ENT PAC Thanks 2010 Donors, Announces Record-Breaking Year
Thanks to the generous contributions of U.S. AAO-HNS members and staff, ENT PAC, the Academy’s political action committee, exceeded its fundraising goal for the 2009/2010 election cycle and set a new fundraising record since the PAC’s inception in 1995.As we continue our efforts to influence the implementation of healthcare reform and fight for improvements for your practices and your patients, it is particularly important that advocacy tools, such as the ENT PAC, are used fully. The strength of ENT PAC, specifically the number of donors and size of our coffers, helps determine the strength of our voice on Capitol Hill. The ENT PAC Board of Advisors recognizes and thanks all U.S. AAO-HNS members and staff who supported ENT PAC in 2010. $1,000 – $5,000 Contribution Mark Baldree, MD Daniel Berner, MD Marcella Bothwell, MD Richard Brauer, MD Leonard Brown, MD Sujana Chandrasekhar, MD C Y Joseph Chang, MD Scott Dempewolf, MD Linda Dindzans, MD Lee Eisenberg, MD MPH Robert Finch, MD Paul Gaudet, MD Samuel Girgis, MD Cameron Godfrey, MD James Gould, MD Paul Imber, DO Ronald Kirkland, MD Mark Klingensmith, MD Alice Kuntz, MD Ronald Kuppersmith, MD MBA Dennis Lee, MD MPH Steven Levine, MD Philip Liu, MD J Scott Magnuson, MD Kathleen McDonald, MD William McMillan, MD William Merwin, MD Philip Miller, MD Samantha Mucha, MD Michael Nathan, MD David Nielsen, MD, Staff Daniel Ortiz, DO Simon Parisier, MD George Parras, MD Robert Puchalski, MD Richard Rosenfeld, MD MPH Peter Selz, MD Gavin Setzen, MD Frank Shagets, MD Diane Shirley-Davis, MD J Pablo Stolovitzky, MD John Taylor, MD Wesley Vander Ark, MD Jan Youssef, MD Todd Zachs, MD $500 – $999 Contribution Michael Alexiou, MD David Beal, MD Leslie Berghash, MD Jeffrey Brown, MD William Bruce, MD Frank Burton, MD Henry Butehorn, MD Richard Caldwell, MD Giulio Cavalli, MD Stephen Chadwick, MD Douglas Chen, MD James Cinberg, MD Lawrence Clarke, MD Ryan Cmejrek, MD Richard Collie, DO Mark Connelly, MD Susan Cordes, MD Agnes Czibulka, MD Michael De Vito, MD Richard DeMaio, MD Eduardo Diaz, MD Elizabeth Dinces, MD Robert Dolan, MD John Donovan, MD B Kelly Ence, MD Christopher Eriksen, MD Patrick Farrell, MD G Glen Fincher, MD Newton Fischer, MD Sidney Fishman, MD Lisa Galati, MD Enrique Garcia, MD Terry Garfinkle, MD MBA James Geraghty, MD Jeffrey Ginsburg, MD Frederick Godley, MD Jay Goland, MD Ravi Gorav, MD MS Nancy Griner, MD Steven Horwitz, MD John Houck, MD P David Hunter, MD Stacey Ishman, MD Chandra Ivey, MD Barry Jacobs, MD Madan Kandula, MD Kanhaiyalal Kantu, MD Matthew Kates, MD Lawrence Kaufman, MD Umang Khetarpal, MD Helen Kim, MD Timothy Knudsen, MD Frank Koranda, MD Greg Krempl, MD John Krouse, MD PhD Siobhan Kuhar, MD PhD Jeffery Kuhn, MD Denis Lafreniere, MD Amy Lazar, MD David Litman, MD Thomas Logan, MD Joel Lubritz, MD Sonya Malekzadeh, MD Marc Maslov, MD Phillip Massengill, MD Douglas Mattox, MD Scott McNamara, MD Jason Mouzakes, MD Thomas Nabity, MD V Rama Nathan, MD Laxmeesh Nayak, MD Dominick Paonessa, MD Ira Papel, MD William Parell, MD Thomas Paulson, MD Todd Proctor, MD Liana Puscas, MD Andrew Reid, MD Patrick Reidy, MD Sara Scheid, MD Jerry Schreibstein, MD Michael Seidman, MD Bruce Selden, MD Adam Shapiro, MD Paul Shea, MD Jack Shohet, MD Lawrence Simon, MD Abraham Sinnreich, MD William Slattery, MD Jonathan Smith, MD Keith Soderberg, MD Neil Sperling, MD Joseph Spiegel, MD Michael Stewart, MD MPH Robert Strominger, MD Chester Strunk, MD Brian Szwarc, MD Charles Tesar, MD Wyatt To, MD Joy Trimmer, Staff William Turner, MD Keith Ulnick, DO Ira Uretzky, MD Michael Vidas, MD Richard Waguespack, MD W Juan Watkins, MD Michael Widick, MD Donald Wilson, MD Terrance Wood, MD Ken Yanagisawa, MD $250 – $499 Contribution Peter Abramson, MD Jeffrey Adams, MD Robert Adham, MD Ravi Agarwal, MD Sudhir Agarwal, MD Michael Agostino, MD J Noble Anderson, MD Sanford Archer, MD Jeffrey Aroesty, MD Jose Arsuaga, MD Seilesh Babu, MD Larry Bailey, MD Christopher Baranano, MD Jeffrey Barber, MD James Bartels, MD Robert Baumgartner, MD Robert Bechard, MD Carlos Benavides, MD Thomas Benda, MD David Bennhoff, MD Shelley Berson, MD David Bianchi, MD James Blotter, MD William Bond, MD K Paul Boyev, MD James Brawner, MD John Brockenbrough, MD James Brooks, MD Karla Brown, MD Steven Buck, MD Michael Byrd, MD Gregory Carnevale, MD Mark Carney, MD Kevin Cavanaugh, MD Scott Chaiet, MD Ajay Chitkara, MD Richard Chole, MD PhD Clifford Chu, MD Alen Cohen, MD Noel Cohen, MD Kent Cox, MD Donald Crawley, MD David Cross, MD Michael Cunningham, MD Subinoy Das, MD C. Phillip Daspit, MD Junior De Freitas, MD Nathan Deckard, MD John DelGaudio, MD Edward Dickerson, MD Jayme Dowdall, MD Lloyd Dropkin, MD Melinda Duncan, DO David Edelstein, MD Wayne Eisman, MD Moshe Ephrat, MD Paul Fass, MD Theodore Fetter, MD Frederick Fiber, MD David Foyt, MD Ramon Franco, MD Peter Friedensohn, MD Stephen Froman, MD Michael Fucci, MD Philip Garcia, MD Scott Gayner, MD Jonathan George, MD David Gitler, MD Jacquelyn Going, MD Steven Gold, MD Howard Goldberg, MD Mark Goldstein, MD Suman Golla, MD Mark Gutowski, MD Yoav Hahn, MD Paul Hammerschlag, MD Ronald Hanson, MD Tom Harlow, CAE, Staff Joseph Hart, MD MS Michael Haupert, DO Heidi Heras, MD Karen Hermansen, MD Neil Hockstein, MD Drew Horlbeck, MD John House, MD Robert Hughes, MD Joseph Hutchison, MD Thomas Irwin, MD Jon Isaacson, MD Alexis Jackman, MD Ofer Jacobowitz, MD PhD Andrew Jacono, MD Geun Jahng, MD Bruce Johnson, MD Calvin Johnson, MD Jonas Johnson, MD James Jones, MD Kenneth Kaplan, MD David Kennedy, MD Sungjoo Kim, MD John Kirchner, MD Steven Kmucha, MD JD Liesl Knottingham, MD Brett Koder, MD Jeffrey Koempel, MD MBA Helen Krause, MD Bryan Krol, MD John Kveton, MD Estella Laguna, Staff Christopher Larsen, MD Miguel Lasalle, MD Pierre Lavertu, MD Joel Lehrer, MD Joseph Leonard, MD Donald Leopold, MD Douglas Liepert, MD Fred Lindsay, DO Ray Lousteau, MD Rick Love, MD Jay Luft, MD Rodney Lusk, MD Robert MacDonald, MD Barry Maisel, MD James Manning, MD Megan Marcinko, Staff Andrew Marlowe, MD Felipe Martinez, MD James Masdon, MD Clement McDonald, MD Peter McKernan, MD Robert McLean, MD PhD Michael Menachof, MD Michael Mendelsohn, MD Ralph Metson, MD Todd Miller, MD Brian Mitchell, MD Foy Mitchell, MD Richard Miyamoto, MD MS David Moore, MD J Cary Moorhead, MD Philip Morgan, MD Warren Morgan, MD Craig Murakami, MD Kent Murphy, MD Ednan Mushtaq, MD Paul Neis, MD Courtney Noell, MD John Nurre, MD Rick Odland, MD PhD J David Osguthorpe, MD R Glen Owen, MD Rajiv Pandit, MD Kourosh Parham, MD PhD Steven Parnes, MD Michael Patete, MD Spencer Payne, MD George Pazos, MD Philip Perlman, MD Kim Pershall, MD Jennifer Ann Pesola, DO Guy Petruzzelli, MD MBA PhD Scott Phillips, MD Michael Platt, MD David Poetker, MD MA Christopher Poje, MD Saurin Popat, MD Juan Portela, MD William Portnoy, MD Robert Prehn, MD David Randall, MD Frederick Rayne, MD John Resser, MD James Restrepo, MD Bryan Richards, MD Justin Roberts, DO Grayson Rodgers, MD David Rosi, DO Greg Rowin, DO Mark Rubinstein, MD Jose Sanchez-Mendiola, MD Michael Scherl, MD Scott Schoem, MD Matthew Schwarz, MD John Scott, MD Samuel Selesnick, MD Merritt Seshul, MD Michael Setzen, MD William Sheppard, MD Mark Sheridan, MD Paul Sherrerd, MD Michael Shohet, MD Gary Snyder, MD Derek Soohoo, MD Robert Stachler, MD James Stankiewicz, MD C Richard Stasney, MD Jamie Stern, MD Wendy Stern, MD Rebecca Stone, MD Jason Surow, MD Thomas Takoudes, MD Oscar Tamez, MD Karen Tan, MD Cynthia Tarver, MD J Regan Thomas, MD Willard Thompson, MD Richard Tibbals, MD A D Toland, DO Roger Traxel, MD Theodore Truitt, MD Debara Tucci, MD John Ulrich, DO J Nicholas Vandemoer, MD Steven Vetter, MD P Ashley Wackym, MD E Earl Walker, MD Hayes Wanamaker, MD Pell Ann Wardrop, MD Mark Weigel, MD Jeffrey Weingarten, MD Michael Weiss, MD Samuel Welch, MD PhD Phillip Wells, MD Josh Werber, MD John Werning, MD DMD Steve West, MD Ralph Wetmore, MD Christopher White, DO Richard Wiet, MD Neil Williams, MD Raymond Winicki, MD David Witsell, MD MHS Arthur Wood, MD Mark Yanta, MD Kathleen Yaremchuk, MD Mario Yco, MD Mathew Yetter, MD Glen Yoshida, MD John Zappia, MD Lauren Zaretsky, MD Warren Zelman, MD Jan Zemplenyi, MD Kevin Ziffra, MD Lee Zimmer, MD PhD $1 – $249 Contribution David Abraham, MD Allan Abramson, MD Karen Ahlstrom, MD Mohammad Akbar, MD Keith Alexander, MD Nathan Alexander, MD Eugene Alford, MD Jeremiah Alt, MD Kurt Anderson, MD Lauren Anderson, MD David Armstrong, MD Gregory Ator, MD Andrew Azer, MD Christopher Bald, MD Vishal Banthia, MD John Barlow, MD Jeffrey Beall, MD Charles Beatty, MD Russell Beckhardt, MD Mark Bell, MD Paul Bell, MD Karen Bellapianta, MD Michael Benninger, MD James Benson, MD Simon Best, MD Janice Birney, MD Elizabeth Blair, MD Joel Blumin, MD William Blythe, MD Robert Bonham, MD Alexis Bouteneff, MD Derald Brackmann, MD Lawrence Braud, MD Maury Bray, MD Jean Brereton, Staff Megan Bronson, Staff James Bryant, MD Roman Bukachevsky, MD Lawrence Burgess, MD Emily Burke, MD Michael Burnett, MD Scott Busch, DO James Bush, MD Arkadiush Byskosh, MD Joseph Califano, MD Joseph Campanelli, MD Rodney Caniglia, MD Norman Cantor, MD Daniel Carothers, MD Michael Carter, MD John Cevera, MD Fayez Chahfe, MD Parker Chamberlin, MD MBA Socorro Chamblee, MD Christopher Chang, MD Louis Chanin, DO Daniel Chelius, MD Theodore Chen, MD Bradford Chevrin, MD Stanley Chia, MD Dev Chitkara, MD Baishakhi Choudhury, MD William Clark, MD Mark Clemons, MD Burton Cohen, MD Donald Cote, MD Dale Cox, MD Devin Cunning, MD Cormac DePan, MD Craig Derkay, MD Devang Desai, MD Brian Dodds, MD Jeffrey Driben, MD Norman Druck, MD Carl Drucker, MD Stephen C Duffy E Scott Elledge, MD Niklaus Eriksen, MD Carl B Ermshar, MD Alexander Farag, MD Dennis Feider, MD Berrylin Ferguson, MD Richard Ferraro, MD Roy Fleniken, MD Randy Folker, MD Paul Fortgang, MD D Scott Fortune, MD Paul Frake, MD Michael Fritsch, MD Beverly Fulcher, MD Shane Gailushas, MD Daniel Ganc, MD Martin Garcia, MD William Gartner, MD Gavin Gassen, MD Michael Gatto, MD Clarence Gehris, MD Mark Gerber, MD Paul Gittelman, MD Lindsay Golden, MD Elliot Goldofsky, MD Michael Goldrich, MD Rebecca Golgert, MD Mariano Gonzalez-Diez, MD Joseph Goodman, MD Gary Goodnight, DO Michael A Gordon, MD Gregg Govett, MD Samuel Gubbels, MD Lowell Gurey, MD Joseph Haas, MD Howard Hammer, DO Avraham Hampel, MD Steven Handler, MD Brenda Hargett, Staff Charles Harkins, MD John Harris, MD Michael Harris, MD Philip Harris, MD Scott Harrison, MD Anna Kristina Hart, MD Robert Hazen, MD Graves Hearnsberger, MD Webb Hersperger, MD Arlis Hibbard, MD Peter Hillsamer, MD David Hilton, MD Barry Hirsch, MD James Holt, MD Susan Holzer, CAE, Staff Rebecca Howell, MD Kenneth Hughes, MD Charles Hurbis, MD Charles Hutchins, MD Zaven Jabourian, MD David Jakubowicz, MD Scharukh Jalisi, MD Bennie Jarvis, MD Pardis Javadi, MD Michael Kaplan, MD Lawrence Katin, MD Karim Katrib, MD Nader Kayal, MD James Kelly, MD Katherine Kendall, MD Richard Kersch, MD Joshua Kessler, MD Philip Scott Key, MD Sultan Khan, MD Raymond Komray, MD Charles Koopmann, MD MHSA Michael Kortbus, MD Stephen Kramer, MD Brian Kulbersh, MD Timothy Kuo, MD Donald Lanza, MD MS Derek Lee, MD Harrison Lin, MD Jeffrey Liu, MD Lee Loftin, MD Seth Lowell, MD PhD Frank Lucente, MD Adam Luginbuhl, MD Amber Luong, MD PhD Steven Lyon, MD James Magnussen, MD Eileen Mahoney, MD Creed Mamikunian, MD David Mandell, MD Alexander Mandych, MD Vartan Mardirossian, MD Susan Marenda-King, MD Herbert Marks, MD Frank Marlowe, MD Ralph Marrero, MD Wm Stephen Martin, MD Christopher Mawn, MD Mark McClinton, MD Michael Mccormick, MD Edith McFadden, MD MA Jeanne McIntyre, CAE, Staff Megan McLellan Abbott, MD Nancy Mellin, MD David Melon, MD Valentin Mersol, MD Aaron Moberly, MD Ali Moghtader, MD Edwin Monsell, MD PhD William Morgan, MD Garrison Morin, MD MBA Michael Morris, MD Brett Moses, MD Homan Mostafavi, DO James Murdocco, MD Brandon Musgrave, MD Douglas Nadel, MD Jeffrey Nau, MD James Netterville, MD Grace Nimmons, MD James Oddie, MD Joseph Olekszyk, DO John O’Neill, MD Michael Orsini, MD Alissa Parady, Staff Sanjay Parikh, MD Norman Pastorek, MD Nilesh Patel, MD Ilya Perepelitsyn, MD Nora Perkins, MD Lisa Perry-Gilkes, MD Stanley Peters, MD Linnea Peterson, MD Anna Petropoulos Weissleder, MD Joseph Petrusek, MD Thomas Pfennig, DO Timothy Pingree, MD Geoffery Pitzer, MD Daniel Plosky, MD Adam Prawzinsky, MD Eric Purdom, DO Mary Kendall Rago, MD Christopher Rassekh, MD Michael Reilly, MD Reginald Rice, MD Jason Roberts, MD Neal Rogers, MD Louis Rondinella, MD Allan Rosenbaum, MD Eben Rosenthal, MD Mark Royer, MD Emily Rudnick Boss, MD Justin Rufener, MD Konstantin Salkinder, MD Robert Sataloff, MD DMA Megan Schagrin, CAE, Staff Gordon Schaye, MD Stuart Scherr, MD Peter Schilt, MD Christopher Schmidt, MD Richard Schmidt, MD Richard Schultz, MD Kristine Schulz, Staff Kenneth Scott, MD Merry Sebelik, MD Curtis Seitz, MD Armen Serebrakian, MD Majid Shafiei, MD Eve Shank, MD Nima Shemirani, MD Steven Shimotakahara, MD Abraham Shulman, MD William Silver, MD Leslie Silverstein, MD John Simmons, MD Michael Simmons, MD Jesse Smith, MD Lee Smith, MD Robert Somerville, MD Aaron Spingarn, MD Frederick Sporck, MD Monroe Sprague, MD Samuel Sprehe, MD Michael Srodes, MD Alden Stock, MD Harry Stone, MD George Stoneman, MD Mariel Stroschein, MD Monica Tadros, MD Rafael Tarnopolsky, MD Duane Taylor, MD Kiran Tipirneni, MD Wilfredo Tiu, MD Lenhanh Tran, MD Atul Vaidya, MD Emilio Valdes, MD Jeanne Vedder, MD Ronald Vidal, MD Valerie Vitale, MD David Walner, MD Marilene Wang, MD Debra Weinberger, MD Adam Weisstuch, MD Liane Westerman, MA David White, MD John White, MD Brian Wiatrak, MD Glenn Williams, MD Norman Woldorf, MD John Wood, MD Murray Woolf, MD Zhenqing Wu, MD Rhoda Wynn, MD Eiji Yanagisawa, MD C Alan Yates, MD Anthony Yonkers, MD Estelle Yoo, MD Jay Youngerman, MD K John Yun, MD Philip Zapanta, MD Michael Zoller, MD Seth Zwillenberg, MD Contributions to ENT PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary, and all members of the American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. Federal law prohibits ENT PAC from accepting contributions from foreign nationals. By law, if your contributions are made using a personal check or credit card, ENT PAC may use your contribution only to support candidates in federal elections. All corporate contributions to ENT PAC will be used for educational and administrative fees of ENT PAC, and other activities permissible under federal law. Federal law requires ENT PAC to use its best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and the name of the employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. ENT PAC is a program of the AAO-HNS, which is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Thanks to the generous contributions of U.S. AAO-HNS members and staff, ENT PAC, the Academy’s political action committee, exceeded its fundraising goal for the 2009/2010 election cycle and set a new fundraising record since the PAC’s inception in 1995.As we continue our efforts to influence the implementation of healthcare reform and fight for improvements for your practices and your patients, it is particularly important that advocacy tools, such as the ENT PAC, are used fully. The strength of ENT PAC, specifically the number of donors and size of our coffers, helps determine the strength of our voice on Capitol Hill.
The ENT PAC Board of Advisors recognizes and thanks all U.S. AAO-HNS members and staff who supported ENT PAC in 2010.
$1,000 – $5,000 Contribution
Mark Baldree, MD Daniel Berner, MD Marcella Bothwell, MD Richard Brauer, MD Leonard Brown, MD Sujana Chandrasekhar, MD C Y Joseph Chang, MD Scott Dempewolf, MD Linda Dindzans, MD Lee Eisenberg, MD MPH Robert Finch, MD Paul Gaudet, MD Samuel Girgis, MD Cameron Godfrey, MD James Gould, MD Paul Imber, DO |
Ronald Kirkland, MD Mark Klingensmith, MD Alice Kuntz, MD Ronald Kuppersmith, MD MBA Dennis Lee, MD MPH Steven Levine, MD Philip Liu, MD J Scott Magnuson, MD Kathleen McDonald, MD William McMillan, MD William Merwin, MD Philip Miller, MD Samantha Mucha, MD Michael Nathan, MD David Nielsen, MD, Staff Daniel Ortiz, DO |
Simon Parisier, MD George Parras, MD Robert Puchalski, MD Richard Rosenfeld, MD MPH Peter Selz, MD Gavin Setzen, MD Frank Shagets, MD Diane Shirley-Davis, MD J Pablo Stolovitzky, MD John Taylor, MD Wesley Vander Ark, MD Jan Youssef, MD Todd Zachs, MD |
$500 – $999 Contribution
Michael Alexiou, MD David Beal, MD Leslie Berghash, MD Jeffrey Brown, MD William Bruce, MD Frank Burton, MD Henry Butehorn, MD Richard Caldwell, MD Giulio Cavalli, MD Stephen Chadwick, MD Douglas Chen, MD James Cinberg, MD Lawrence Clarke, MD Ryan Cmejrek, MD Richard Collie, DO Mark Connelly, MD Susan Cordes, MD Agnes Czibulka, MD Michael De Vito, MD Richard DeMaio, MD Eduardo Diaz, MD Elizabeth Dinces, MD Robert Dolan, MD John Donovan, MD B Kelly Ence, MD Christopher Eriksen, MD Patrick Farrell, MD G Glen Fincher, MD Newton Fischer, MD Sidney Fishman, MD Lisa Galati, MD Enrique Garcia, MD Terry Garfinkle, MD MBA James Geraghty, MD Jeffrey Ginsburg, MD Frederick Godley, MD Jay Goland, MD |
Ravi Gorav, MD MS Nancy Griner, MD Steven Horwitz, MD John Houck, MD P David Hunter, MD Stacey Ishman, MD Chandra Ivey, MD Barry Jacobs, MD Madan Kandula, MD Kanhaiyalal Kantu, MD Matthew Kates, MD Lawrence Kaufman, MD Umang Khetarpal, MD Helen Kim, MD Timothy Knudsen, MD Frank Koranda, MD Greg Krempl, MD John Krouse, MD PhD Siobhan Kuhar, MD PhD Jeffery Kuhn, MD Denis Lafreniere, MD Amy Lazar, MD David Litman, MD Thomas Logan, MD Joel Lubritz, MD Sonya Malekzadeh, MD Marc Maslov, MD Phillip Massengill, MD Douglas Mattox, MD Scott McNamara, MD Jason Mouzakes, MD Thomas Nabity, MD V Rama Nathan, MD Laxmeesh Nayak, MD Dominick Paonessa, MD Ira Papel, MD William Parell, MD |
Thomas Paulson, MD Todd Proctor, MD Liana Puscas, MD Andrew Reid, MD Patrick Reidy, MD Sara Scheid, MD Jerry Schreibstein, MD Michael Seidman, MD Bruce Selden, MD Adam Shapiro, MD Paul Shea, MD Jack Shohet, MD Lawrence Simon, MD Abraham Sinnreich, MD William Slattery, MD Jonathan Smith, MD Keith Soderberg, MD Neil Sperling, MD Joseph Spiegel, MD Michael Stewart, MD MPH Robert Strominger, MD Chester Strunk, MD Brian Szwarc, MD Charles Tesar, MD Wyatt To, MD Joy Trimmer, Staff William Turner, MD Keith Ulnick, DO Ira Uretzky, MD Michael Vidas, MD Richard Waguespack, MD W Juan Watkins, MD Michael Widick, MD Donald Wilson, MD Terrance Wood, MD Ken Yanagisawa, MD |
$250 – $499 Contribution
Peter Abramson, MD Jeffrey Adams, MD Robert Adham, MD Ravi Agarwal, MD Sudhir Agarwal, MD Michael Agostino, MD J Noble Anderson, MD Sanford Archer, MD Jeffrey Aroesty, MD Jose Arsuaga, MD Seilesh Babu, MD Larry Bailey, MD Christopher Baranano, MD Jeffrey Barber, MD James Bartels, MD Robert Baumgartner, MD Robert Bechard, MD Carlos Benavides, MD Thomas Benda, MD David Bennhoff, MD Shelley Berson, MD David Bianchi, MD James Blotter, MD William Bond, MD K Paul Boyev, MD James Brawner, MD John Brockenbrough, MD James Brooks, MD Karla Brown, MD Steven Buck, MD Michael Byrd, MD Gregory Carnevale, MD Mark Carney, MD Kevin Cavanaugh, MD Scott Chaiet, MD Ajay Chitkara, MD Richard Chole, MD PhD Clifford Chu, MD Alen Cohen, MD Noel Cohen, MD Kent Cox, MD Donald Crawley, MD David Cross, MD Michael Cunningham, MD Subinoy Das, MD C. Phillip Daspit, MD Junior De Freitas, MD Nathan Deckard, MD John DelGaudio, MD Edward Dickerson, MD Jayme Dowdall, MD Lloyd Dropkin, MD Melinda Duncan, DO David Edelstein, MD Wayne Eisman, MD Moshe Ephrat, MD Paul Fass, MD Theodore Fetter, MD Frederick Fiber, MD David Foyt, MD Ramon Franco, MD Peter Friedensohn, MD Stephen Froman, MD Michael Fucci, MD Philip Garcia, MD Scott Gayner, MD Jonathan George, MD David Gitler, MD Jacquelyn Going, MD Steven Gold, MD Howard Goldberg, MD Mark Goldstein, MD Suman Golla, MD Mark Gutowski, MD Yoav Hahn, MD Paul Hammerschlag, MD Ronald Hanson, MD Tom Harlow, CAE, Staff Joseph Hart, MD MS Michael Haupert, DO Heidi Heras, MD Karen Hermansen, MD |
Neil Hockstein, MD Drew Horlbeck, MD John House, MD Robert Hughes, MD Joseph Hutchison, MD Thomas Irwin, MD Jon Isaacson, MD Alexis Jackman, MD Ofer Jacobowitz, MD PhD Andrew Jacono, MD Geun Jahng, MD Bruce Johnson, MD Calvin Johnson, MD Jonas Johnson, MD James Jones, MD Kenneth Kaplan, MD David Kennedy, MD Sungjoo Kim, MD John Kirchner, MD Steven Kmucha, MD JD Liesl Knottingham, MD Brett Koder, MD Jeffrey Koempel, MD MBA Helen Krause, MD Bryan Krol, MD John Kveton, MD Estella Laguna, Staff Christopher Larsen, MD Miguel Lasalle, MD Pierre Lavertu, MD Joel Lehrer, MD Joseph Leonard, MD Donald Leopold, MD Douglas Liepert, MD Fred Lindsay, DO Ray Lousteau, MD Rick Love, MD Jay Luft, MD Rodney Lusk, MD Robert MacDonald, MD Barry Maisel, MD James Manning, MD Megan Marcinko, Staff Andrew Marlowe, MD Felipe Martinez, MD James Masdon, MD Clement McDonald, MD Peter McKernan, MD Robert McLean, MD PhD Michael Menachof, MD Michael Mendelsohn, MD Ralph Metson, MD Todd Miller, MD Brian Mitchell, MD Foy Mitchell, MD Richard Miyamoto, MD MS David Moore, MD J Cary Moorhead, MD Philip Morgan, MD Warren Morgan, MD Craig Murakami, MD Kent Murphy, MD Ednan Mushtaq, MD Paul Neis, MD Courtney Noell, MD John Nurre, MD Rick Odland, MD PhD J David Osguthorpe, MD R Glen Owen, MD Rajiv Pandit, MD Kourosh Parham, MD PhD Steven Parnes, MD Michael Patete, MD Spencer Payne, MD George Pazos, MD Philip Perlman, MD Kim Pershall, MD Jennifer Ann Pesola, DO Guy Petruzzelli, MD MBA PhD Scott Phillips, MD Michael Platt, MD David Poetker, MD MA |
Christopher Poje, MD Saurin Popat, MD Juan Portela, MD William Portnoy, MD Robert Prehn, MD David Randall, MD Frederick Rayne, MD John Resser, MD James Restrepo, MD Bryan Richards, MD Justin Roberts, DO Grayson Rodgers, MD David Rosi, DO Greg Rowin, DO Mark Rubinstein, MD Jose Sanchez-Mendiola, MD Michael Scherl, MD Scott Schoem, MD Matthew Schwarz, MD John Scott, MD Samuel Selesnick, MD Merritt Seshul, MD Michael Setzen, MD William Sheppard, MD Mark Sheridan, MD Paul Sherrerd, MD Michael Shohet, MD Gary Snyder, MD Derek Soohoo, MD Robert Stachler, MD James Stankiewicz, MD C Richard Stasney, MD Jamie Stern, MD Wendy Stern, MD Rebecca Stone, MD Jason Surow, MD Thomas Takoudes, MD Oscar Tamez, MD Karen Tan, MD Cynthia Tarver, MD J Regan Thomas, MD Willard Thompson, MD Richard Tibbals, MD A D Toland, DO Roger Traxel, MD Theodore Truitt, MD Debara Tucci, MD John Ulrich, DO J Nicholas Vandemoer, MD Steven Vetter, MD P Ashley Wackym, MD E Earl Walker, MD Hayes Wanamaker, MD Pell Ann Wardrop, MD Mark Weigel, MD Jeffrey Weingarten, MD Michael Weiss, MD Samuel Welch, MD PhD Phillip Wells, MD Josh Werber, MD John Werning, MD DMD Steve West, MD Ralph Wetmore, MD Christopher White, DO Richard Wiet, MD Neil Williams, MD Raymond Winicki, MD David Witsell, MD MHS Arthur Wood, MD Mark Yanta, MD Kathleen Yaremchuk, MD Mario Yco, MD Mathew Yetter, MD Glen Yoshida, MD John Zappia, MD Lauren Zaretsky, MD Warren Zelman, MD Jan Zemplenyi, MD Kevin Ziffra, MD Lee Zimmer, MD PhD |
$1 – $249 Contribution
David Abraham, MD Allan Abramson, MD Karen Ahlstrom, MD Mohammad Akbar, MD Keith Alexander, MD Nathan Alexander, MD Eugene Alford, MD Jeremiah Alt, MD Kurt Anderson, MD Lauren Anderson, MD David Armstrong, MD Gregory Ator, MD Andrew Azer, MD Christopher Bald, MD Vishal Banthia, MD John Barlow, MD Jeffrey Beall, MD Charles Beatty, MD Russell Beckhardt, MD Mark Bell, MD Paul Bell, MD Karen Bellapianta, MD Michael Benninger, MD James Benson, MD Simon Best, MD Janice Birney, MD Elizabeth Blair, MD Joel Blumin, MD William Blythe, MD Robert Bonham, MD Alexis Bouteneff, MD Derald Brackmann, MD Lawrence Braud, MD Maury Bray, MD Jean Brereton, Staff Megan Bronson, Staff James Bryant, MD Roman Bukachevsky, MD Lawrence Burgess, MD Emily Burke, MD Michael Burnett, MD Scott Busch, DO James Bush, MD Arkadiush Byskosh, MD Joseph Califano, MD Joseph Campanelli, MD Rodney Caniglia, MD Norman Cantor, MD Daniel Carothers, MD Michael Carter, MD John Cevera, MD Fayez Chahfe, MD Parker Chamberlin, MD MBA Socorro Chamblee, MD Christopher Chang, MD Louis Chanin, DO Daniel Chelius, MD Theodore Chen, MD Bradford Chevrin, MD Stanley Chia, MD Dev Chitkara, MD Baishakhi Choudhury, MD William Clark, MD Mark Clemons, MD Burton Cohen, MD Donald Cote, MD Dale Cox, MD Devin Cunning, MD Cormac DePan, MD Craig Derkay, MD Devang Desai, MD Brian Dodds, MD Jeffrey Driben, MD Norman Druck, MD Carl Drucker, MD Stephen C Duffy E Scott Elledge, MD Niklaus Eriksen, MD Carl B Ermshar, MD Alexander Farag, MD Dennis Feider, MD Berrylin Ferguson, MD Richard Ferraro, MD Roy Fleniken, MD Randy Folker, MD Paul Fortgang, MD D Scott Fortune, MD Paul Frake, MD Michael Fritsch, MD Beverly Fulcher, MD Shane Gailushas, MD Daniel Ganc, MD Martin Garcia, MD William Gartner, MD Gavin Gassen, MD Michael Gatto, MD Clarence Gehris, MD Mark Gerber, MD Paul Gittelman, MD Lindsay Golden, MD Elliot Goldofsky, MD |
Michael Goldrich, MD Rebecca Golgert, MD Mariano Gonzalez-Diez, MD Joseph Goodman, MD Gary Goodnight, DO Michael A Gordon, MD Gregg Govett, MD Samuel Gubbels, MD Lowell Gurey, MD Joseph Haas, MD Howard Hammer, DO Avraham Hampel, MD Steven Handler, MD Brenda Hargett, Staff Charles Harkins, MD John Harris, MD Michael Harris, MD Philip Harris, MD Scott Harrison, MD Anna Kristina Hart, MD Robert Hazen, MD Graves Hearnsberger, MD Webb Hersperger, MD Arlis Hibbard, MD Peter Hillsamer, MD David Hilton, MD Barry Hirsch, MD James Holt, MD Susan Holzer, CAE, Staff Rebecca Howell, MD Kenneth Hughes, MD Charles Hurbis, MD Charles Hutchins, MD Zaven Jabourian, MD David Jakubowicz, MD Scharukh Jalisi, MD Bennie Jarvis, MD Pardis Javadi, MD Michael Kaplan, MD Lawrence Katin, MD Karim Katrib, MD Nader Kayal, MD James Kelly, MD Katherine Kendall, MD Richard Kersch, MD Joshua Kessler, MD Philip Scott Key, MD Sultan Khan, MD Raymond Komray, MD Charles Koopmann, MD MHSA Michael Kortbus, MD Stephen Kramer, MD Brian Kulbersh, MD Timothy Kuo, MD Donald Lanza, MD MS Derek Lee, MD Harrison Lin, MD Jeffrey Liu, MD Lee Loftin, MD Seth Lowell, MD PhD Frank Lucente, MD Adam Luginbuhl, MD Amber Luong, MD PhD Steven Lyon, MD James Magnussen, MD Eileen Mahoney, MD Creed Mamikunian, MD David Mandell, MD Alexander Mandych, MD Vartan Mardirossian, MD Susan Marenda-King, MD Herbert Marks, MD Frank Marlowe, MD Ralph Marrero, MD Wm Stephen Martin, MD Christopher Mawn, MD Mark McClinton, MD Michael Mccormick, MD Edith McFadden, MD MA Jeanne McIntyre, CAE, Staff Megan McLellan Abbott, MD Nancy Mellin, MD David Melon, MD Valentin Mersol, MD Aaron Moberly, MD Ali Moghtader, MD Edwin Monsell, MD PhD William Morgan, MD Garrison Morin, MD MBA Michael Morris, MD Brett Moses, MD Homan Mostafavi, DO James Murdocco, MD Brandon Musgrave, MD Douglas Nadel, MD Jeffrey Nau, MD James Netterville, MD Grace Nimmons, MD James Oddie, MD Joseph Olekszyk, DO John O’Neill, MD |
Michael Orsini, MD Alissa Parady, Staff Sanjay Parikh, MD Norman Pastorek, MD Nilesh Patel, MD Ilya Perepelitsyn, MD Nora Perkins, MD Lisa Perry-Gilkes, MD Stanley Peters, MD Linnea Peterson, MD Anna Petropoulos Weissleder, MD Joseph Petrusek, MD Thomas Pfennig, DO Timothy Pingree, MD Geoffery Pitzer, MD Daniel Plosky, MD Adam Prawzinsky, MD Eric Purdom, DO Mary Kendall Rago, MD Christopher Rassekh, MD Michael Reilly, MD Reginald Rice, MD Jason Roberts, MD Neal Rogers, MD Louis Rondinella, MD Allan Rosenbaum, MD Eben Rosenthal, MD Mark Royer, MD Emily Rudnick Boss, MD Justin Rufener, MD Konstantin Salkinder, MD Robert Sataloff, MD DMA Megan Schagrin, CAE, Staff Gordon Schaye, MD Stuart Scherr, MD Peter Schilt, MD Christopher Schmidt, MD Richard Schmidt, MD Richard Schultz, MD Kristine Schulz, Staff Kenneth Scott, MD Merry Sebelik, MD Curtis Seitz, MD Armen Serebrakian, MD Majid Shafiei, MD Eve Shank, MD Nima Shemirani, MD Steven Shimotakahara, MD Abraham Shulman, MD William Silver, MD Leslie Silverstein, MD John Simmons, MD Michael Simmons, MD Jesse Smith, MD Lee Smith, MD Robert Somerville, MD Aaron Spingarn, MD Frederick Sporck, MD Monroe Sprague, MD Samuel Sprehe, MD Michael Srodes, MD Alden Stock, MD Harry Stone, MD George Stoneman, MD Mariel Stroschein, MD Monica Tadros, MD Rafael Tarnopolsky, MD Duane Taylor, MD Kiran Tipirneni, MD Wilfredo Tiu, MD Lenhanh Tran, MD Atul Vaidya, MD Emilio Valdes, MD Jeanne Vedder, MD Ronald Vidal, MD Valerie Vitale, MD David Walner, MD Marilene Wang, MD Debra Weinberger, MD Adam Weisstuch, MD Liane Westerman, MA David White, MD John White, MD Brian Wiatrak, MD Glenn Williams, MD Norman Woldorf, MD John Wood, MD Murray Woolf, MD Zhenqing Wu, MD Rhoda Wynn, MD Eiji Yanagisawa, MD C Alan Yates, MD Anthony Yonkers, MD Estelle Yoo, MD Jay Youngerman, MD K John Yun, MD Philip Zapanta, MD Michael Zoller, MD Seth Zwillenberg, MD |
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