BOG Candidate Statements: Chair-Elect | Spencer C. Payne, MD
What strategies do you recommend to provide value to and engage the non-academic otolaryngologist in the BOG and the Academy in general?
As market forces have seemingly driven practitioner subspecialization, and changes in healthcare delivery have expanded the selections for practice models, ensuring that a focus remains on supporting the non-academic otolaryngologist must remain a core value for the Academy.
I believe a series of specific initiatives designed to understand, educate, and reward this extremely important constituency of our Academy membership is required. This will start with a directed exploration of how the evolution of medicine has differentially affected the diverse groups that comprise the “non-academic,” as no one strategy can apply to all. Targeted discourse and measures designed to improve communication between leadership and key stakeholders will facilitate educational initiatives to better engage the physician. Further, greater strides must be made to provide for an innovative recognition and reward system to honor those who serve the Academy; premium cost of time continues to rise.
How would you promote increased local/national BOG society involvement and promote increased membership in the Academy?
Engagement of BOG member societies remains a continual challenge and mirrors the struggle of these societies to demonstrate value to their own members. This past year, we have worked hard to pool the wisdom of our BOG societies with the inaugural OTO Society Roundtable. This extremely successful meeting highlighted not only the challenges but also best practices to provide the critical knowledge that will be employed in crafting Academy-based resources. Moving forward, we would facilitate society organization, efficiency, and success through the continued refinement of resource toolkits that have been crafted during my tenure as chair of the Governance and Society Engagement Committee. Additionally, through the ensuring of bi-directional exchange of contact information, we will optimize the ability to bring non-overlapping memberships into both organizations. This must include engagement of the Section for Residents and Fellows-in-Training members to facilitate their transition to full Academy membership and introduce them to their future state societies.