2016 AAO-HNS election results
The AAO-HNS extends its greatest appreciation to the candidates of the 2017 election for their dedication and willingness to serve. The Nominating Committee presented the membership with an outstanding slate of candidates. The AAO-HNS thanks the committee for its meaningful deliberations.
The AAO-HNS extends its greatest appreciation to the candidates of the 2017 election for their dedication and willingness to serve. The Nominating Committee presented the membership with an outstanding slate of candidates. The AAO-HNS thanks the committee for its meaningful deliberations.
Committee Members are: Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD (Chair), Susan R. Cordes, MD, Earl H. Harley, MD, Stacey L. Ishman, MD, MPH, Bradley W. Kesser, MD, Catherine R. Lintzenich, MD, Brian J. McKinnon, MD, MBA, Cherie-Ann O. Nathan, MD, Spencer C. Payne, MD, and Joseph C. Sniezek, MD. Susan D. McCammon, MD, and James C. Denneny III, MD, also contributed as ex-officio members of the committee without vote.
We also extend our greatest appreciation to all the candidates for their willingness to run for office and serve the AAO-HNS and its members. You are all dedicated members, and you are greatly appreciated.
Election results
Albert L. Merati, MD
Kenneth W. Altman, MD, PhD
Director-at-Large (Academic):
Brent A. Senior, MD
Audit Committee:
Terance Tsue, MD
Director-at-Large (Private Practice):
Douglas D. Backous, MD
Nominating Committee (Academic):
Yuri Agrawal, MD, MPH
Troy D. Woodward, MD
Nominating Committee (Private Practice):
Jeffrey J. Kuhn, MD
Angela M. Powell, MD
Approval of two proposed AAO-HNS Bylaws amendments
The proposed amendments to the Bylaws include the approval of the following:
- Revising and adding language to Section 6.07 clarifying the role of the Financial & Investment Subcommittee (FISC) as a Standing Committee and to clearly define term limits on the FISC.
- Elimination of Article X Specialty Society Advisory Council and to sunset the council.