Published: June 29, 2022

#OTOMTG22 Simulation Scoop

The AAO-HNSF is continually enhancing the Annual Meeting experience.

The AAO-HNSF is continually enhancing the Annual Meeting experience. New this year is an expanded track of simulation education session and hands-on surgical skills training. With nearly 20 sessions to choose from, topics range from cochlear malformations in your hand, endoscopic surgery of the pediatric airway using 3D simulation models, advanced ultrasonography techniques, and more! When you arrive on-site in Philadelphia, the simulation track will have two rooms dedicated to enhancing surgical education and training over the entire meeting. No additional tickets are required, but seating is limited so make sure to arrive early!

Learn more about #OTOMTG22 simulation offerings at

More from July 2022 - Vol. 41, No. 6