ozlem E. Tulunay-Ugur, MD, and Karen M. Kost, MD
- Responded to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) seeking input from clinical experts on advancing health equity and facilitating access to medical devices.
Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology Committee
Rodney J. Taylor, MD, MSPH, Chair, 2021-2023
Jeffrey C. Liu, MD, Chair, 2023-2025
- July 2023 Bulletin article, “Oral Leukoplakia for Otolaryngologists” by Nicholas Toomey, MD, and Andrew C. Birkeland, MD
Hearing Committee
Oliver F. Adunka, MD, Chair, 2019-2022
Craig A. Buchman, MD, Chair, 2022-2024
- Successfully published five articles in the Bulletin and ENThealth.
- An update on Noise-Induced Hearing Loss, March Bulletin
- Hidden Hearing Loss: State of the Science on Testing, March Bulletin
- Expanding Real-World Outcomes in Adults with Hearing Loss, September Bulletin
- OTC Hearing Aids: FAQ Document, February – ENThealth.org
- Otomycosis: Aug – ENThealth.org
- Submitted the Position Statement on Efficacy of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Programs, published in October 2023.
- Presented two Panel Presentations at the 2023 Annual Meeting:
- Pediatric Single-Sided Deafness
- Optimizing Outcomes and Hearing & Cognition: What Can We Do About It?
Imaging Committee
Russell B. Smith, MD, Chair, 2018-2022
Michael J. Persky, MD Chair, 2022-2024
Implantable Hearing Device Committee
J. Thomas Roland, Jr., MD, Chair, 2022-2023
- Successfully Submitted two Position Statements, published in April 2023.
- Position Statement: Cochlear Implantation for Single-Sided Deafness in Children
- Position Statement: Cochlear Implantation for Single-Sided Deafness in Adults
- Presented a Panel Presentation at the 2023 Annual Meeting:
- Identifying Cochlear Implant Candidates for The Comprehensive Otolaryngologist
Infectious Disease Committee
Albert H. Park, MD, Chair, 2021-2023
- Presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting on the following topics:
- Improving Diagnosis of Childhood Sjogren's Disease via a Multidisciplinary Clinic by Albert Park, MD
- Antibiotic Stewardship (Panel) New Frontiers: Optimizing Antimicrobial Use in Otolaryngology by Sarah Gitomer, MD, Peter Santa Maria, MD, Nathan Gonik, MD, and Poogendren Lenny Pillay, MD
Media and PR Committee
Erich P. Voigt, MD, Chair, 2021- 2024
Medical Devices and Drugs Committee
Peter Santa Maria, MD, Chair, 2020- 2022
Neal D. Futran, MD DMD, Chair, 2022-2024
Medical Informatics Committee
Gregory Ator, MD, Chair, 2020-2024
- Identifying topic areas and developing an article for the Bulletin on AI integration with EMRs and telehealth.
- EMR Discussions: “What Does an ENT Physician Want from their EMR?” “What are EMR Vendor Goals for Working with AAO-HNS.”
Microvascular Committee
Michael G. Moore, MD, Chair, 2020-2022
Rusha J. Patel, MD, Chair, 2022-2023
- Led a multi-institutional trial looking at the use of oral antisepsis in head and neck free flap patients.
- Continued research that is looking at the impact of sarcopenia on perioperative outcomes in patients receiving salvage laryngectomy.
- Submitted and presented several engaging panels at the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience featuring advances in head and neck reconstruction:
- Oral Cavity Reconstruction: The Microvascular Tipping Point
- Reconstructive Showdown 2022
- Older Head and Neck Cancer Patients: To Operate or Not to Operate? Parts 1 and 2
- Debating Cost-Effective Head and Neck Surgery
- Prophylactic Antisepsis in Open and Endoscopic Surgery of the Head and Neck: Past, Present, and Remaining Questions
- Non-Surgical Management of Complex Head and Neck Oncologic Wounds: Effective Interventions and Implementation
Otolaryngology Cleft and Craniofacial Committee
Travis T. Tollefson, MD, MPH, Chair, 2021-2023
Steven L. Goudy MD, MBA, Chair, 2023-2024
- Engagement in the committee is high, along with cleft-oriented presentations at 2023 Annual Meeting
- Recording a series of podcasts and a new patient content page for ENTHealth.org.
- Published an article in the Bulletin on otolaryngology cleft and craniofacial and Completing the Care Cycle in the Adult Patient with Cleft Lip–Palate by members of the committee
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Committee
Soham Roy, MD, Chair, 2021-2023
- Submitted and sponsored several Panel Presentations to the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience, and six were accepted for presentation.
- Published several articles in 2023 issues of the Bulletin
- January 2023: Patient Safety and Quality Improvement | Creating Psychological Safety in Otolaryngology: Practical Steps to Promote Teamwork and Safe, High-Quality Care published
- February 2023: Patient Experience: Why It Matters and How to Improve it Published
- June 2023: The Importance of Communication in Improving Surgical Outcomes published
- December 2023: Advancing Patient Safety and Quality Initiatives through Artificial Intelligence
- Members are continuously committed to implementing best practices and sharing practices at their institutions related to safety and quality improvement. Some examples of best practices shared by committee members include:
- Creating new communication paradigms to discuss medical issues and plan contingencies.
- Developing a PSQI education program that includes both adult and pediatric faculty members.
- Implementing a Clinical Learning Environment Review education program (CLER) for residents to participate in a point-based system which involve participating in quality improvement committees, projects, and participating in RCAs.
Pediatric Otolaryngology Committee
Heather Herrington, MD, Chair, 2021-2022
James Ruda, MD, Chair, 2022-2023
- Presented the following Panel Presentations at the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience:
- Management of Advanced Thyroid Cancer in Children
- Pediatric In-Office Procedures for the Comprehensive Otolaryngologist
- Pediatric Sensorineural Hearing Loss: The First Visit
- Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Cervical Lymphadenitis: Tips and Pearls for Headache-Free Management
- How to Manage Pediatric Complications to Make Your Life Simpler
- Published an article for Kids ENT Health Month in February 2023 “A Surge of Pediatric Intraorbital and Intracranial Infections”
- Published an article for Kids Safe Holiday Month in December 2023 “Be Festive, Be Safe.”
Physician Payment Policy (3P) Committee
R. Peter Manes, MD, Chair, 2017-2024
- CPT/RUC Updates
- Private Payer Issues
- Regulatory Updates
- Industry Updates
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Committee
Jon-Paul Pepper, MD, Chair, 2021-2025
- Final Submission of Nasal Valve Repair Position Statement
- Several members of the PRS Committee collaborated for months on the approved and published Position Statement for Nasal Valve Repair.
- 2023 Annual Meeting Panel Presentation
- Co-sponsored a panel presentation Brian Cervenka, MD, titled, “Surgical and Non-Surgical Management of the Difficult Oncologic Wound 1.”
- November 2023 Bulletin Article
- PRS Committee members Dr. Sam L. Oyer and Dr. Kieran S. Boochoon collaborated to write and submit the article titled, “Treatment of Subcondylar Fractures of the Mandible: A Shifting Paradigm" that was published in the November 2023 Bulletin.
Rhinology and Paranasal Sinus Committee
Erin O’Brien, MD, Chair, 2021-2023
Seth Brown, MD, Chair, 2023-2025
- Updated/Created three Academy Position Statements related to:
- Posterior Nasal Nerve Ablation for the Treatment of Chronic Rhinitis
- Drug-Eluting Sinus Implants
- Intra-Operative Use of Computer Aided Surgery
- Policy Reviews
- Elevance: Minimally Invasive Treatment of the Posterior Nasal Nerve to Treat Rhinitis
- Academy Requests for Collaboration
- Invitation for CPG Panel Nomination (Surgical Management of Rhinosinusitis)
- External Peer Review for AAO-HNSF CPG: Immunotherapy for Inhalant Allergy
Salivary Gland Committee
Gordy Siegel, MD, Chair, 2019-2023
Marion B. Gillespie, MD, Chair, 2023-2025
- Created a subcommittee to develop a project titled, “Standardization in Salivary Gland Ultrasound Assessment” to establish a standard protocol and methodology for diagnostic assessments using salivary gland ultrasound.
Sleep Disorders Committee
Ofer Jacobowitz, MD, Chair, 2022-2024
- Voted to recommend the “Standard Time Position Statement” published by American Academy of Sleep Medicine for AAO-HNS endorsement.
- Discussion of sleep medicine as a specialty of interest, to put it on student’s radar and what might make this a more popular path moving forward related to training opportunities.
Skull Base Surgery Committee
Shirley Y. Su, MBBS, Chair, 2020-2022
Pamela C. Roehm, MD, PhD, Chair, 2022-2024
- Presented the following topics during the 2023 Annual Meeting:
- How to manage CSF leaks aimed at general practitioners
- How-to guide on difficult, everyday scenarios in facial nerve
- Managing surgical complications through the perspective of a skull base surgeon aimed toward the comprehensive otolaryngologist
- Published Controversy in Coding for Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery in the September 2023 Bulletin EXTRA
- Identified key skull base topics for expert review and CPG generation, including management of glomus tumors and CSF leaks.
- Reviewed upcoming Bulletin submission on evaluation of pulsatile tinnitus
Telehealth Committee
Douglas M. Hildrew, MD, Chair, 2019-2023
Daniel R. Gold, MD, Chair-elect, 2020-2023
Trauma Committee
Scott Bevans, MD, Chair, 2021-2023
- Contributed the following to the 2023 Annual Meeting program:
- Three Simulation Sessions on facial trauma—Choosing and Applying Techniques for Maxillomandibular Fixation, Applying Techniques for Mandibular Fracture Repair and Practicing Open Reduction Internal Fixation of ZMOC Fractures)
- Two Panel Presentations—Avoiding Complications in Orbital Trauma Surgery and Trauma Face-Off: Current Controversies in Maxillofacial Trauma
- Trauma Committee members participated in multiple additional trauma-related sessions.
- The Society of Military Otolaryngologist Trauma Symposium, in conjunction with the Trauma Committee, was selected to be part of the Annual Meeting Program (panel presentation) in Nashville.
Voice Committee
James J. Daniero, MD, MS, Chair, 2021-2023
Priya D. Krishna, MD, Chair, 2023-2025
- Supported the work of the AAO-HNS in collaboration with ABEA and ALA on Medicare SLP Telehealth Services & Updated CMS Guidance: The AAO-HNS partnered with the American Broncho-Esophagological Association (ABEA) and the American Laryngological Association (ALA) in sending a joint letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requesting continued coverage of Medicare outpatient speech language pathologist (SLP) telehealth services, provided by facility-based practitioners after the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) on May 11. The coalition letter, sent on May 5, also requests clarity from CMS on how to report and bill for these SLP telehealth services beginning May 12. Following the letter’s transmission, on May 19 CMS released updated guidance clarifying that it will continue coverage of Medicare SLP telehealth services for 2023, and instructing providers to bill for these telehealth services in the same manner as done during the PHE.
- Contributed the following to the Bulletin and World Voice Day 2023
- World Voice Day April 16, 2023: Your Voice Matters (April 2022) written by Jonathan Bock, MD, and Karla D. O'Dell, MD
- World Voice Day Q&A Article contributions by Thomas L. Carroll, MD, Mark R. Gilbert, MD, Lyndsay L. Madden, DO, and Libby J. Smith, DO
- World Voice Day Video, contributions by Anne F. Hseu, MD, Karla F. O’Dell, MD, John P. Gniady, MD, James J. Daniero, MD, MS, Mark R. Gilbert, MD, Jonathan M. Bock, MD,
- What Should the Comprehensive Otolaryngologist Know about Voice Care? Written by Jordan I. Teitelbaum, DO
Veterans Affairs Committee
Sonya C. Malekzadeh, MD, Chair, 2021-2023
Samuel A. Spear, MD, Chair, 2023-2025
- A VA Teams account, set up by the VA Committee, is open to all VA providers. On the platform, users can do the following:
- Record their VA research on a spreadsheet that others can view
- Contribute to a forum on a variety of topics
- Post VA job opportunities
- Planning is underway to submit a Panel Presentation on burn pits during the Call for Science for the 2024 Annual Meeting in Miami, Florida.
Annual Meeting Program Committee
Daniel C. Chelius, Jr., MD, Chair, 2020-2024
Ceclia Damask, DO, Chair-elect, 2023-2024
- AAO-HNSF 2023 ANNUAL MEETING & OTO EXPERIENCE Opening Ceremony: The John Conley, MD Lecture on Medical Ethics was incorporated again into the Opening Ceremony and was presented by Jennifer R. Grandis, MD, on the topic of “Building and Sustaining Careers: A Gender Equity Lens.” Her presentation focused on how to recognize barriers to diversity, equity, and inclusion and how women scientists and physicians are underrepresented in leadership positions, experience more discrimination and harassment, and are paid less than their male counterparts. Dr. Grandis synthesized the experiences and perspectives of representative women and men in science and medicine at various career stages and left an empowering message to appreciate what each of us can do to mitigate discrimination and harassment in our professional environments.
- Education and Science
- Added new programming options including the Crucial Conversations and Coffee Talk with the Otolaryngology Private Practice Section, formerly the Private Practice Study Group
- Sold out Worst-Case Scenarios: Managing OTO Emergencies in Practice Workshop
- Brought back both the ENTrepreneur Faceoff and the Great Debates for their third year
- Offered 460+ hours of CME credit
- Showcased 545 Scientific Posters and 490 Scientific Orals including 40 late-breaking abstracts
- Held 44 International Symposium sessions
- Expanded number of simulation sessions to 32
- 12 Great Debates sessions
- 44 International Symposium sessions
- 4,717 professional attendees
- More than 1,200 international Annual Meeting attendees
Education Steering Committee Chair
Jeffrey P. Simons, MD, MMM, Chair, 2019-2023
Meredith Merz Lind, MD, Chair-elect, 2022-2023
Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Education Committee
Daniel Knott, MD, Chair, 2021-2025
- Published the eighth section of FLEX (Year 3) on “Facial Paralysis” that launched May 2023.
- Served as Item Writers for OTO Quest - Knowledge Assessment Tool: Set 2023.
- Published article in the September Bulletin: “Pearls from Your Peers: Depressor Anguli Oris Myectomy.”
- Sponsored/cosponsored Panel Presentations at the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience.
General Otolaryngology and Sleep Education Committee
Cristina Cabrera-Muffly, MD, Chair, 2022-2023
- Published the seventh section of FLEX (Year 3) on “Peri-operative Optimization” that launched April 2023
- Served as Item Writers for OTO Quest—Knowledge Assessment Tool: Set 2023
- Published article in the August Bulletin, “From the Education Committees: The Otolaryngologist’s Role in Primary Care.”
- Sponsored/cosponsored Panel Presentations at the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience
Head and Neck Surgery Education Committee
Vikas Mehta, MD, MPH, Chair 2021-2025
- Authored a new course in OTO Logic titled, “ERAS and Post-Operative Protocols Following Head and Neck Surgery”
- Published the third section of FLEX (Year 3) on “Modern Approach to Salivary Gland Neoplasms” that launched November 2022
- Served as Item Writers for OTO Quest - Knowledge Assessment Tool: Set 2023
- Published article in the July Bulletin, “What Does the Otolaryngologist Need to Know about Thyroid Radiofrequency Ablation?”
- Published article in the October Bulletin, “Pearls from Your Peers: Immunotherapy and the Changing Therapeutic Landscape for Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma.”
- Sponsored/cosponsored Panel Presentations at the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience.
Laryngology and Bronchoesophagology Education Committee
Paul C. Bryson, MD, Chair, 2020-2024
- Published the second section of FLEX (Year 3) on “Neurolaryngology” that launched October 2022.
- Served as Item Writers for OTO Quest - Knowledge Assessment Tool: Set 2023.
- Published article in the May Bulletin, “Pearls from Your Peers: Laryngeal Procedures.”
- Sponsored/cosponsored Panel Presentations at the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience.
Otology and Neurotology Education Committee
Maura Cosetti, MD, Chair, 2021-2024
- Published the fourth section of FLEX (Year 3) on “External Ear Canal Pathology” that launched January 2023
- Served as Item Writers for OTO Quest—Knowledge Assessment Tool: Set 2023
- Published article in the March Bulletin, “Pearls from Your Peers: Vestibular Migraine”
- Published article in the September Bulletin: “From the Education Committees: New Options for Education and Training”
- Sponsored/cosponsored Panel Presentations at the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience.
Pediatric Otolaryngology Education Committee
Meredith Merz Lind, MD, Chair, 2019-2023
Kara Meister, MD, Chair-elect, 2023-2027
- Published the fifth section of FLEX (Year 3) on “Congenital Stridor” that launched February 2023
- Served as Item Writers for OTO Quest - Knowledge Assessment Tool: Set 2023
- Published article in the February Bulletin, “From the Education Committees: Breastfeeding and Ankyloglossia.”
- Published article in the July Bulletin, “Pearls from Your Peers: Multidisciplinary Management of Pediatric Thyroid Disease.”
- Sponsored/cosponsored Panel Presentations at the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience.
Practice Management Education Committee
Betty Tsai Do, MD, Chair, 2023-2027
- Published the sixth section of FLEX (Year 3) on “Optimizing the Care Experience for Patients and Physicians” that launched March 2023.
- Served as Item Writers for OTO Quest - Knowledge Assessment Tool: Set 2023.
- Published article in the May Bulletin, “From the Education Committees: Hearing Health for the Aging Population.”
Rhinology and Allergy Education Committee
Zara M. Patel, MD, Chair, 2021-2024
- Published the first section of FLEX (Year 4) on “Olfactory Disorders” that launched September 2023
- Served as Item Writers for OTO Quest - Knowledge Assessment Tool: Set 2023
- Published article in the September Bulletin, “From the Education Committees: Artificial Intelligence in Rhinology, Otolaryngology, and Beyond”
- Published article in the June Bulletin, “Pearls from Your Peers: Odontogenic Sinusitis”
- Sponsored/cosponsored two Panel Presentations at the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience.
Simulation Education Committee
Katherine Kavanagh, MD, Chair 2023-2027
- Published article in the March Bulletin, “Gamification and Serious Gaming in Otolaryngology Education.”
- Published article in the August Bulletin, “Pearls from Your Peers: SIM Tank.”
- Sponsored/cosponsored Panel and Simulation Presentations at the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience.
- Held a sold-out “Worst-Case Scenarios: Managing OTO Emergencies in Practice Workshop” at the Center for Experiential Learning and Assessment at Vanderbilt University—School of Medicine (Nashville, Tennessee).
- Hosted the seventh annual SIM Tank event at the 2023 Annual Meeting where finalists presented their simulation projects to a panel of expert judges and a live audience:
- First Place: Laura-Elisabeth Gosselin, MD, Université Laval, Quebec, Canada for the “Development and Validation of a Novel Human Fixed Cadaveric Model Reproducing Cerebrospinal Fluid Circulation for Training in Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery”
- Second Place: Mackenzie Latour, MD, LSU Health Shreveport for “Virtually Augmented Surgical Navigation in FESS Simulation Training: A Prospective Trial of Repeated Measures
- Third Place: Avi Shaw, DO, Mercy Bon Secours for “A Smart Cochlear 3D-Printed Model with Custom Software to Train Otolaryngologists
History and Archives Committee
Anais Rameau, MD, Chair, 2021– 2023
Held another successful resident abstract competition, and participants included:
- James Alrassi, MD – The Pedagogical Legacy of Dr. Chevalier Jackson: an Archival Visit to the John Q. Adams History Center at the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery
- Paul Cowan, MD – Olfaction: Historical Perspectives and Modern Applications
- Rohit Nallani, MD – Dr. Jacquelyne Holdcraft: A Historical Review of Clinical and Ethical Excellence in Action
Held another well-attended History and Archives Committee evening event during the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience in Nashville, Tennessee, at Vanderbilt Medical Center, with a presentation by Dr. Bob Ossoff on the history of the Vanderbilt University Voice Center.
Humanitarian Efforts Committee
Bruce Campbell, MD, Chair, 2021-2022
Greg Basura, MD, Chair, 2022-2024
- In 2023 the Humanitarian Efforts Committee revamped their existing workgroup structure and created two new workgroups. Listed below are 2023 workgroup highlights:
- Scholarly Output Workgroup: Group is responsible for ensuring relevant and timely humanitarian efforts-themed symposia abstracts are submitted for consideration as part of the AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting Call for Science. Group brainstorms topics, drafts submissions, and recruits speakers.
- Highlights: 10 Humanitarian-themed sessions were included on the 2023 Annual Meeting Program. There was enough content to warrant a Humanitarian sort option under “special focus” in the online program and meeting app.
- Humanitarian Travel Grant and Awards Workgroup: Group is responsible for promoting the Humanitarian Travel Grant program, reviewing applications, and selecting awardees.
- Highlights: In 2023, the group awarded 21 Humanitarian Travel Grants, which helped fund resident-members’ humanitarian outreach trips to 14 low-resourced countries.
- New for 2023: Communications Workgroup is responsible for leading communications initiatives to engage physicians looking to learn more about Humanitarian Efforts opportunities. They share best practices, resources, program information, etc.
- Highlights: Group launched “Stories from the Road,” a monthly article series in the Bulletin that showcases humanitarian programs worldwide, and information on how to get involved.
- New for 2023: Education Efforts Workgroup focuses on humanitarian education initiatives/best practices as sustainable solutions to help medical professionals in lower resourced countries. They work to highlight successful existing programs and protocols, and explore regional/local needs assessments.
- Highlights: Conducted eight video interviews with physicians from lower resourced countries to be used as a resource to help members, or anyone interested in humanitarian outreach work, gain a better understanding of what it is like to practice medicine in a low resourced setting, and country specific needs assessments.
Outcomes Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Committee
Michael J. Brenner, MD, Chair, 2020-2024
- Received the Committee of Excellence Award
- Authored numerous articles in various publications, including 2023 issues of the Bulletin focused on the curation of innovative clinical practices, covering a wide range of topics such as:
- January 2023: Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Creating Psychological Safety in Otolaryngology | Practical Steps to Promote Teamwork and Safe, High-Quality Care |). VyVy N. Young, MD, Michael J. Brenner, MD, Jo Shapiro, MD, Cecelia E. Schmalbach, MD, MSc, and Nausheen Jamal, MD
- May 2023: Building a More Diverse Workforce. Nneoma Wamkpah, MD, MSCI, Tulio Valdez, MD, MSc, Allison K. Ikeda, MD, MS, and Michael J. Brenner, MD
- August 2023: Best Practices for Surgical Site Preparation of Skin and Mucosa. Nathan Sim and Hanna Lee, medical students at Wayne State University School of Medicine, and John D. Cramer, MD
- September 2023: In-Office Therapies for Nasal Obstruction and Rhinorrhea: What Is the Evidence? Victoria S. Lee, MD, Jacquelyn K. Callander, MD, and Elisabeth H. Ference, MD, and Michael J. Brenner, MD
- Presented on eight State of the Art and Systematic Reviews at the 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience
Pan American Committee
Esther Vivas, MD, Chair, 2021– 2022
Oswaldo Henriquez, MD, Chair, 2023-2025
- Goal to add more scholarships available to medical students
- Exploring options for providing a FLEX program in Spanish
- Offering Virtual Rounds for Medical Students and Residents
- Medical Spanish Course for Physicians, Students in Cultural Health Care (Basic Medical Terminology)
Board of Governors (BOG) Governance & Society Engagement (GOSE) Committee
Margo McKenna Benoit, MD, Chair, 2022-2023
Soha N. Ghossaini, MD, Chair, 2023-2024
- Organized and hosted regional meet and greets with a GOSE committee representative, BOG regional representatives, and the leadership of the state societies in the region.
- Worked with BOG Member-at-Large Eileen Raynor, MD, and the Executive Committee to revise the regional representative job description and expectations. This was voted to be incorporated into the bylaws at the Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee.
- Hosted a live webinar on the Otolaryngology Workforce Survey featuring A.J. Tompkins, MD. This was part of a series of live webinars and panels surrounding the BOG Spring Meeting.
- Planning distribution of a survey to BOG members about the role of advanced practice providers in their practices, in conjunction with the Society of Physician Assistants in Otorhinolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery and the Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Nurses.
BOG Legislative Affairs Committee
Yolanda L. Troublefield, MD, JD, Chair, 2022-2023
Anne K. Maxwell, MD, Chair, 2023-2024
- Worked to reduce barriers to participate in advocacy and to further integrate the broader Academy membership into advocacy initiatives.
- Supported the Academy’s efforts to oppose legislation in the U.S. Senate that would inappropriately expand scope of practice for audiologists and put patients at risk by undermining physician-led team care. Thanks to committee members sharing the call to action—over 600 members contacted their respective Senators to oppose the legislation and protect patients.
BOG Socioeconomic and Grassroots Committee
Andrew M. Coughlin, MD, Chair, 2019-2023
John W. Werning, MD, Chair, 2023-2024
- Collaborated with the Workforce Survey Task Force to develop content for the second annual survey.
- Redefined the goal of the committee to become the sounding board for the AAO-HNS and connecting the Academy to otolaryngologists throughout the country.
- Developed a plan for highlighting what resources the Academy has available and who at the Academy can help otolaryngologists achieve their goals.
WIO Communications Committee
Reena Dhanda Patil, MD, Chair, 2019-2023
Cynthia Wang, MD, Chair, 2023-2025
- Hosted a webinar on the topic of Optimizing Physical Health and Navigating the Fertility World as a Young Physician in a Demanding Job
- The podcast, Mid-Career Female Otolaryngologists: Past Perspectives and Future Challenges, was recorded at the 2023 Annual Meeting and published in December.
WIO Endowment Committee
Kelly Michele Malloy, MD, Chair, 2020-2026
- In celebration of Women in Otolaryngology (WIO) Day and Women’s History Month in March, the committee challenged institutions and private practice groups to donate to the endowment. Over $28,000 was raised by 51 contributors! Nine grants were awarded for projects that significantly contribute to further explore and advance the success of women in otolaryngology.
WIO Leadership Development and Mentorship Committee
Yelizaveta Shnayder, MD, Chair, 2021-2023
Nausheen Jamal, MD, Chair, 2023-2025
- Cohosted the third annual WIO virtual speed networking event with Research and Survey Committee.
- Continued successful small-group virtual networking events, held monthly or quarterly.
- Hosted Virtual Book Club for all WIO members in January 2023 with Elizabeth Lesser, author of Cassandra Speaks: When Women are the Storytellers, the Human Story Changes.
WIO Program and Awards Committee
Ilaaf Darrat, MD, MBA, Chair, 2021-2025
- Coordinated WIO General Assembly programming and keynote speaker, Laura Veltz, whose message, If The Bones Are Good: parallels for women professionals from the perspective of a commercial songwriter, highlighting her career as a four-time Grammy nominee including last year’s inaugural Grammy Songwriter of the Year, the 2022 Billboard Songwriter of the Year, and winner of both the CMA and ACM Song of the Year, as well as BMI Pop Song of the Year for “The Bones.” She was the first woman songwriter to top the Billboard Country Songwriters chart. A record-setting 750 participants attended.
- Sponsored five Annual Meeting Panel Presentations:
- Psychological Safety for Surgeons: Building Trust, Teamwork, and Well-Being
- Leadership Lessons: Strategies for Success
- Navigating Pregnancy and Parenthood During Otolaryngology Training and Beyond
- Put Me in Coach: Importance of Mentorship, Coaching & Sponsorship
- Implications of the FTC’s Proposal to Ban the Non-compete Clause
WIO Research and Survey Committee
Deepa J. Galaiya, MD, Chair, 2019-2023
Katie M. Phillips, MD, Chair, 2023-2025
- Cohosted the third annual WIO virtual speed networking with Leadership Development and Mentorship Committee.
- Researched and presented data on the percentage of women serving on each of the AAO-HNS/F committees.
- Presented data on the results of a checklist of diversity of panelists when submitting panel presentation proposals to the Call for Science.
International Steering Committee
Mark E. Zafereo, Jr., MD, Coordinator for International Affairs 2021-2025
- In conjunction with the International Advisory Board, the AAO-HNSF hosted five successful webinars as part of the 2023 Global Grand Rounds Webinar Series.
- The five webinars drew a combined registration of over 7,500 physicians from 126 countries. Topics included:
- Topic One: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: Technique and Strategy to Optimize Patient Care—Co-sponsored by the Pan-American Association of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
- Topic Two: 2023 International Young Physicians Forum: New Frontiers in Pediatric Airway—Co-sponsored by YPS & SFR
- Topic Three: Cutting Edge Therapies and Advances in Laryngology—Co-sponsored by the Brazilian Association of Otorhinolaryngology
- Topic Four: Contemporary Management of Salivary Gland Disorders—Co-sponsored by the Asian Society of Head and Neck Oncology
- Topic 5: Global Perspective on Endoscopic Ear Surgery—Co-sponsored by Confederation of European Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Access webinar recordings at www.entnet.org/ggr
- Collaborated on 16 international Joint Meetings with our International Corresponding Society (ICS) partners in 2023.
- Launched the Eugene N. Myers, MD Global Education Fund to assist otolaryngologists practicing in low-income countries with limited access to professional development resources. More than $65,000 has been raised to support the fund (as of December 4, 2023).