In 2013, the AAO-HNSF CPGs represented the Top 10 most downloaded/accessed articles in Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery. Looking beyond our membership, the following table contains the cumulative number of page views for each AAO-HNSF guideline listed on the National Guidelines Clearinghouse (NGC) website from the time the guideline was posted to the NGC through March 2014. Several guidelines have been removed from the NGC because they are older than five years. Those guidelines are either currently being updated or will be updated by the AAO-HNSF and will be re-published in the coming year and resubmitted to the NGC.
In 2013, the AAO-HNSF CPGs represented the Top 10 most downloaded/accessed articles in Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery.
Looking beyond our membership, the following table contains the cumulative number of page views for each AAO-HNSF guideline listed on the National Guidelines Clearinghouse (NGC) website from the time the guideline was posted to the NGC through March 2014. Several guidelines have been removed from the NGC because they are older than five years. Those guidelines are either currently being updated or will be updated by the AAO-HNSF and will be re-published in the coming year and resubmitted to the NGC.