Women in Otolaryngology Day
This year, on March 3, many in the otolaryngology community celebrated the Women in Otolaryngology (WIO) section and its members. This day, which we hope will occur every year on the Sunday after the Otolaryngology Training Examination/In-Service exam, bolstered an already growing community within our specialty. Around the country, local WIO groups met for social, educational, and supportive events.
Hayley L. Born, MD
This year, on March 3, many in the otolaryngology community celebrated the Women in Otolaryngology (WIO) section and its members. This day, which we hope will occur every year on the Sunday after the Otolaryngology Training Examination/In-Service exam, bolstered an already growing community within our specialty. Around the country, local WIO groups met for social, educational, and supportive events.

Our group at the University of Cincinnati, made up of six residents, three fellows, seven faculty, and a smattering of other local female otolaryngologists, planned an event to create mentoring relationships and have some fun! We had a thriving group throughout my time in Cincinnati, OH. It provided me with an environment where I can discuss life in and out of the hospital with my female faculty and welcome our new female residents.
Participate in the
Help us archive our journey into the world of otolaryngology via interviews with living legends and leaders. This project will begin during the AAO-HNS/F 2019 Leadership Forum & BOG Spring meeting and will continue through the AAO-HNSF 2019 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience.
Send submissions to WIO@entnet.org or contact your local WIO member.
In addition to encouraging local participation, the WIO has some exciting plans for the time leading up to the 10-year anniversary of our WIO section of the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery in 2020. Look forward to a series of articles examining the history of women in medicine and focusing on those who pioneered the field of otolaryngology. We’ll highlight those intrepid females who played a part in the beginning years of the specialty moving into the modern era. We hope to fully explore the beginnings of the WIO section from the yearly luncheons to the committee formation all the way up to the creation of the WIO and those women who forged the way. Other articles are planned to highlight the leaders in our field who inaugurated women in the roles of chair, dean, and society and Academy presidents. We’ll look at leaders in the subspecialties of otolaryngology in the United States and globally. Finally, we’ll explore the future of women in otolaryngology and how we can contribute to the specialty, medical community, and women in leadership globally.
Don’t forget to reach out to participate in our video archive project that will start during the AAO-HNS/F 2019 Leadership Forum & BOG Spring Meeting and will continue at the AAO-HNSF 2019 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience. We, as a group, hope to archive our journey into the world of otolaryngology via interviews with living legends and leaders. WIO will have a kiosk at the Academy’s Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA, highlighting our upcoming initiatives, and we hope you will stop by and participate. It has been an honor to serve on the Communications Committee for the WIO section as a resident, and I hope I have inspired you all to get involved as well! Send any ideas our way! Email WIO@entnet.org or contact your local WIO member.