Published: May 22, 2023

Pitch Your Idea at the 2023 ENTrepreneur Faceoff

Industry entrepreneurs present their early, not yet widely commercially available, innovations in the field of otolaryngology at the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience.

Site Graphic En Trepreneur Faceoff 1200x630The ENTrepreneur Faceoff, now in its third year, allows industry entrepreneurs to go head-to-head with their latest innovations with a panel of judges and audience members viewing the top presentations and products within the industry.

If you are involved in digital health, medical devices, diagnostics, or drug innovation, we invite you to submit your ideas, projects, or start-ups for presentation during the ENTrepreneur Faceoff. Teams may be looking for collaborators, advisors, feedback, or funding. The deadline to submit is June 12.

Top teams will be invited to present on Tuesday, October 3, 5:00 – 6:30 pm (CT) at the Annual Meeting.

Aao Hns Phl 2022 T 0 A3459Submission Guidelines

The top teams will be invited to showcase their work at the reception with the top three submissions invited to pitch for an award judged by a panel of industry experts. This will be a nonconfidential meeting. Presenters are reminded not to present or share confidential information without intellectual property protection in any forum, including this public event. The AAO-HNSF does not provide intellectual property protection for this event. Your submission will include the following information:

  • Presenters: Name and affiliations
  • Project title
  • Describe the problem you are attempting to solve. What is your unmet medical need?
  • Describe you proposed solution.
  • Describe what current solutions are available to address this problem. What are their strengths/weaknesses? How do you fill the gap where the treatment options don’t currently meet?
  • What’s the market for your idea?
  • What stage is your concept? (e.g., Idea only, prototype, animal or human studies, FDA approved).
  • Have you already received funding for this project? If so, what is the source and how much have your received?
  • Is your IP protected, and are you comfortable sharing information about this with the audience? The audience will not be signing an NDA.
  • Why would you like to present at this event? (e.g., Looking for feedback, clinical advisors, funding, etc.)
  • Attestation: I attest this concept/product is not currently for sale and will not be for sale prior to January 2023.
  • Submitter name
  • Submitter email address

To learn more about the ENTrepreneur Faceoff and to submit your idea, project, or start-up, please visit  

En Trepreneur Faceoff Collage