2011 Committee Highlights
Committees are the lifeblood of the AAO-HNS/F and a great way for members to contribute meaningfully to the organization and the specialty. At the 2011 AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO in San Francisco, Academy and Foundation committees met and discussed achievements during the past year and planned for 2012. On the following pages are brief summaries of actions taken by many of the committees. The November 2011 Bulletin included listings of all committee members and an article on how to join a committee. The deadline for applications for the 2012 committee appointment process is February 1, 2012. Standing Committees Finance and Investment Subcommittee of the Board (FISC) John W. House, MD, Chair The subcommittee received and acknowledged the year-end June 30, 2011, Treasurer’s Report. Even though the audit had not begun at the time of the FISC meeting, the financial position of AAO-HNS/F is strong. Prodigy Asset Management provided the subcommittee with a status report of the AAO-HNS/F investments, noting that the recent downturn in the market was also affecting the returns on investment. The current portfolio strategy reflects a weighting toward high-quality, large-cap stocks. On November 2, 2011, the FISC met to review the Report of the Audit Committee. An additional meeting of the FISC is scheduled for December. Budget development for 2012-2013 will begin in February 2012. Academy Committees Airway and Swallowing Committee Milan R. Amin, MD, and Joel H. Blumin, MD, Co-Chairs The A&S Committee has developed a comprehensive database of tracheotomy complications that has been initiated and run by committee member Stacey Leigh Halum, MD, in concert with several other members. The findings from the data were presented in a miniseminar at this year’s Academy meeting. The A&S Committee had several miniseminar proposals accepted for presentation this year at the Annual Meeting and all were well attended. The A&S Committee has embarked upon a project to collect data regarding transnasal esophagoscopy and its indications. This process is being spearheaded by committee member Michael J. Pittman, MD. Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Committee Karen H. Calhoun, MD, Chair 2011 AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO Expo committee contributions. Presented four instruction courses: Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)—Why and How? Skin Testing for Inhalant and Food Allergies. Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders for the ENT. Pediatric Allergy Update. Presented four miniseminars including: Food Allergy 2011: State of the Science. Facts and Fictions about Non-Allergic Rhinitis. Reviewed and updated the AAO-HNS Allergy Testing Clinical Indicator. Reviewed and updated AAO-HNS patient leaflets including: Allergies and Hay Fever. Antihistamines, Decongestants, and Cold Remedies. How Allergies Affect Your Child’s ENT. Reviewed and provided recommendations for edits to the Local Coverage Determination (LCD) draft for Allergen Immunology. Submitted the topic of Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) to the Guidelines Development Task Force (GDTF) for consideration. Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel Committee Peter A. Weisskopf, MD, Chair The Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel (CPOP) hosted two workshops in Detroit, MI, and Dallas, TX, and the committee began a comprehensive CPOP program review and analysis. Credentials and Membership Committee Pierre Lavertu, MD, Chair The Credentials and Membership committee is charged with determining eligibility for Academy membership, continuing review of Academy member categories, and developing campaigns to increase membership by making all otolaryngologist—head and neck surgeons aware of the need to support the Academy’s overall mission. At this year’s meeting, the committee discussed working closely with state societies to recruit and reinstate non-members and help in our efforts to ensure that we do not lose members who transition out of residency. It plans to review the Academy Bylaws—Article II Membership Section to see if the Bylaws should reference the maintenance of board recertification. Complementary/Integrative Medicine Committee Edmund A. Pribitkin, MD, Chair In conjunction with the Medical Devices and Drugs Committee presented a standing room-only miniseminar on Alternative Treatments to Common ORL Problems: Help or Harm? Agreed to provide editors and authors a special issue of Otolaryngology Clinics of North America on Integrative Medicine. Numerous members presented well-received instruction courses on topics such as Herbal Therapy, Acupuncture for Otolaryngologists, and Improving Patients’ Quality of Life After Cancer Treatment. CPT and Relative Value Committee Jane T. Dillon, MD, Chair During the 2010 Annual Meeting & EXPO in Boston, the CPT/RUC Committee voted to request a new CPT code to capture the work done in endoscopic Zenker’s diverticulum surgery. The Physician Policy Payment Work Group (3P) agreed to this position since there is no specific code to report the procedure when it is performed endoscopically. Two surveys were conducted in 2011 to gauge members’ need for a new code. At the 2011 Annual Meeting & EXPO in San Francisco, the committee agreed to work closely with specialty societies (ALA, ABEA, and AHNS) that perform this procedure in order to craft the language for the code submission to the CPT Editorial Panel. The committee added representatives from many of the subspecialties to provide broader representation and to achieve the charge of coordinating efforts involving the CPT and RVU review of otolaryngology—head and neck services and other related policy issues. Diversity Committee Duane J. Taylor, MD, Chair Received Model Committee Award. Established the initial funds for the Diversity Committee Endowment. Diversity Committee member Phyllis B. Bouvier, MD, gave an instruction course at 2011 meeting, which came out of the 2010 miniseminar. Dr. Taylor attended the Residents and Fellows Section meeting and encouraged continued involvement with the Committee. We have several new resident members. Working the Academy U® with volunteer members to establish modules on health disparities, cultural competency, and health literacy. Working on miniseminar for 2012 on health disparities, cultural competency, and health literacy. Plan to encourage and identify instructional courses that may relate to Diversity Committee’s charge and make sure attendees at next year’s meeting have collection of relevant courses prior to meeting. Coordination of multicenter research projects pertaining to health disparities and prevalence and treatment of otolaryngology disorders in diverse populations and looking at ways to increase the diversity of our specialty workforce in both clinical, and academic/research arenas, including mentoring programs. Endocrine Surgery Committee Lisa A. Orloff, MD, Chair Ultrasound Workshop: Robert A. Sofferman, MD, reported on the second successful Ultrasound Workshop, with full attendance. Merry E. Sebelik, MD, will conduct a critical needs assessment survey in the fall asking residents how each program handles ultrasound issues. Guideline: Dr. Orloff reported that the Guidelines Development Task Force accepted the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Monitoring (RLN) proposal. The rigorous, formal process appoints a non-thyroid specialist as leader of the task force, with societal representatives having equal rank, and includes several medical organizations. Ralph P. Tufano, MD, stated that the American Thyroid Association (ATA) will recognize our guidelines; however, the Academy will not seek endorsement from other organizations. The comment phase will be completed in six months. ATA Guidelines: David L. Steward, MD, announced that the first meeting is at the ATA conference in October, when the current guidelines will be reviewed. The Endocrine Society holds another face-to-face meeting June 2012. Dr. Tufano and Maisie L. Shindo, MD, are working on a draft paper to present to the American Head and Neck Society (AHNS) in October, summarizing the miniseminar presented at the annual meeting by Robert L. Witt, MD. Miniseminar Proposals: Dr. Orloff recognized other thyroid miniseminars, representing much hard work. She invited proposals for next year and encouraged expanding speaker panels, such as CPT coding issues on new terms for neck dissection. Dr. Tufano and Gregory W. Randolph, MD, suggested handling of difficult cases, repeating the success of a few years ago. Relations with other Societies: ATA surgical affairs committee is including new members, and otolaryngology should be represented. Dr. Randolph, who is on the council of the International Association of Endocrine Surgeons, reported he would be happy to help committee members join this excellent organization. It meets every two years with the next one in Helsinki in 2013. David J. Terris, MD, stated that with Ashok R. Shaha, MD, as president of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons (AAES), there are many opportunities to discuss a concrete timeline for changing membership status from associate to full member. Four committee members are AAES members. The Academy and AHNS should collaborate on placing members in other organizations, including the American Society of Clinical Endocrinologists (ASCE) and the Endocrine Society. The committee approved a motion to encourage Academy members to join thyroid-related organizations. Ethics Committee Lauren S. Zaretsky, MD, Chair Responded to the American Medical Association (AMA) request on Opinions in the Code of Medical Ethics. Conducted a miniseminar during the 2011 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO on ethical considerations of humanitarian efforts in the international arena. Actively contributed to the AAO-HNS/F Code for Interactions with Companies approval by the AAO-HNS/F Boards of Directors during the September 10, 2011, Board meetings. Moratorium on Expert Witness Testimony lifted, responsibility of oversight added to the charge of the Ethics Committee. Equilibrium Committee Allan M. Rubin, MD, PhD, Chair The committee continues to work on the development of a set of treatment criteria for Meniere’s disease. The committee provided input into the update of the “Canalith Repositioning” clinical indicator. The committee provided feedback on a Dizziness Quality Measure developed by the Audiology Quality Consortium. Geriatric Otolaryngology Committee David E. Eibling, MD, Chair The online book text for Geriatric Otolaryngology needs to be reviewed for website keywords and relevancy. The goals are: Look and review for missing topics such as Balance. Do review for currency and relevance and identify key words. While the deadline for keyword list is November 15, the goal is to have a total revision by our meeting next September 15. The study “Hearing Loss and Cognition Among Older Adults in the U.S.” (J Gerontal A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2011: July 18) from Johns Hopkins Center on Aging and Health was discussed as an important study to be shared throughout the membership and particularly with the Hearing Committees as a possible miniseminar topic. Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology Committee Daniel G. Deschler, MD, Chair The committee was congratulated for the honor of being named a Model Committee by the AAO-HNSF at the Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Members were thanked for their continued and significant educational and academic efforts which led to this award. This year the committee continued the strong tradition of successful miniseminar presentations with Oropharyngeal Cancer Tumor Board and Management of the Neck in Head and Neck Cancer in conjunction with the Head and Neck Education Committee. The committee also co-sponsored the highly successful Sixth Annual Head and Neck Oncology Resident Education Symposium in conjunction with the AHNS. Hearing Committee Robert K. Jackler, MD, Chair Completed a review and update of 28 patient education materials. Established a comprehensive hearing classification scale, which will be submitted to the AAO-HNS Board for approval in December 2011. Imaging Committee Gavin Setzen, MD, Chair As of the 2011 annual meeting, the CT Imaging Workgroup officially became the Imaging Committee. Recent Academy wins as a result of Committee members’ efforts include National Imaging Associates recognizing accreditation for advanced imaging from the Accreditation of Computed Tomography Laboratories (ICACTL), and a collaborative effort with the American Medical Association, Kentucky state societies, and the Association of Otolaryngology Administrators that resulted in Humana reversing its coverage position on mini-CT scans. Other major health policy activities included: review and input on the American College of Radiology (ACR) Appropriateness Criteria, with coordination from many other Academy committees; and coordinated advocacy efforts to oppose the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) recommendations on in-office imaging services in its June 2011 report. Also, committee members reviewed all relevant 2011 annual meeting instructional courses and miniseminars, and identified any that were relevant to imaging services and would meet accreditation requirements for ICACTL. A list of the courses was provided to members via the Academy website and communicated to members via The News. The Committee will continue its policy advocacy efforts and is working to expand educational offerings on imaging through the Academy to meet ICACTL accreditation requirements. Implantable Hearing Devices Subcommittee Jeffery J. Kuhn, MD, Chair New fact sheet for Cochlear Implants and Meningitis Vaccination. Published an article in February Bulletin: “Pneumococcal Vaccination: Updated CDC Recommendations for Cochlear Implant Patients.” Academy website updates for Cochlear Implants and Meningitis Vaccination plus revised links to updated vaccination information. Cochlear Implants and Meningitis Vaccination Awareness Campaign II launched in conjunction with cochlear implant manufacturers. Review of Medical Policy on Cochlear Implants from WellPoint and United Healthcare. Currently participating in CMS MEDCAC (Medicare Evidence Development and Coverage Advisory Committee) meeting on AHRQ Technology Assessment review of bilateral cochlear implantation. Infectious Disease Committee Patrick J. Antonelli, MD, Chair The committee reviewed materials provided by the Infectious Diseases Society of America regarding the 10 x ’20 Initiative. The campaign seeks to promote research and development to produce 10 new antibiotics by 2020. The committee assisted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in reviewing materials for Recreational Water Illness and Injury Prevention Week. Media and Public Relations Committee Wendy B. Stern, MD, Chair The committee will continue its existing support of Academy PR minicampaigns and develop the 2012 minicampaign calendar. They are working on branding and exploring new marketing opportunities for the “Primary Care in Otolaryngology” handbook for medical students and nurses, currently on the Academy website. The committee also will hold a spring meeting and media training session at the 2012 BOG Spring meeting (May 6-7, 2012) for the committee and the BOG PR representatives. Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Committee David W. Roberson, MD, Co-Chair, and Rahul K. Shah, MD, Co-Chair This year the committee focused on a number of projects, including: A database study on trends in ORL closed claims and risk factors for closed claims in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery 2005-2009. The purpose of this claims-based study, data provided through The Doctors Company, was to gain access to de-identified liability claims data, identify opportunities for interventions for particular patterns of practice that led to safety events/claims, and development of targeted tools for members addressing these issues. Catastrophic Outcomes with Tracheotomy survey was designed to gauge the experience of otolaryngologist—head and neck surgeons in caring for tracheotomies and potential complications. There were 480 respondents to this survey. A miniseminar was presented at the 2011 AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO. A manuscript is in development. Tonsillectomy disasters survey. The survey was designed to determine the variation in post-tonsillectomy admission practices and create a better understanding of the likelihood of apneic death on post-op day one. Also, the survey was designed to evaluate delayed bleeding complications in tonsillectomy patients. There were 546 respondents to the survey. Analysis and manuscript development is under way. Studies on post-admission criteria for Obstructive Sleep Apnea and a handoffs project are also under way. During their meeting, members submitted many ideas for this year’s work plan for both database studies and survey topics. The committee determined that it would focus on EMR/CPOE and patient safety; use of surgical checklist and universal protocol in ORL; patient safety culture: perspective from otolaryngologists; and balloon sinuplasty utilization. Dr. Shah continues to address the most recent and relevant information on patient safety and quality improvement in his monthly Bulletin column. Pediatric Otolaryngology Committee David E. Tunkel, MD, Chair Miniseminars at the 2011 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO in San Francisco sponsored by the pediatric otolaryngology committee included “Safer Imaging of Children with Otolaryngologic Disease,” submitted by Julie L. Wei, MD, and “Advances in Pediatric Cholesteatoma,” submitted by David R. White, MD. “Tympanostomy Tubes in Children” was successfully submitted to the Guideline Development Task Force by Dr. Tunkel as a potential clinical practice guideline. Committee members reviewed and revised the content of AAO-HNSF literature and fact sheets with pediatric content. This will continue as part of the website content relevancy project. Physician Resources Committee David W. Kennedy, MD, Chair This committee continues with its focus on education and tools needed to prepare for workforce shortages and workforce changes. During its meeting, the committee discussed formulating small subcommittees to look at several of the issues affecting ORL future work force. The committee heard from the AAPA liaison about progress in physician assistant training initiatives over the past year and discussed a parallel project on training in addition to the work by subgroups on workforce supply models and exploring geographic issues affecting workforce numbers. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Committee James R. Jordan, MD, Chair Donna J. Millay, MD, Chair-Elect The committee has primarily been involved in drafting responses to a variety of issues raised by third-party payer policy changes. For example, when United Healthcare sought to change its policy concerning coverage of septoplasty and rhinoplasty, members of the committee were called on to respond. After several conference calls, favorable revisions were made to the policy to remove some of the more restrictive language. The committee continues to work to foster improved relations with other societies that perform plastic surgery of the facial structures. Rhinology and Paranasal Sinus Committee Scott P. Stringer, MD The committee provided expert input to letters the Academy sent to Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) regarding a reference medical policy on “Balloon Sinuplasty for Treatment of Chronic Sinusitis” and to WellPoint on “Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS).” The committee also reviewed nine Clinical Indicators. They have discussed several miniseminar topics, including infectious disease safety and training and regional variation in management of sinusitis, to co-sponsor with American Rhinology Society (ARS) for the 2012 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. Medical Devices and Drugs Committee Udayan K. Shah, MD, Chair The committee co-sponsored the following 2011 miniseminars: “Alternative Treatments to Common ORL Problems: Help or Harm?,” “Device Complications: What Does the Surgeon Do?,” “Pediatric Sinusitis: Drugs and Devices,” and the instructional course: “Talking to Lawyers: Effectively Managing Legal Relationships.” A survey was conducted of members to provide data on industry reps in the OR and the committee plans to solicit members again the end of 2011 to obtain more data. The committee plans to submit the following miniseminars for 2012: “Cochlear Implant Device Failures,” co-sponsored with Otology & Neurotology & Education Committee and Implantable Hearing Devices Subcommittee; “Interplay of Innovation and Scope of Practice,” to be co-sponsored by the BOG Legislative Committee; “Stents and Sciences,” to be explored for content with the Rhinology & Allergy Committee; and “Tonsillectomy—Which Device When,” to be explored for content with the Pediatric Otolaryngology Education Committee. Medical Informatics Committee Edward B. Ermini, MD, Chair Reviewed Meaningful Use recommendations from Health and Human Services Office of the National Coordinator and provided extensive comments. Published the article, “Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records in Otolaryngology: Recommendations from American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Medical Informatics Committee,” in the February 2011 issue of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery. Provided Instruction Courses at 2011 annual meeting on “EHR/EMR and Meaningful Use” and “Using HIT/EHR for Quality Care.” Represented the Academy at the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) conference on Telemedicine. Microvascular Committee Douglas B. Chepeha, MD, MSPH The Microvascular Committee is actively engaged in a national retrospective review of reconstructive techniques after surgical salvage of patients who have failed chemoradiation treatment. At present, 42 institutions have indicated interest and five have sent in their data on 75 patients. The goal of this effort is to understand how different approaches to reconstruction affect fistula rate. The information is designed to guide future reconstructive approaches and help develop evidence for how surgeons should approach high-risk reconstructive cases. This work has been supported in part by a grant from the AAO-HNSF. The committee has also taken on a bold effort to post educational videos of donor site elevations of autogenous transplantation. Skull Base Surgery Committee Gregory J. Artz, MD Douglas D. Backous, MD, Chair The committee presented a miniseminar, moderated by Carl H. Snyderman, MD, “Avoiding Disaster at the Skull Base: Case Studies in 3D,” at the annual meeting in San Francisco. The committee plans to submit another miniseminar to be considered for the 2012 AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO in Washington, DC. Sleep Disorders Committee Pell Ann Wardrop, MD The committee drafted a policy statement for Midline Glossectomy, which has been approved by the BOD. The committee updated the clinical indicators for Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, Tonsilloadenoidectomy, and Adenoidectomy, and these are pending approval. The committee also updated the following patient education materials: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, Oral Appliances, Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Surgical Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Treatment Options for Adults with Snoring. The Board of Directors approved the committee’s request that a sleep medicine track be developed under the Academy’s educational and annual meeting offerings. Two clinical studies, headed by members of the Sleep Disorders Committee investigating the effect of tonsillectomy on OSA, are enrolling patients. The committee, with the assistance of the AAO-HNS Health Policy division, responded to several third-party payer issues or policies relating to treatment of patients with sleep disordered breathing. Twelve committee members have volunteered to participate in the website relevancy project. Throughout the year, there was active participation by members of the committee and by many other non-official committee member physicians with an interest in sleep medicine. Trauma Committee Joseph Brennan, MD, Col., USAF, Chair After years of preparation, the Trauma Committee held its first meeting as an official committee of the Academy. With more than 25 members, consultants, and guests of the Trauma Committee present, there was much to discuss. The committee is looking forward to educating the specialty on trauma by creating a comprehensive plan for next year that includes submitting: four miniseminars, at least two research areas for instruction courses, multiple Bulletin articles throughout the year, and the opportunity for a Saturday workshop on disaster preparedness. The Trauma Committee is excited to get started on their many different endeavors and hopes that everyone within the specialty will gain a greater knowledge and awareness of how trauma will affect their patient population. Voice Committee Clark A. Rosen, MD, Chair The committee is opposed to the recent reversal of the CMS stroboscopy supervision rules for speech pathologists and will work toward a compromise between the present “no supervision, no otolaryngology involvement” status and toward a goal of improving otolaryngology involvement in speech pathologists performing stroboscopy. The committee has partnered with medical industry to submit a series of HCPCS codes for vocal fold injection material billing that will allow otolaryngologists to bill for vocal fold injection material in an outpatient setting. CMS decision regarding this submission is pending. Young Physicians Committee (YPC) Monica Tadros, MD, Chair Ayesha N. Khalid, MD, Co-Chair At this year’s meeting, the committee voted to survey all young physicians in the specialty who are active members to identify their needs and determine the best way the YPC can fulfill its mission aligned with the Academy’s guiding principles and strategic plan. James L. Netterville, MD, President-Elect of the AAO-HNS, has made it clear that he wants us all to have an active voice and participate in AAO-HNS activities. The YPC is planning on developing a work taskforce for collaborating with the Women in Otolaryngology Section, Section for Residents and Fellows-in-Training, and the Board of Governors in developing a successful mentorship program and pathway to leadership for young physicians who are transitioning into practice. The committee is also interested in working with Wendy B. Stern, MD, chair of the Media and Public Relations Committee to offer young physicians media training in May 2012 during the BOG Spring Meeting and Annual Advocacy Conference. Foundation Committees International Steering Committee Gregory W. Randolph, MD, Chair Dr. Randolph welcomed new members, Milan Profant, MD, and Ashok R. Shaha, MD. The third Global Health symposium in 2012 will offer descriptive or clinical papers. David W. Kennedy, MD, recommended geopolitical topics from each country, such as workforce management and scope of practice. Dr. Randolph announced the International Speakers Bureau will have a new credentialed format. The white journal is soliciting international manuscripts and regional advisors will be invited to select articles and write an introduction. The journal publisher is promoting subscriptions, including an Internet subscription portfolio. James E. Saunders, MD, reported the Kenya society is now an ICS affiliate; the second Africa Caucus met at the 2011 annual meeting; and the Central African meeting, June 3-6, 2012, is a high priority. Pablo J. Stolovitzky, MD, reported on many Latin American meetings, including joint meetings. Eugene N. Myers, MD, honorary president of the Balkan Society, attended a strategic meeting in Antalya, Turkey, and in spring 2012 will visit the Balkan Congress venue in Romania. Dr. Kennedy attended an all-Scandinavia meeting, and in 2012 will attend the Romanian Society’s congress, Prof. Heinz Stammberger’s meeting in March, and the European Rhinology meeting, Toulouse, France, June 2012. G. Richard Holt, MD, MSE, MPH, reported on the Middle East Arab spring, noting the joint meeting in Egypt January 12, 2013. We have active relations with Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria. Ramon A. Franco, Jr., MD, reported on three or four joint meetings in 2011 and 2012 in Central America. Dr. Randolph reminded the committee that the 2011 guest countries were Australia, France, Germany, Japan, and Switzerland, and the 2012 guest countries will be Chile, Israel, Spain, and Vietnam. Dr. Shaha reported that the International Federation of Head and Neck Oncological Societies (IFHNOS, founded in 1988) now has 48 societies in 42 countries. IFHNOS has held Congresses in Mumbai, Rio de Janeiro, Prague, and Seoul, with 800 to 900 attendees. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center will celebrate its centennial July 22-26, 2014, by hosting the IFHNOS congress together with AHNS. IFHNOS has organized a month-long Global Tour in 2008, 2010, and 2012. International Otolaryngology Committee Nikhil J. Bhatt, MD, Chair Dr. Bhatt encouraged committee members to be active, inviting inactive members to step down, and congratulated the International Visiting Scholars and International Corresponding Societies programs. Dr. Bhatt introduced representatives of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India Congress (AOICON) who discussed planning of the January 2013 meeting in Pune, India. Stella E. Rowley, MD, urged attendance at the Panamanian Society’s joint meeting January 26-28, in Panama, featuring J. Regan Thomas, MD, and 11 other American Academy members as speakers. Prof. Karl Hormann stated that the joint European Academy/EUFOS meeting July 2011 in Barcelona totaled 4,000 attendees. The next step is the fourth board examinations in Vienna. Dr. Saunders reported that the WHO staff position now has bridge funding through donations; government funding/lobbying is still needed. The committee supported active member recruitment, including inviting a resident or fellow to attend the annual meeting. Michael J. Rutter, MD, urged the committee to use Academy promotional PowerPoint slides at conference and courses, with the Call for Papers and membership information. Nikhila Raol, MD, will review Twitter and Facebook as recruitment channels. Instruction Course Advisory Committee The Instruction Course Advisory Committee reviews and develops the afternoon instruction course programs for the Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO. At the 2011 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO, 344 instruction courses were presented. Humanitarian Efforts Committee James E. Saunders, MD, Chair Dr. Saunders reported the committee met face-to-face at COSM and held two conference calls. The WHO staff position received bridge funding through directed donations, of which the Academy contribution was key. International Visiting Scholarships have quadrupled in the last four years from two to eight. The Coalition for Global Hearing Health will meet early June 2012 in South Africa at an educational facility with temporal bone labs before the Central Africa meeting. Nazaneen N. Grant, MD, gave an update on the Humanitarian Opportunities pilot phase, recreated with searchable tools at www.entnet.org/humanitarian. The next steps are to populate the database, adding more organizations and a field for urgent need. The committee’s work groups interact with other disciplines, including Susan R. Cordes, MD, (thyroid instruction committee, liaison head and neck thyroid) and Eric P. Wilkinson, MD, (otology). The Emergency/Disaster Relief (earthquakes, floods) was separated from Telemedicine as a new work group for patient prescreening and follow-up. Peggyann Nowak, MD, urged members to get vetted for disaster relief through the AMA Disaster relief database. The American College of Surgeons (ACS) Operation Giving Back offers procedure-based disaster response training. Dr. Saunders and Eric P. Wilkinson, MD, will submit a humanitarian otology miniseminar for the IFOS World Congress 2013. Steven L. Goudy, MD, reported on his liaison with the Pediatric Committee and the American Cleft Palate Association. History and Archives Committee Lawrence R. Lustig, MD, Chair The committee discussed: Showing the value for Otolaryngology Historical Society (OHS) membership, such as an OHS member certificate and directory, an archive of past talks, a Facebook group, an essay competition, and a speakers’ bureau with talks on the specialty heritage for Grand Rounds, local libraries, and communities. A miniseminar abstract for 2012 on the history of hearing conservation, the birth of Medicare/Medicaid, and other topics. A Bulletin 2012 editorial calendar for monthly historical items. A reduced membership rate for residents and military members. The chair recruited volunteers to staff the booth. Next year, the booth will display historical artifacts. The committee will review procedures for acquisitions, donations, and retention. The committee approved digitizing the oral histories. Charles R. Pettit, MD; Jeremy D. Prager, MD; and Robert J. Ruben, MD, volunteered to review the website. Outcomes, Research, and EBM Subcommittee Scott E. Brietzke, MD, MPH, Chair This year, two members were awarded travel grants to attend the Cochrane Colloquium in Madrid, Spain; they will each develop a systematic review, one on chronic cough and the other on macrolide therapy for rhinosinusitis, to be published over the next year. Three committee-sponsored miniseminars were accepted for presentation at the annual meeting in San Francisco. Featured in the research section of the July Bulletin, an article titled, “Evidence-based Practice and Otolaryngology: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?” was written by the leadership subcommittee to highlight existing evidence-based medicine publications and to highlight a prioritized list of evidence gaps requiring further research. Currently, the leadership subcommittee is developing a new work plan for 2012 and prioritizing abstracts for submission to the 2012 annual meeting in Washington, DC. Panamerican Committee Hector E. Ruiz, MD, Chair Dr. Ruiz introduced Juan Manuel Garcia Gomez, MD, as chair-elect. The committee made a motion for the chair to review symposium proposals for the 2012 meeting. Dr. Garcia suggested hot topics such as compare/contrast Panamerican approaches to sleep apnea, HPV prevalence, robotic surgery, and setting up a clinic. Roxana Cobo-Sefair, MD, recommended offering handouts in both Spanish and English. Luis F. Encarnacion, MD, stressed keeping a Latin American space at the meeting because industry support is changing. The committee proposed developing a database of Latin American ENTs in the U.S. as well as U.S. members who speak Spanish. Dr. Garcia will write a Bulletin article about the Panamerican Association, noting that it was launched in 1946 in Chicago. Dr. Ruiz announced upcoming joint meetings, e.g., Paraguay, Argentina, and Colombia. Program Advisory Committee The Program Advisory Committee reviews and develops Scientific Program content for the Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO. At the 2011 annual meeting, 88 miniseminars were presented, 299 oral presentations were delivered, and 468 posters were on display. Board of Governors Committees Representatives from Board of Governors societies across the country were well represented during the BOG meetings held during the 2011 AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO. Highlights from the meetings include: BOG Development/Fundraising Task Force Jay S. Youngerman, MD, Chair The Task Force chair gave an overview of the Foundation’s development programs including the Millennium Society, Partners for Progress, and the Hal Foster, MD, Endowment and welcomed Nikhil J. Bhatt, MD, as the newly appointed AAO-HNSF Board of Directors’ Development Coordinator. Following the meeting, Task Force Members worked to raise more than $125,000 for the AAO-HNSF mission and speak with members about the upcoming deadline (December 31, 2011) to become a Hal Foster, MD, Endowment Founding Donor. Visit www.entnet.org/endowment. On October 4, 2011, taskforce members mourned the loss of our Task Force Co-Chair, Helen F. Krause, MD. Dr. Krause will be remembered fondly for her significant contributions to the specialty and for her dedicated work to this committee and the BOG. BOG Legislative Representatives Committee Paul M. Imber, DO, Chair The Committee received updates on current federal and state legislative activities for 2011, including Medicare physician payment reform, repeal of the Independent Payment Advisory Board, and ongoing scope-of-practice battles. In addition, it received an update on new programs and fundraising activities for ENT PAC, the political action committee of the AAO-HNS. The committee also heard about grassroots efforts and advocacy programs, such as JSAC 2011 and plans for an advocacy day in 2012, the ENT Advocacy Network Recruitment Contest, and coalition efforts. Guest speakers included Larry N. Smith, MD, a member of the committee who presented a proposed resolution on uncompensated and undercompensated healthcare tax deductions, and Ms. A. J. Kennedy with the Californians Allied for Patient Protection (CAPP), who spoke on medical liability reform efforts in California. BOG Socioeconomic and Grassroots Committee Denis C. Lafreniere, MD, Chair Featured a panel discussion of Scope of Practice (SOP) issues. Guest speaker, Deb Osborn, Executive Director, Connecticut Ear, Nose and Throat Society presented, “How to Make Your State Society Work for You.” Invited guest speaker, Richard W. Waguespack, MD, presented an update on the recent Zenkers Diverticulum Survey. Guest speaker, Larry N. Smith, MD, monitored additional discussion of his proposed resolution, “Uncompensated and Undercompensated Healthcare Tax Deduction.” BOG Executive Committee-sponsored Miniseminar—Hot Topics in Otolaryngology Peter Abramson, MD, BOG Secretary Dr. Abramson moderated a compelling panel presentation on current hot topics in otolaryngology. They were reimbursement for emergency department coverage, hospital/physician joint adventures, and an update on payments for EHR and meaningful use. BOG General Assembly BOG committee chairs provided updated reports on their committee’s activities from the past year Marcella R. Bothwell, MD, received the 2011 BOG Practitioner Excellence Award. The Pennsylvania Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery received the 2011 BOG Model Society Award and the Virginia Society of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery received an Honorable Mention 2011 Model Society Award. Michael D. Seidman, MD, BOG Chair, presented Recognition Awards to Gavin Setzen, MD, and Dr. Abramson for their service on the BOG Executive Committee. Dr. Seidman presented BOG Chair Awards to Rick G. Love, MD, Richard D. Nichols, MD, and Herbert Silverstein, MD, in memory of John Kemink, MD, and Academy BOG staff liaison, Richard Carson. Governors (or their alternates) in attendance elected Dr. Lafreniere to the position of BOG Chair-Elect and Dr. Stern to the position of BOG Secretary. Education Committees Education Steering Committee Mark K. Wax, MD, Chair, Coordinator of Education The Education Steering Committee discussed several new initiatives for the education committees to focus on in 2012. These new initiatives include COCLIA and Image Viewer updates, the Maintenance Manual for Lifelong Learning revisions, question pool development, and the Website Content Relevancy project to identify key words for all education activities. Core Otolaryngology and Practice Management Education Committee Richard R. Waguespack, MD, Chair The committee continues to provide policy and content oversight to the Coding and Reimbursement workshops held regionally each year. Its members serve as experts in ever-changing coding and practice management issues. In addition, the committee produced courses on “Implementing an Electronic Medical Record System” and “Lessons Learned in 20 Years in the Medicolegal System.” Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Education Committee Fred G. Fedok, MD, Chair The committee produced an AcademyU® course on “The Use of Botulinum Toxin in Otolaryngology” in addition to online lectures in “Incisionless Otoplasty,” “Adult with Complex Maxillofacial Trauma,” “Advanced Aesthetic and Functional Rhinoplasty,” and “Surgical Rejuvenation of Forehead and Brow.” General Otolaryngology Education Committee Karen T. Pitman, MD, Chair The committee was pleased to publish the third edition of Primary Care Otolaryngology, the primer on otolaryngology for medical students, residents, and non-otolaryngologists. In addition, it provided leadership to the successful ENT for the PA-C conference held in conjunction with AAPA and SPAO. It also produced courses on “Laryngopharyngeal Reflux,” Adult with Oral Cavity Lesion,” and “Pediatric Neck Mass Due to MRSA.” Head and Neck Surgery Education Committee Dennis H. Kraus, MD, Chair The committee produced several courses including online lectures and Patient of the Month and AcademyU® courses. Topics covered include “Neck Dissection for Thyroid Cancer,” “Pregnant Patient with Thyroid Mass,” and “Basic Head and Neck Pathology.” In addition, HNSEC completed a section of the Home Study Course on Inflammatory Diseases of the Head and Neck. Laryngology and Bronchoesophagology Education Committee (LBEC) J. Dale Browne, MD, Chair The committee produced online lectures covering such topics as “Phonomicrosurgery for Benign Pathology,” “The Office Dysphagia Consult,” and “Professional Singers: The Science and Art of Clinical Care.” In addition, LBEC completed a section of the Home Study Course on Laryngology, Voice Disorders, and Bronchoesophagology. Otology and Neurotology Education Committee (ONEC) Cliff A. Megerian, MD, Chair The committee produced several AcademyU® courses and online lectures in 2011, including “Steroids for Sudden Hearing Loss,” “Techniques to Simplify Myringoplasty,” and “Cochlear Implants in Children and Adults.” In addition, ONEC completed a section of the Home Study Course on Otology and Neurotology. Pediatric Otolaryngology Education Committee Sugki S. Choi, MD, Chair The committee produced a Patient of the Month course on “Child with Nasal Congestion,” and online lectures on Autism and Asperger’s for the Practicing Otolaryngologist,” “Sensorial Hearing Loss in Infants and Children,” and “Stridor and the Pediatric Larnyx.” POEC also completed the Pediatrics section of the Home Study Course. Rhinology and Allergy Education Committee James A. Hadley, MD, Chair The committee completed a section of the Home Study Course on Rhinology and Allergy Disorders. In addition, RAEC produced an AcademyU® course on the “Management of Sinonasal Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks” and online lectures on “Radiation Safety and Point of Service CT Imaging” and “Medical Strategies for Treatment of Refractory Sinusitis.” Sections/ Advisory/ Other Committees Centralized Otolaryngology Research Efforts (CORE) Study Section Jay O. Boyle, MD, Co-Chair, Lawrence R. Lustig, MD, Co-Chair, and Richard R. Orlandi, MD, Co-Chair Seventy-seven individuals participated in the Study Section, including 11 residents. Reviewed 151 grant applications requesting $2,310,922 in research funding. Identified 38 grant applications for funding and made recommendations to the participating subspecialty society leadership. Ultimately, $629,067 was awarded by the subspecialty society leadership. Physician Payment Policy (3P) Work Group Richard W. Waguespack, MD, and Michael Setzen, MD, Co-chairs 3P is the senior advisory body to Academy leadership and staff on issues related to socioeconomic advocacy, regulatory activity, coding or reimbursement, and practice services or management. 3P and the Health Policy staff continue to ensure that members’ interests are appropriately represented. Coordination with other Academy committees, subspecialties, and medical specialty societies are critical to 3P’s success. We thank all involved in recent advocacy efforts. We continue to maintain the Academy’s visibility with top Medicare representatives at the CMS during formal and informal face-to-face meetings and comment letters submitted on behalf of members. The Academy has excellent representation at the AMA’s CPT and RUC meetings. 2010-2011 highlighted advocacy efforts include: Receiving Separate Payment from the CMS for Epley Maneuver as of January 1, 2011, and a joint effort with subspecialities to successfully advocate for changes to United Healthcare Rhinoplasty, Septoplasty and Repair of Vestibular Stenosis coverage guideline. The 2011 Socioeconomic Survey was launched, received a 23-percent response rate, and the data was analyzed with trend results unveiled at the annual meeting in San Francisco. Template appeal letters on septoplasty, image guidance, and patient notification of additional costs to some diagnostic procedures performed in-office were drafted and made available to members. Six CPT Assistant articles were drafted, and 3P leaders provided guidance to 22 coding inquiries received by the AMA. The following health policy sessions were held in San Francisco at the 2011 annual meeting: 3P miniseminar on new strategies in Academy advocacy for physician payment, RUC survey instrument education seminar, the Medicare Contractor Advisory Committee (CAC) education, and ICD-9 transition to ICD-10. 3P and the Health Policy Team plan on providing these educational sessions again in 2012 in Washington, DC. In the next year, an increased effort will be made to emphasize the importance of filling out RUC surveys. For additional information on any of these issues, contact healthpolicy@entnet.org. Section for Residents and Fellows-in-Training (SRF) Mark E. Zafereo, Jr., MD, Chair The Section for Residents and Fellows-in-Training (SRF) functions as an advisory body to the Board of Directors (BOD). During the annual meeting, Monday was officially designated as Residents Day with several events specially geared toward residents. SRF General Assembly The Section held a well-attended General Assembly meeting. During the session, attendees elected the following new officers: Jayme R. Dowdall, MD, Chair Nikhila Raol, MD, Vice Chair Nathan A. Deckard, MD, Information Officer Angela K. Sturm-O’Brien, MD, Member-at-Large Estelle S. Yoo, MD, BOG Governor Kanwar S. Kelley, MD, BOG Legislative Representative Alba M. Miranda, MD, BOG Public Relations Representative In addition, Dr. Mark Zafereo, Jr., transitioned to Immediate Past Chair. SRF-sponsored Miniseminars “Practice Considerations and Contracts for New Employment” (with Women in Otolaryngology, WIO Section) “Mentor and Mentee Skills: Tools from Residency to Practice and Beyond” Other Featured Resident Event Opportunities Available During the Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO Included: Free Instruction Courses for Residents Academy Members Poster Presentations ENT Careers Live! AcademyU® Learning Lab Women in Otolaryngology (WIO) Section Sonya Malekzadeh, MD, Chair The Women in Otolaryngology (WIO) Section seeks to support women otolaryngologists by identifying their needs, fostering their development, and promoting women as leaders in the specialty. In December 2010, the Board of Directors (BOD) unanimously approved the transition of the WIO Committee to full section status. To this end, the Section’s governing council leaders hit the ground running and organized an impressive program of events that were held during the annual meeting. WIO Luncheon/General Assembly Following the Nancy L. Snyderman, MD, Keynote “Transitions,” the Section honored Ronald B. Kuppersmith, MD, MBA, and Dr. Malekzadeh as co-recipients of the first Helen F. Krause, MD, Trailblazer Award. The WIO Governing Council also honored Dr. Malekzadeh, WIO Section Chair, for her dedication and hard work in making the Section so successful. General Assembly attendees had the opportunity to network with their colleagues and learn more about WIO Section committees by participating in breakout roundtable discussions. The Section has six committees that members can serve: Leadership Development and Mentorship; Awards; Program; Research and Survey; Communications; and Endowment. The WIO Endowment Fund has continued to be very successful in its fundraising efforts. WIO-sponsored Instruction Courses and Miniseminars (SSAC) Instruction Course: “Gender and Leadership in OHNS.” Instruction Course: “Ten Essentials to Negotiating Otolaryngology.” Miniseminar: “International Healthcare and Women: The Roles and Challenges of Women in Sustainable Humanitarian Outreach.” Miniseminar: (with Young Physicians Committee, YPC) “Mentor and Mentee Skills: Tools from Residency to Practice and Beyond.” Miniseminar: “Finding Balance in a Surgical Career.” Miniseminar: “Practice Considerations and Contracts for New Employment.” (with Section for Residents and Fellows, SRF). Instruction Course: “Avoiding Academic ‘Burn-Out’ for Women in Otolaryngology.” Specialty Society Advisory Council (SSAC) Marvin P. Fried, MD, Chair The Specialty Society Advisory Council had a productive meeting in September, identifying many opportunities for collaboration among societies. The AAO-HNS presented its newly adopted “Code for Interactions with Companies,” modeled after the code developed by the Council for Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS). Content collaboration will be at the forefront of the SSAC agenda over the next year. Working closely together, the AAO-HNSF is proceeding with educational initiatives in collaboration with the specialty societies, producing content that encompasses the entire specialty and eliminating duplications.
The November 2011 Bulletin included listings of all committee members and an article on how to join a committee. The deadline for applications for the 2012 committee appointment process is February 1, 2012.
Standing Committees
Finance and Investment Subcommittee of the Board (FISC)
John W. House, MD, Chair
The subcommittee received and acknowledged the year-end June 30, 2011, Treasurer’s Report. Even though the audit had not begun at the time of the FISC meeting, the financial position of AAO-HNS/F is strong. Prodigy Asset Management provided the subcommittee with a status report of the AAO-HNS/F investments, noting that the recent downturn in the market was also affecting the returns on investment. The current portfolio strategy reflects a weighting toward high-quality, large-cap stocks. On November 2, 2011, the FISC met to review the Report of the Audit Committee. An additional meeting of the FISC is scheduled for December. Budget development for 2012-2013 will begin in February 2012.
Academy Committees
Airway and Swallowing Committee
Milan R. Amin, MD, and
Joel H. Blumin, MD, Co-Chairs
- The A&S Committee has developed a comprehensive database of tracheotomy complications that has been initiated and run by committee member Stacey Leigh Halum, MD, in concert with several other members. The findings from the data were presented in a miniseminar at this year’s Academy meeting.
- The A&S Committee had several miniseminar proposals accepted for presentation this year at the Annual Meeting and all were well attended.
- The A&S Committee has embarked upon a project to collect data regarding transnasal esophagoscopy and its indications. This process is being spearheaded by committee member Michael J. Pittman, MD.
Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Committee
Karen H. Calhoun, MD, Chair
- 2011 AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO Expo committee contributions.
- Presented four instruction courses:
- Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)—Why and How?
- Skin Testing for Inhalant and Food Allergies.
- Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders for the ENT.
- Pediatric Allergy Update.
- Presented four miniseminars including:
- Food Allergy 2011: State of the Science.
- Facts and Fictions about Non-Allergic Rhinitis.
- Presented four instruction courses:
- Reviewed and updated the AAO-HNS Allergy Testing Clinical Indicator.
- Reviewed and updated AAO-HNS patient leaflets including:
- Allergies and Hay Fever.
- Antihistamines, Decongestants, and Cold Remedies.
- How Allergies Affect Your Child’s ENT.
- Reviewed and provided recommendations for edits to the Local Coverage Determination (LCD) draft for Allergen Immunology.
- Submitted the topic of Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) to the Guidelines Development Task Force (GDTF) for consideration.
Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel Committee
Peter A. Weisskopf, MD, Chair
The Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel (CPOP) hosted two workshops in Detroit, MI, and Dallas, TX, and the committee began a comprehensive CPOP program review and analysis.
Credentials and Membership Committee
Pierre Lavertu, MD, Chair
The Credentials and Membership committee is charged with determining eligibility for Academy membership, continuing review of Academy member categories, and developing campaigns to increase membership by making all otolaryngologist—head and neck surgeons aware of the need to support the Academy’s overall mission.
At this year’s meeting, the committee discussed working closely with state societies to recruit and reinstate non-members and help in our efforts to ensure that we do not lose members who transition out of residency.
It plans to review the Academy Bylaws—Article II Membership Section to see if the Bylaws should reference the maintenance of board recertification.
Complementary/Integrative Medicine Committee
Edmund A. Pribitkin, MD, Chair
In conjunction with the Medical Devices and Drugs Committee presented a standing room-only miniseminar on Alternative Treatments to Common ORL Problems: Help or Harm?
Agreed to provide editors and authors a special issue of Otolaryngology Clinics of North America on Integrative Medicine. Numerous members presented well-received instruction courses on topics such as Herbal Therapy, Acupuncture for Otolaryngologists, and Improving Patients’ Quality of Life After Cancer Treatment.
CPT and Relative Value Committee
Jane T. Dillon, MD, Chair
During the 2010 Annual Meeting & EXPO in Boston, the CPT/RUC Committee voted to request a new CPT code to capture the work done in endoscopic Zenker’s diverticulum surgery. The Physician Policy Payment Work Group (3P) agreed to this position since there is no specific code to report the procedure when it is performed endoscopically. Two surveys were conducted in 2011 to gauge members’ need for a new code. At the 2011 Annual Meeting & EXPO in San Francisco, the committee agreed to work closely with specialty societies (ALA, ABEA, and AHNS) that perform this procedure in order to craft the language for the code submission to the CPT Editorial Panel. The committee added representatives from many of the subspecialties to provide broader representation and to achieve the charge of coordinating efforts involving the CPT and RVU review of otolaryngology—head and neck services and other related policy issues.
Diversity Committee
Duane J. Taylor, MD, Chair
- Received Model Committee Award.
- Established the initial funds for the Diversity Committee Endowment.
- Diversity Committee member Phyllis B. Bouvier, MD, gave an instruction course at 2011 meeting, which came out of the 2010 miniseminar.
- Dr. Taylor attended the Residents and Fellows Section meeting and encouraged continued involvement with the Committee. We have several new resident members.
- Working the Academy U® with volunteer members to establish modules on health disparities, cultural competency, and health literacy. Working on miniseminar for 2012 on health disparities, cultural competency, and health literacy.
- Plan to encourage and identify instructional courses that may relate to Diversity Committee’s charge and make sure attendees at next year’s meeting have collection of relevant courses prior to meeting.
- Coordination of multicenter research projects pertaining to health disparities and prevalence and treatment of otolaryngology disorders in diverse populations and looking at ways to increase the diversity of our specialty workforce in both clinical, and academic/research arenas, including mentoring programs.
Endocrine Surgery Committee
Lisa A. Orloff, MD, Chair
- Ultrasound Workshop: Robert A. Sofferman, MD, reported on the second successful Ultrasound Workshop, with full attendance. Merry E. Sebelik, MD, will conduct a critical needs assessment survey in the fall asking residents how each program handles ultrasound issues.
- Guideline: Dr. Orloff reported that the Guidelines Development Task Force accepted the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Monitoring (RLN) proposal. The rigorous, formal process appoints a non-thyroid specialist as leader of the task force, with societal representatives having equal rank, and includes several medical organizations. Ralph P. Tufano, MD, stated that the American Thyroid Association (ATA) will recognize our guidelines; however, the Academy will not seek endorsement from other organizations. The comment phase will be completed in six months.
- ATA Guidelines: David L. Steward, MD, announced that the first meeting is at the ATA conference in October, when the current guidelines will be reviewed. The Endocrine Society holds another face-to-face meeting June 2012. Dr. Tufano and Maisie L. Shindo, MD, are working on a draft paper to present to the American Head and Neck Society (AHNS) in October, summarizing the miniseminar presented at the annual meeting by Robert L. Witt, MD.
- Miniseminar Proposals: Dr. Orloff recognized other thyroid miniseminars, representing much hard work. She invited proposals for next year and encouraged expanding speaker panels, such as CPT coding issues on new terms for neck dissection. Dr. Tufano and Gregory W. Randolph, MD, suggested handling of difficult cases, repeating the success of a few years ago.
- Relations with other Societies: ATA surgical affairs committee is including new members, and otolaryngology should be represented. Dr. Randolph, who is on the council of the International Association of Endocrine Surgeons, reported he would be happy to help committee members join this excellent organization. It meets every two years with the next one in Helsinki in 2013. David J. Terris, MD, stated that with Ashok R. Shaha, MD, as president of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons (AAES), there are many opportunities to discuss a concrete timeline for changing membership status from associate to full member. Four committee members are AAES members. The Academy and AHNS should collaborate on placing members in other organizations, including the American Society of Clinical Endocrinologists (ASCE) and the Endocrine Society. The committee approved a motion to encourage Academy members to join thyroid-related organizations.
Ethics Committee
Lauren S. Zaretsky, MD, Chair
- Responded to the American Medical Association (AMA) request on Opinions in the Code of Medical Ethics.
- Conducted a miniseminar during the 2011 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO on ethical considerations of humanitarian efforts in the international arena.
- Actively contributed to the AAO-HNS/F Code for Interactions with Companies approval by the AAO-HNS/F Boards of Directors during the September 10, 2011, Board meetings.
- Moratorium on Expert Witness Testimony lifted, responsibility of oversight added to the charge of the Ethics Committee.
Equilibrium Committee
Allan M. Rubin, MD, PhD, Chair
- The committee continues to work on the development of a set of treatment criteria for Meniere’s disease.
- The committee provided input into the update of the “Canalith Repositioning” clinical indicator.
- The committee provided feedback on a Dizziness Quality Measure developed by the Audiology Quality Consortium.
Geriatric Otolaryngology Committee
David E. Eibling, MD, Chair
The online book text for Geriatric Otolaryngology needs to be reviewed for website keywords and relevancy. The goals are:
- Look and review for missing topics such as Balance.
- Do review for currency and relevance and identify key words.
- While the deadline for keyword list is November 15, the goal is to have a total revision by our meeting next September 15.
- The study “Hearing Loss and Cognition Among Older Adults in the U.S.” (J Gerontal A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2011: July 18) from Johns Hopkins Center on Aging and Health was discussed as an important study to be shared throughout the membership and particularly with the Hearing Committees as a possible miniseminar topic.
Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology Committee
Daniel G. Deschler, MD, Chair
The committee was congratulated for the honor of being named a Model Committee by the AAO-HNSF at the Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Members were thanked for their continued and significant educational and academic efforts which led to this award. This year the committee continued the strong tradition of successful miniseminar presentations with Oropharyngeal Cancer Tumor Board and Management of the Neck in Head and Neck Cancer in conjunction with the Head and Neck Education Committee. The committee also co-sponsored the highly successful Sixth Annual Head and Neck Oncology Resident Education Symposium in conjunction with the AHNS.
Hearing Committee
Robert K. Jackler, MD, Chair
- Completed a review and update of 28 patient education materials.
- Established a comprehensive hearing classification scale, which will be submitted to the AAO-HNS Board for approval in December 2011.
Imaging Committee
Gavin Setzen, MD, Chair
As of the 2011 annual meeting, the CT Imaging Workgroup officially became the Imaging Committee. Recent Academy wins as a result of Committee members’ efforts include National Imaging Associates recognizing accreditation for advanced imaging from the Accreditation of Computed Tomography Laboratories (ICACTL), and a collaborative effort with the American Medical Association, Kentucky state societies, and the Association of Otolaryngology Administrators that resulted in Humana reversing its coverage position on mini-CT scans. Other major health policy activities included: review and input on the American College of Radiology (ACR) Appropriateness Criteria, with coordination from many other Academy committees; and coordinated advocacy efforts to oppose the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) recommendations on in-office imaging services in its June 2011 report.
Also, committee members reviewed all relevant 2011 annual meeting instructional courses and miniseminars, and identified any that were relevant to imaging services and would meet accreditation requirements for ICACTL. A list of the courses was provided to members via the Academy website and communicated to members via The News. The Committee will continue its policy advocacy efforts and is working to expand educational offerings on imaging through the Academy to meet ICACTL accreditation requirements.
Implantable Hearing Devices Subcommittee
Jeffery J. Kuhn, MD, Chair
- New fact sheet for Cochlear Implants and Meningitis Vaccination.
- Published an article in February Bulletin: “Pneumococcal Vaccination: Updated CDC Recommendations for Cochlear Implant Patients.”
- Academy website updates for Cochlear Implants and Meningitis Vaccination plus revised links to updated vaccination information.
- Cochlear Implants and Meningitis Vaccination Awareness Campaign II launched in conjunction with cochlear implant manufacturers.
- Review of Medical Policy on Cochlear Implants from WellPoint and United Healthcare.
- Currently participating in CMS MEDCAC (Medicare Evidence Development and Coverage Advisory Committee) meeting on AHRQ Technology Assessment review of bilateral cochlear implantation.
Infectious Disease Committee
Patrick J. Antonelli, MD, Chair
- The committee reviewed materials provided by the Infectious Diseases Society of America regarding the 10 x ’20 Initiative. The campaign seeks to promote research and development to produce 10 new antibiotics by 2020.
- The committee assisted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in reviewing materials for Recreational Water Illness and Injury Prevention Week.
Media and Public Relations Committee
Wendy B. Stern, MD, Chair
The committee will continue its existing support of Academy PR minicampaigns and develop the 2012 minicampaign calendar. They are working on branding and exploring new marketing opportunities for the “Primary Care in Otolaryngology” handbook for medical students and nurses, currently on the Academy website. The committee also will hold a spring meeting and media training session at the 2012 BOG Spring meeting (May 6-7, 2012) for the committee and the BOG PR representatives.
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Committee
David W. Roberson, MD, Co-Chair,
and Rahul K. Shah, MD, Co-Chair
This year the committee focused on a number of projects, including:
- A database study on trends in ORL closed claims and risk factors for closed claims in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery 2005-2009. The purpose of this claims-based study, data provided through The Doctors Company, was to gain access to de-identified liability claims data, identify opportunities for interventions for particular patterns of practice that led to safety events/claims, and development of targeted tools for members addressing these issues.
- Catastrophic Outcomes with Tracheotomy survey was designed to gauge the experience of otolaryngologist—head and neck surgeons in caring for tracheotomies and potential complications. There were 480 respondents to this survey. A miniseminar was presented at the 2011 AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO. A manuscript is in development.
- Tonsillectomy disasters survey. The survey was designed to determine the variation in post-tonsillectomy admission practices and create a better understanding of the likelihood of apneic death on post-op day one. Also, the survey was designed to evaluate delayed bleeding complications in tonsillectomy patients. There were 546 respondents to the survey. Analysis and manuscript development is under way.
- Studies on post-admission criteria for Obstructive Sleep Apnea and a handoffs project are also under way. During their meeting, members submitted many ideas for this year’s work plan for both database studies and survey topics. The committee determined that it would focus on EMR/CPOE and patient safety; use of surgical checklist and universal protocol in ORL; patient safety culture: perspective from otolaryngologists; and balloon sinuplasty utilization. Dr. Shah continues to address the most recent and relevant information on patient safety and quality improvement in his monthly Bulletin column.
Pediatric Otolaryngology Committee
David E. Tunkel, MD, Chair
Miniseminars at the 2011 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO in San Francisco sponsored by the pediatric otolaryngology committee included “Safer Imaging of Children with Otolaryngologic Disease,” submitted by Julie L. Wei, MD, and “Advances in Pediatric Cholesteatoma,” submitted by David R. White, MD.
“Tympanostomy Tubes in Children” was successfully submitted to the Guideline Development Task Force by Dr. Tunkel as a potential clinical practice guideline.
Committee members reviewed and revised the content of AAO-HNSF literature and fact sheets with pediatric content. This will continue as part of the website content relevancy project.
Physician Resources Committee
David W. Kennedy, MD, Chair
This committee continues with its focus on education and tools needed to prepare for workforce shortages and workforce changes. During its meeting, the committee discussed formulating small subcommittees to look at several of the issues affecting ORL future work force. The committee heard from the AAPA liaison about progress in physician assistant training initiatives over the past year and discussed a parallel project on training in addition to the work by subgroups on workforce supply models and exploring geographic issues affecting workforce numbers.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Committee
James R. Jordan, MD, Chair
Donna J. Millay, MD, Chair-Elect
The committee has primarily been involved in drafting responses to a variety of issues raised by third-party payer policy changes. For example, when United Healthcare sought to change its policy concerning coverage of septoplasty and rhinoplasty, members of the committee were called on to respond. After several conference calls, favorable revisions were made to the policy to remove some of the more restrictive language. The committee continues to work to foster improved relations with other societies that perform plastic surgery of the facial structures.
Rhinology and Paranasal Sinus Committee
Scott P. Stringer, MD
The committee provided expert input to letters the Academy sent to Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) regarding a reference medical policy on “Balloon Sinuplasty for Treatment of Chronic Sinusitis” and to WellPoint on “Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS).” The committee also reviewed nine Clinical Indicators. They have discussed several miniseminar topics, including infectious disease safety and training and regional variation in management of sinusitis, to co-sponsor with American Rhinology Society (ARS) for the 2012 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
Medical Devices and Drugs Committee
Udayan K. Shah, MD, Chair
The committee co-sponsored the following 2011 miniseminars: “Alternative Treatments to Common ORL Problems: Help or Harm?,” “Device Complications: What Does the Surgeon Do?,” “Pediatric Sinusitis: Drugs and Devices,” and the instructional course: “Talking to Lawyers: Effectively Managing Legal Relationships.” A survey was conducted of members to provide data on industry reps in the OR and the committee plans to solicit members again the end of 2011 to obtain more data. The committee plans to submit the following miniseminars for 2012: “Cochlear Implant Device Failures,” co-sponsored with Otology & Neurotology & Education Committee and Implantable Hearing Devices Subcommittee; “Interplay of Innovation and Scope of Practice,” to be co-sponsored by the BOG Legislative Committee; “Stents and Sciences,” to be explored for content with the Rhinology & Allergy Committee; and “Tonsillectomy—Which Device When,” to be explored for content with the Pediatric Otolaryngology Education Committee.
Medical Informatics Committee
Edward B. Ermini, MD, Chair
- Reviewed Meaningful Use recommendations from Health and Human Services Office of the National Coordinator and provided extensive comments.
- Published the article, “Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records in Otolaryngology: Recommendations from American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Medical Informatics Committee,” in the February 2011 issue of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery.
- Provided Instruction Courses at 2011 annual meeting on “EHR/EMR and Meaningful Use” and “Using HIT/EHR for Quality Care.”
- Represented the Academy at the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) conference on Telemedicine.
Microvascular Committee
Douglas B. Chepeha, MD, MSPH
The Microvascular Committee is actively engaged in a national retrospective review of reconstructive techniques after surgical salvage of patients who have failed chemoradiation treatment. At present, 42 institutions have indicated interest and five have sent in their data on 75 patients. The goal of this effort is to understand how different approaches to reconstruction affect fistula rate. The information is designed to guide future reconstructive approaches and help develop evidence for how surgeons should approach high-risk reconstructive cases. This work has been supported in part by a grant from the AAO-HNSF. The committee has also taken on a bold effort to post educational videos of donor site elevations of autogenous transplantation.
Skull Base Surgery Committee
Gregory J. Artz, MD
Douglas D. Backous, MD, Chair
The committee presented a miniseminar, moderated by Carl H. Snyderman, MD, “Avoiding Disaster at the Skull Base: Case Studies in 3D,” at the annual meeting in San Francisco. The committee plans to submit another miniseminar to be considered for the 2012 AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO in Washington, DC.
Sleep Disorders Committee
Pell Ann Wardrop, MD
The committee drafted a policy statement for Midline Glossectomy, which has been approved by the BOD. The committee updated the clinical indicators for Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, Tonsilloadenoidectomy, and Adenoidectomy, and these are pending approval. The committee also updated the following patient education materials: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, Oral Appliances, Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Surgical Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Treatment Options for Adults with Snoring. The Board of Directors approved the committee’s request that a sleep medicine track be developed under the Academy’s educational and annual meeting offerings.
Two clinical studies, headed by members of the Sleep Disorders Committee investigating the effect of tonsillectomy on OSA, are enrolling patients. The committee, with the assistance of the AAO-HNS Health Policy division, responded to several third-party payer issues or policies relating to treatment of patients with sleep disordered breathing. Twelve committee members have volunteered to participate in the website relevancy project. Throughout the year, there was active participation by members of the committee and by many other non-official committee member physicians with an interest in sleep medicine.
Trauma Committee
Joseph Brennan, MD, Col., USAF, Chair
After years of preparation, the Trauma Committee held its first meeting as an official committee of the Academy. With more than 25 members, consultants, and guests of the Trauma Committee present, there was much to discuss. The committee is looking forward to educating the specialty on trauma by creating a comprehensive plan for next year that includes submitting: four miniseminars, at least two research areas for instruction courses, multiple Bulletin articles throughout the year, and the opportunity for a Saturday workshop on disaster preparedness.
The Trauma Committee is excited to get started on their many different endeavors and hopes that everyone within the specialty will gain a greater knowledge and awareness of how trauma will affect their patient population.
Voice Committee
Clark A. Rosen, MD, Chair
The committee is opposed to the recent reversal of the CMS stroboscopy supervision rules for speech pathologists and will work toward a compromise between the present “no supervision, no otolaryngology involvement” status and toward a goal of improving otolaryngology involvement in speech pathologists performing stroboscopy.
The committee has partnered with medical industry to submit a series of HCPCS codes for vocal fold injection material billing that will allow otolaryngologists to bill for vocal fold injection material in an outpatient setting. CMS decision regarding this submission is pending.
Young Physicians Committee (YPC)
Monica Tadros, MD, Chair
Ayesha N. Khalid, MD, Co-Chair
At this year’s meeting, the committee voted to survey all young physicians in the specialty who are active members to identify their needs and determine the best way the YPC can fulfill its mission aligned with the Academy’s guiding principles and strategic plan. James L. Netterville, MD, President-Elect of the AAO-HNS, has made it clear that he wants us all to have an active voice and participate in AAO-HNS activities.
The YPC is planning on developing a work taskforce for collaborating with the Women in Otolaryngology Section, Section for Residents and Fellows-in-Training, and the Board of Governors in developing a successful mentorship program and pathway to leadership for young physicians who are transitioning into practice.
The committee is also interested in working with Wendy B. Stern, MD, chair of the Media and Public Relations Committee to offer young physicians media training in May 2012 during the BOG Spring Meeting and Annual Advocacy Conference.
Foundation Committees
International Steering Committee
Gregory W. Randolph, MD, Chair
- Dr. Randolph welcomed new members, Milan Profant, MD, and Ashok R. Shaha, MD. The third Global Health symposium in 2012 will offer descriptive or clinical papers. David W. Kennedy, MD, recommended geopolitical topics from each country, such as workforce management and scope of practice.
- Dr. Randolph announced the International Speakers Bureau will have a new credentialed format. The white journal is soliciting international manuscripts and regional advisors will be invited to select articles and write an introduction. The journal publisher is promoting subscriptions, including an Internet subscription portfolio.
- James E. Saunders, MD, reported the Kenya society is now an ICS affiliate; the second Africa Caucus met at the 2011 annual meeting; and the Central African meeting, June 3-6, 2012, is a high priority.
- Pablo J. Stolovitzky, MD, reported on many Latin American meetings, including joint meetings.
- Eugene N. Myers, MD, honorary president of the Balkan Society, attended a strategic meeting in Antalya, Turkey, and in spring 2012 will visit the Balkan Congress venue in Romania.
- Dr. Kennedy attended an all-Scandinavia meeting, and in 2012 will attend the Romanian Society’s congress, Prof. Heinz Stammberger’s meeting in March, and the European Rhinology meeting, Toulouse, France, June 2012.
- G. Richard Holt, MD, MSE, MPH, reported on the Middle East Arab spring, noting the joint meeting in Egypt January 12, 2013. We have active relations with Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria.
- Ramon A. Franco, Jr., MD, reported on three or four joint meetings in 2011 and 2012 in Central America.
- Dr. Randolph reminded the committee that the 2011 guest countries were Australia, France, Germany, Japan, and Switzerland, and the 2012 guest countries will be Chile, Israel, Spain, and Vietnam.
- Dr. Shaha reported that the International Federation of Head and Neck Oncological Societies (IFHNOS, founded in 1988) now has 48 societies in 42 countries. IFHNOS has held Congresses in Mumbai, Rio de Janeiro, Prague, and Seoul, with 800 to 900 attendees. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center will celebrate its centennial July 22-26, 2014, by hosting the IFHNOS congress together with AHNS. IFHNOS has organized a month-long Global Tour in 2008, 2010, and 2012.
International Otolaryngology Committee
Nikhil J. Bhatt, MD, Chair
- Dr. Bhatt encouraged committee members to be active, inviting inactive members to step down, and congratulated the International Visiting Scholars and International Corresponding Societies programs.
- Dr. Bhatt introduced representatives of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India Congress (AOICON) who discussed planning of the January 2013 meeting in Pune, India.
- Stella E. Rowley, MD, urged attendance at the Panamanian Society’s joint meeting January 26-28, in Panama, featuring J. Regan Thomas, MD, and 11 other American Academy members as speakers.
- Prof. Karl Hormann stated that the joint European Academy/EUFOS meeting July 2011 in Barcelona totaled 4,000 attendees. The next step is the fourth board examinations in Vienna.
- Dr. Saunders reported that the WHO staff position now has bridge funding through donations; government funding/lobbying is still needed.
- The committee supported active member recruitment, including inviting a resident or fellow to attend the annual meeting. Michael J. Rutter, MD, urged the committee to use Academy promotional PowerPoint slides at conference and courses, with the Call for Papers and membership information. Nikhila Raol, MD, will review Twitter and Facebook as recruitment channels.
Instruction Course Advisory Committee
The Instruction Course Advisory Committee reviews and develops the afternoon instruction course programs for the Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO. At the 2011 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO, 344 instruction courses were presented.
Humanitarian Efforts Committee
James E. Saunders, MD, Chair
- Dr. Saunders reported the committee met face-to-face at COSM and held two conference calls. The WHO staff position received bridge funding through directed donations, of which the Academy contribution was key. International Visiting Scholarships have quadrupled in the last four years from two to eight.
- The Coalition for Global Hearing Health will meet early June 2012 in South Africa at an educational facility with temporal bone labs before the Central Africa meeting.
- Nazaneen N. Grant, MD, gave an update on the Humanitarian Opportunities pilot phase, recreated with searchable tools at www.entnet.org/humanitarian. The next steps are to populate the database, adding more organizations and a field for urgent need.
- The committee’s work groups interact with other disciplines, including Susan R. Cordes, MD, (thyroid instruction committee, liaison head and neck thyroid) and Eric P. Wilkinson, MD, (otology). The Emergency/Disaster Relief (earthquakes, floods) was separated from Telemedicine as a new work group for patient prescreening and follow-up. Peggyann Nowak, MD, urged members to get vetted for disaster relief through the AMA Disaster relief database. The American College of Surgeons (ACS) Operation Giving Back offers procedure-based disaster response training.
- Dr. Saunders and Eric P. Wilkinson, MD, will submit a humanitarian otology miniseminar for the IFOS World Congress 2013.
- Steven L. Goudy, MD, reported on his liaison with the Pediatric Committee and the American Cleft Palate Association.
History and Archives Committee
Lawrence R. Lustig, MD, Chair
- The committee discussed:
- Showing the value for Otolaryngology Historical Society (OHS) membership, such as an OHS member certificate and directory, an archive of past talks, a Facebook group, an essay competition, and a speakers’ bureau with talks on the specialty heritage for Grand Rounds, local libraries, and communities.
- A miniseminar abstract for 2012 on the history of hearing conservation, the birth of Medicare/Medicaid, and other topics.
- A Bulletin 2012 editorial calendar for monthly historical items.
- A reduced membership rate for residents and military members.
- The chair recruited volunteers to staff the booth. Next year, the booth will display historical artifacts.
- The committee will review procedures for acquisitions, donations, and retention.
- The committee approved digitizing the oral histories.
- Charles R. Pettit, MD; Jeremy D. Prager, MD; and Robert J. Ruben, MD, volunteered to review the website.
Outcomes, Research, and EBM Subcommittee
Scott E. Brietzke, MD, MPH, Chair
This year, two members were awarded travel grants to attend the Cochrane Colloquium in Madrid, Spain; they will each develop a systematic review, one on chronic cough and the other on macrolide therapy for rhinosinusitis, to be published over the next year. Three committee-sponsored miniseminars were accepted for presentation at the annual meeting in San Francisco. Featured in the research section of the July Bulletin, an article titled, “Evidence-based Practice and Otolaryngology: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?” was written by the leadership subcommittee to highlight existing evidence-based medicine publications and to highlight a prioritized list of evidence gaps requiring further research. Currently, the leadership subcommittee is developing a new work plan for 2012 and prioritizing abstracts for submission to the 2012 annual meeting in Washington, DC.
Panamerican Committee
Hector E. Ruiz, MD, Chair
- Dr. Ruiz introduced Juan Manuel Garcia Gomez, MD, as chair-elect.
- The committee made a motion for the chair to review symposium proposals for the 2012 meeting. Dr. Garcia suggested hot topics such as compare/contrast Panamerican approaches to sleep apnea, HPV prevalence, robotic surgery, and setting up a clinic. Roxana Cobo-Sefair, MD, recommended offering handouts in both Spanish and English. Luis F. Encarnacion, MD, stressed keeping a Latin American space at the meeting because industry support is changing.
- The committee proposed developing a database of Latin American ENTs in the U.S. as well as U.S. members who speak Spanish.
- Dr. Garcia will write a Bulletin article about the Panamerican Association, noting that it was launched in 1946 in Chicago.
- Dr. Ruiz announced upcoming joint meetings, e.g., Paraguay, Argentina, and Colombia.
Program Advisory Committee
The Program Advisory Committee reviews and develops Scientific Program content for the Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO. At the 2011 annual meeting, 88 miniseminars were presented, 299 oral presentations were delivered, and 468 posters were on display.
Board of Governors Committees
Representatives from Board of Governors societies across the country were well represented during the BOG meetings held during the 2011 AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO. Highlights from the meetings include:
BOG Development/Fundraising Task Force
Jay S. Youngerman, MD, Chair
The Task Force chair gave an overview of the Foundation’s development programs including the Millennium Society, Partners for Progress, and the Hal Foster, MD, Endowment and welcomed Nikhil J. Bhatt, MD, as the newly appointed AAO-HNSF Board of Directors’ Development Coordinator. Following the meeting, Task Force Members worked to raise more than $125,000 for the AAO-HNSF mission and speak with members about the upcoming deadline (December 31, 2011) to become a Hal Foster, MD, Endowment Founding Donor. Visit www.entnet.org/endowment.
On October 4, 2011, taskforce members mourned the loss of our Task Force Co-Chair, Helen F. Krause, MD. Dr. Krause will be remembered fondly for her significant contributions to the specialty and for her dedicated work to this committee and the BOG.
BOG Legislative Representatives Committee
Paul M. Imber, DO, Chair
The Committee received updates on current federal and state legislative activities for 2011, including Medicare physician payment reform, repeal of the Independent Payment Advisory Board, and ongoing scope-of-practice battles. In addition, it received an update on new programs and fundraising activities for ENT PAC, the political action committee of the AAO-HNS. The committee also heard about grassroots efforts and advocacy programs, such as JSAC 2011 and plans for an advocacy day in 2012, the ENT Advocacy Network Recruitment Contest, and coalition efforts. Guest speakers included Larry N. Smith, MD, a member of the committee who presented a proposed resolution on uncompensated and undercompensated healthcare tax deductions, and Ms. A. J. Kennedy with the Californians Allied for Patient Protection (CAPP), who spoke on medical liability reform efforts in California.
BOG Socioeconomic and Grassroots Committee
Denis C. Lafreniere, MD, Chair
- Featured a panel discussion of Scope of Practice (SOP) issues.
- Guest speaker, Deb Osborn, Executive Director, Connecticut Ear, Nose and Throat Society presented, “How to Make Your State Society Work for You.”
- Invited guest speaker, Richard W. Waguespack, MD, presented an update on the recent Zenkers Diverticulum Survey.
- Guest speaker, Larry N. Smith, MD, monitored additional discussion of his proposed resolution, “Uncompensated and Undercompensated Healthcare Tax Deduction.”
BOG Executive Committee-sponsored Miniseminar—Hot Topics in Otolaryngology
Peter Abramson, MD, BOG Secretary
- Dr. Abramson moderated a compelling panel presentation on current hot topics in otolaryngology. They were reimbursement for emergency department coverage, hospital/physician joint adventures, and an update on payments for EHR and meaningful use.
BOG General Assembly
- BOG committee chairs provided updated reports on their committee’s activities from the past year
- Marcella R. Bothwell, MD, received the 2011 BOG Practitioner Excellence Award.
- The Pennsylvania Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery received the 2011 BOG Model Society Award and the Virginia Society of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery received an Honorable Mention 2011 Model Society Award.
- Michael D. Seidman, MD, BOG Chair, presented Recognition Awards to Gavin Setzen, MD, and Dr. Abramson for their service on the BOG Executive Committee.
- Dr. Seidman presented BOG Chair Awards to Rick G. Love, MD, Richard D. Nichols, MD, and Herbert Silverstein, MD, in memory of John Kemink, MD, and Academy BOG staff liaison, Richard Carson.
- Governors (or their alternates) in attendance elected Dr. Lafreniere to the position of BOG Chair-Elect and Dr. Stern to the position of BOG Secretary.
Education Committees
Education Steering Committee
Mark K. Wax, MD, Chair, Coordinator of Education
The Education Steering Committee discussed several new initiatives for the education committees to focus on in 2012. These new initiatives include COCLIA and Image Viewer updates, the Maintenance Manual for Lifelong Learning revisions, question pool development, and the Website Content Relevancy project to identify key words for all education activities.
Core Otolaryngology and Practice Management Education Committee
Richard R. Waguespack, MD, Chair
The committee continues to provide policy and content oversight to the Coding and Reimbursement workshops held regionally each year. Its members serve as experts in ever-changing coding and practice management issues. In addition, the committee produced courses on “Implementing an Electronic Medical Record System” and “Lessons Learned in 20 Years in the Medicolegal System.”
Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Education Committee
Fred G. Fedok, MD, Chair
The committee produced an AcademyU® course on “The Use of Botulinum Toxin in Otolaryngology” in addition to online lectures in “Incisionless Otoplasty,” “Adult with Complex Maxillofacial Trauma,” “Advanced Aesthetic and Functional Rhinoplasty,” and “Surgical Rejuvenation of Forehead and Brow.”
General Otolaryngology Education Committee
Karen T. Pitman, MD, Chair
The committee was pleased to publish the third edition of Primary Care Otolaryngology, the primer on otolaryngology for medical students, residents, and non-otolaryngologists. In addition, it provided leadership to the successful ENT for the PA-C conference held in conjunction with AAPA and SPAO. It also produced courses on “Laryngopharyngeal Reflux,” Adult with Oral Cavity Lesion,” and “Pediatric Neck Mass Due to MRSA.”
Head and Neck Surgery Education Committee
Dennis H. Kraus, MD, Chair
The committee produced several courses including online lectures and Patient of the Month and AcademyU® courses. Topics covered include “Neck Dissection for Thyroid Cancer,” “Pregnant Patient with Thyroid Mass,” and “Basic Head and Neck Pathology.” In addition, HNSEC completed a section of the Home Study Course on Inflammatory Diseases of the Head and Neck.
Laryngology and Bronchoesophagology Education Committee (LBEC)
J. Dale Browne, MD, Chair
The committee produced online lectures covering such topics as “Phonomicrosurgery for Benign Pathology,” “The Office Dysphagia Consult,” and “Professional Singers: The Science and Art of Clinical Care.” In addition, LBEC completed a section of the Home Study Course on Laryngology, Voice Disorders, and Bronchoesophagology.
Otology and Neurotology Education Committee (ONEC)
Cliff A. Megerian, MD, Chair
The committee produced several AcademyU® courses and online lectures in 2011, including “Steroids for Sudden Hearing Loss,” “Techniques to Simplify Myringoplasty,” and “Cochlear Implants in Children and Adults.” In addition, ONEC completed a section of the Home Study Course on Otology and Neurotology.
Pediatric Otolaryngology Education Committee
Sugki S. Choi, MD, Chair
The committee produced a Patient of the Month course on “Child with Nasal Congestion,” and online lectures on Autism and Asperger’s for the Practicing Otolaryngologist,” “Sensorial Hearing Loss in Infants and Children,” and “Stridor and the Pediatric Larnyx.” POEC also completed the Pediatrics section of the Home Study Course.
Rhinology and Allergy Education Committee
James A. Hadley, MD, Chair
The committee completed a section of the Home Study Course on Rhinology and Allergy Disorders. In addition, RAEC produced an AcademyU® course on the “Management of Sinonasal Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks” and online lectures on “Radiation Safety and Point of Service CT Imaging” and “Medical Strategies for Treatment of Refractory Sinusitis.”
Sections/ Advisory/ Other Committees
Centralized Otolaryngology Research Efforts (CORE) Study Section
Jay O. Boyle, MD, Co-Chair,
Lawrence R. Lustig, MD, Co-Chair, and Richard R. Orlandi, MD, Co-Chair
- Seventy-seven individuals participated in the Study Section, including 11 residents.
- Reviewed 151 grant applications requesting $2,310,922 in research funding.
- Identified 38 grant applications for funding and made recommendations to the participating subspecialty society leadership.
- Ultimately, $629,067 was awarded by the subspecialty society leadership.
Physician Payment Policy (3P) Work Group
Richard W. Waguespack, MD, and Michael Setzen, MD, Co-chairs
- 3P is the senior advisory body to Academy leadership and staff on issues related to socioeconomic advocacy, regulatory activity, coding or reimbursement, and practice services or management. 3P and the Health Policy staff continue to ensure that members’ interests are appropriately represented. Coordination with other Academy committees, subspecialties, and medical specialty societies are critical to 3P’s success. We thank all involved in recent advocacy efforts. We continue to maintain the Academy’s visibility with top Medicare representatives at the CMS during formal and informal face-to-face meetings and comment letters submitted on behalf of members. The Academy has excellent representation at the AMA’s CPT and RUC meetings. 2010-2011 highlighted advocacy efforts include:
- Receiving Separate Payment from the CMS for Epley Maneuver as of January 1, 2011, and a joint effort with subspecialities to successfully advocate for changes to United Healthcare Rhinoplasty, Septoplasty and Repair of Vestibular Stenosis coverage guideline.
- The 2011 Socioeconomic Survey was launched, received a 23-percent response rate, and the data was analyzed with trend results unveiled at the annual meeting in San Francisco.
- Template appeal letters on septoplasty, image guidance, and patient notification of additional costs to some diagnostic procedures performed in-office were drafted and made available to members.
- Six CPT Assistant articles were drafted, and 3P leaders provided guidance to 22 coding inquiries received by the AMA.
- The following health policy sessions were held in San Francisco at the 2011 annual meeting: 3P miniseminar on new strategies in Academy advocacy for physician payment, RUC survey instrument education seminar, the Medicare Contractor Advisory Committee (CAC) education, and ICD-9 transition to ICD-10. 3P and the Health Policy Team plan on providing these educational sessions again in 2012 in Washington, DC.
- In the next year, an increased effort will be made to emphasize the importance of filling out RUC surveys. For additional information on any of these issues, contact healthpolicy@entnet.org.
Section for Residents and Fellows-in-Training (SRF)
Mark E. Zafereo, Jr., MD, Chair
The Section for Residents and Fellows-in-Training (SRF) functions as an advisory body to the Board of Directors (BOD). During the annual meeting, Monday was officially designated as Residents Day with several events specially geared toward residents.
SRF General Assembly
- The Section held a well-attended General Assembly meeting. During the session, attendees elected the following new officers:
Jayme R. Dowdall, MD, Chair
Nikhila Raol, MD, Vice Chair
Nathan A. Deckard, MD, Information Officer
Angela K. Sturm-O’Brien, MD, Member-at-Large
Estelle S. Yoo, MD, BOG Governor
Kanwar S. Kelley, MD, BOG Legislative Representative
Alba M. Miranda, MD, BOG Public Relations Representative
In addition, Dr. Mark Zafereo, Jr., transitioned to Immediate Past Chair.
SRF-sponsored Miniseminars
- “Practice Considerations and Contracts for New Employment” (with Women in Otolaryngology, WIO Section)
- “Mentor and Mentee Skills: Tools from Residency to Practice and Beyond”
Other Featured Resident Event Opportunities Available During the Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO Included:
- Free Instruction Courses for Residents Academy Members
- Poster Presentations
- ENT Careers Live!
- AcademyU® Learning Lab
Women in Otolaryngology (WIO) Section
Sonya Malekzadeh, MD, Chair
The Women in Otolaryngology (WIO) Section seeks to support women otolaryngologists by identifying their needs, fostering their development, and promoting women as leaders in the specialty. In December 2010, the Board of Directors (BOD) unanimously approved the transition of the WIO Committee to full section status. To this end, the Section’s governing council leaders hit the ground running and organized an impressive program of events that were held during the annual meeting.
WIO Luncheon/General Assembly
- Following the Nancy L. Snyderman, MD, Keynote “Transitions,” the Section honored Ronald B. Kuppersmith, MD, MBA, and Dr. Malekzadeh as co-recipients of the first Helen F. Krause, MD, Trailblazer Award. The WIO Governing Council also honored Dr. Malekzadeh, WIO Section Chair, for her dedication and hard work in making the Section so successful.
- General Assembly attendees had the opportunity to network with their colleagues and learn more about WIO Section committees by participating in breakout roundtable discussions. The Section has six committees that members can serve: Leadership Development and Mentorship; Awards; Program; Research and Survey; Communications; and Endowment.
The WIO Endowment Fund has continued to be very successful in its fundraising efforts.
- WIO-sponsored Instruction Courses and Miniseminars (SSAC)
- Instruction Course: “Gender and Leadership in OHNS.”
- Instruction Course: “Ten Essentials to Negotiating Otolaryngology.”
- Miniseminar: “International Healthcare and Women: The Roles and Challenges of Women in Sustainable Humanitarian Outreach.”
- Miniseminar: (with Young Physicians Committee, YPC) “Mentor and Mentee Skills: Tools from Residency to Practice and Beyond.”
- Miniseminar: “Finding Balance in a Surgical Career.”
- Miniseminar: “Practice Considerations and Contracts for New Employment.” (with Section for Residents and Fellows, SRF).
- Instruction Course: “Avoiding Academic ‘Burn-Out’ for Women in Otolaryngology.”
Specialty Society Advisory Council (SSAC)
Marvin P. Fried, MD, Chair
The Specialty Society Advisory Council had a productive meeting in September, identifying many opportunities for collaboration among societies.
The AAO-HNS presented its newly adopted “Code for Interactions with Companies,” modeled after the code developed by the Council for Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS).
Content collaboration will be at the forefront of the SSAC agenda over the next year. Working closely together, the AAO-HNSF is proceeding with educational initiatives in collaboration with the specialty societies, producing content that encompasses the entire specialty and eliminating duplications.