Published: April 1, 2019

Previewing the proposed bylaw changes

There are several important bylaws amendments that will be on the ballot as part of the upcoming election opening May 6. Take time to review these proposed changes before casting your vote.

There are several important bylaws amendments that will be on the ballot as part of the upcoming election opening May 6. Take time to review these proposed changes before casting your vote. See the proposed changes here:


How to cast your vote

AAO-HNS has partnered with Election America to administer the 2019 election of candidates for leadership positions. To ensure your election-specific broadcast email arrives safely in your inbox on May 6, simply add the following email address as an approved sender: Those who have not provided an individual email address to the Academy will receive a personalized letter from Election America with information on how to access the ballot. For technical support, please call 1-866-384-9978 or email For ballot-related questions, call Membership at 1-877-722-6467 or email Lisa Holman at



More from April 2019 – Vol. 38, No. 3