New Academy Position Statement: Button and Coin Battery Technology
Academy releases new Position Statement recognizing the dangers of button and coin cell batteries to children.
Following initial drafting and editing by the Pediatric Otolaryngology and the Airway and Swallowing Committees, as well as a thorough review by the Physician Payment Policy (3P) Workgroup, the AAO-HNS Executive Committee approved a new Academy Position Statement on October 4. As outlined in the new statement, the AAO-HNS recognizes that button or coin cell batteries can cause life-threatening tissue injuries of the esophagus, trachea, or major vasculature, and strongly encourages all battery manufacturers to act immediately to bring a safe button or coin cell battery to the consumer marketplace.
Read the full Position Statement.
Patient Resources:
Kids ENT Health: Awareness of the dangers of button battery ingestion in children