Advance Your Skills: In-Depth Workshops Led by Top Medical Minds
Start strong in Philly by making time to attend an in-depth workshop led by top medical minds. Space is limited, so reserve your seat by registering early!
Sialendoscopy Hands-On Course
Saturday, September 10
Thomas Jefferson University
This one-day course addresses current advances in minimally invasive salivary gland surgery. The morning features didactic lectures by leaders in this cutting-edge field. Topics to be discussed include: the history of salivary endoscopy, imaging and ultrasound, instrumentation, the papilla and options for access, traditional parotid techniques for stones and stenosis, traditional submandibular techniques for stones and stenosis, inflammatory sialadenitis in relation to JRO, RAI and Sjögren’s syndrome, treatment of large stones (hybrid and lithotripsy techniques), and complications.
ACS Ultrasound Course: Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Neck Ultrasound Skills-Oriented Course
Saturday, September 10
Philadelphia Convention Center
This highly rated course will introduce the practicing surgeon to office-based ultrasound examination of the thyroid, parathyroid, and neck for commonly encountered diseases. The distinction of normal from malignant lymphadenopathy is emphasized with a demonstration of the comprehensive examination of lymph node basins in cervical levels I-VI. The technique of ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) of thyroid nodules and lymph nodes are addressed in didactic lecture format. In addition, hands-on skill sessions allow the surgeon to develop techniques to perform diagnostic neck ultrasound. The use of standardized patients allows supervised hands-on experience with transverse and longitudinal ultrasound methods. The techniques of FNA of lesions are performed using phantom models. Attendees are instructed in the practical detail and hurdles in developing office-based ultrasound. Pre-requisite: Registrants must have completed “The Ultrasound for Surgeons: A Basic Course, Third Edition” online course.