Published: April 1, 2019

Your vote, your future

This month’s edition of the Bulletin features statements from our candidates for AAO-HNS/F leadership positions. Please read and consider them as we approach our annual election, which opens in May. I would like to thank our AAO-HNS Nominating Committee for presenting all of us a superb slate of candidates.

Albert L. Merati, MD AAO-HNS/F Past PresidentAlbert L. Merati, MD AAO-HNS/F Past PresidentThis month’s edition of the Bulletin features statements from our candidates for AAO-HNS/F leadership positions. Please read and consider them as we approach our annual election, which opens in May. I would like to thank our AAO-HNS Nominating Committee for presenting all of us a superb slate of candidates.

Representation matters; these candidates are us. Read the statements and look for what you see and want in your AAO-HNS heading in to the future. I vote because I care greatly about this wonderful life and identity I have as an otolaryngologist. Like you, I want effective and responsive leadership to help shape and carry out our strategic mission heading into the next 100 years of otolaryngology. Who are we? What do we care about? How do we get there?

Your vote and your membership are key to being successful. Membership continues to do well—thanks to you all for joining and renewing. Committee applications are up. Online activity is up for the new website. Membership value has never been better realized. In the face of significant challenges around us, the AAO-HNS/F has been able to grow and lead the way on many fronts: coding and billing preservation, regulatory wins, clinical practice guidelines, patient education, international outreach, and our major investment in an otolaryngology-driven, otolaryngology-owned clinical data registry in Reg-entSM.

Take this membership energy and forward momentum and look at our slate of candidates for this year. If you do NOT see yourself in this group of candidates—if your ribbon in the “WE ARE ONE” logo is not represented in the backgrounds and statements of our candidates for leadership, please share your thoughts with me at The next cycle for your Nominating Committee starts this summer and runs through the application deadline in December, and the call for a nomination of candidates will be announced in OTO News and the Bulletin soon. I am looking forward to presiding over this process as part of my duties over the next year. Help me send you another spectacular slate of candidates for the next cycle.

For now: get involved, ask questions, stay engaged … and vote.

See you in New Orleans!

More from April 2019 – Vol. 38, No. 3