Don’t Forget Your Annual Meeting CME on OTO Logic!
Continue learning with recordings from the 2022 Annual Meeting.
Daniel C. Chelius, Jr., MD, Annual Meeting Program Coordinator
Daniel C. Chelius, Jr., MD Annual Meeting Program CoordinatorIn Texas, March and April mark the return of the bluebonnets, our state flower. On a sunny day, you can see Texan families hustling their children into rural fields and roadside ditches to take our annual bluebonnet photos, ideally dodging snakes, fire ants, and mosquitoes in the process. It's one of my favorite memory-making moments of the year as life returns all around us, and for my family, it's how we measure the passage of time.
April also marks the halfway point in our Annual Meeting cycle. The Call for Science is done, although we will have a Late-Breaking Call for Science opening in May, so look for more information on that in the near future. The 65 members of the Annual Meeting Program Committee (AMPC) have completed their reviews and will soon complete the selection of the didactic and scientific presentations for the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience in Nashville, Tennessee. The AAO-HNSF staff and I are working on the jigsaw puzzle schedule of presentations while the Great Debates, Office Hours, and breakfast and lunch sessions are all being crafted. As we finalize the program, we are moving from fall and wintertime vision and strategy among the AMPC members to spring and summertime operations and execution throughout the entire community of presenters. It’s an exciting time!
In just under six months, the Annual Meeting program will introduce another huge addition of education content into our community knowledge base. Now is the perfect time to consider catching up on the conversation and capitalizing on CME opportunities from last year’s Annual Meeting through the Annual Meeting Webcasts on OTO Logic. Almost the entire past three Annual Meeting programs are available for CME credit. For past attendees, the content is already included with your full meeting registration. It is also available to purchase à la carte for those who weren’t able to join us.
When I was a resident, one of my mentors advised me to buy the Annual Meeting recordings so that I could still learn as much as possible from each meeting without missing out on key professional development opportunities and chance reunions in the meeting hallways. With so much going on at the meeting each fall, it was impossible to make it to all the talks I wanted to hear. The Annual Meeting recordings have thankfully come a long way from a box of CDs, and the webcast platform is easy to incorporate into my commutes and workout times. Although I promise myself that I’ll tune in to the webcasts over the course of the next year, I never get to as many as I intend. April is the perfect time to refocus on my personal education plans, schedule time on OTO Logic, earn more CME, and catch up before Nashville.
In honor of this month’s Bulletin focus on voice, airway, and swallowing, I’ve asked some experts from the AMPC to share a few relevant highlights of the 2022 Annual Meeting Webcasts on OTO Logic.
See you in Nashville,
Dan S. Fink, MD Annual Meeting Program Committee MemberVOICE
Dan S. Fink, MD, Annual Meeting Program Committee Member
We were fortunate to have a number of excellent voice lectures during the 2022 Annual Meeting. I found it hard to recommend only two, but in my opinion, these do stand out:
Current Concepts in Vocal Fold Paralysis This course provides an excellent overview of the treatment of vocal paralysis looking into the existing data as well as their shortcomings with expert opinion. It reviews some of the subtleties of diagnosis and offers clear and practical guidelines on when to offer intervention, most notably when to offer framework surgery versus injection augmentation.
Common Causes of Hoarseness That Are Commonly Missed Geared toward general otolaryngologists and trainees, this course discusses voice diagnoses that are not uncommon but may be subtle or challenging. The use of patient videos allows for clear demonstrations of key diagnostic features.
Nikhila P. Raol, MD, MPH Annual Meeting Program Committee MemberSWALLOWING
Nikhila P. Raol, MD, MPH, Annual Meeting Program Committee Member
There have been a lot of really great sessions on swallowing in the past few years. Here are two that I would recommend from the 2022 Annual Meeting:
Clinical Utility of High-Resolution Manometry (HRM): How to Integrate into Your Practice This course is essential for those who are looking to add HRM into their practice or learn more about it. It offers tips on when and how to use HRM as a part of workup, as well as the details for implementation in clinic from a logistics and billing perspective.
Multidisciplinary Management of Pediatric Dysphagia: Solving the Swallow! Utilizing the principle that pediatric dysphagia management should be multidisciplinary in nature, this course offers a holistic view on managing pediatric swallowing dysfunction. An expert panel, including pediatric otolaryngologists, gastroenterologist, and a speech-language pathologist walk us through multiple difficult cases and illustrate how multidisciplinary management can be used to help a child eat by mouth and improve their quality of life.
Elton M. Lambert, MD Annual Meeting Program Committee MemberAIRWAY
Elton M. Lambert, MD, Annual Meeting Program Committee Member
Pediatric open and endoscopic airway can be both challenging and fulfilling. Technology and techniques evolve every day to manage airway anomalies in children. Two long-standing courses, Pediatric Endoscopic Airway Surgery: State of the Art and Pediatric Open Airway Surgery State of the Art, offered at the 2022 Annual Meeting provide valuable information in the recognition and management of airway problems at any level. Fortunately, these courses are available on the OTO Logic site as part of the suite of learning modalities available through the AAO-HSNF, so learners can access content from experts in airway surgery.
Available in OTO Logic! Annual Meeting Webcasts
Full conference attendees have unlimited online access to the 300+ recorded education sessions released from the AAO-HNSF 2022 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience. Watch your favorite session again or explore a new topic and obtain CME/MOC for the first time. The webcasts provide convenient online access to the latest advances in the specialty. Couldn't make it to Philadelphia? The sessions are also available to purchase.