Are You Registered to Vote?
November is just around the corner, which means it is time to make sure you are prepared to cast your vote on Election Day. If you are unsure of your voter registration status, visit to review your current information and/or register to vote for the first time. It is particularly important to check your registration status this year, as several states are purging inactive and/or presumed deceased individuals from their voter rolls. Unfortunately, names are occasionally removed by accident, so please make sure your name is not one of them. We want your voice to be heard on November 6. Remember: Many states require proof of residency when voting. Please have a valid driver’s license or ID available that includes your most recent address on it. If you are unsure of your state’s identification requirements, visit Exercise your right to be heard on Election Day by registering to vote or updating your status today.
Remember: Many states require proof of residency when voting. Please have a valid driver’s license or ID available that includes your most recent address on it. If you are unsure of your state’s identification requirements, visit
Exercise your right to be heard on Election Day by registering to vote or updating your status today.