What is G2211?
Add-on code G2211 implementation is effective January 1, 2024.
LISTEN: Add-On Code G2211: What You Need to Know Podcast
Join Gene Brown, MD, RPh, AAO-HNS/F At-Large Director and general otolaryngologist, and James Lin, MD, the Academy’s CPT Advisor and a neurotologist, as they engage in a robust podcast discussion on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services implementation of code G2211. This is a new code that went into effect on January 1, 2024. Dr. Brown and Dr. Lin provide clinical examples that indicate when code G2211 may be utilized in an otolaryngology practice. Listen Now!
What are some considerations for use?
- HCPCS add-on code G2211 can be listed separately in addition to office or outpatient E/M visits for new or established patients (i.e., codes 99202-99215).
- Reporting is not restricted based on specialty, but certain specialties will likely see these types of visits more than other specialties.
- HCPCS code G2211 is not to be used when the office or outpatient E/M visit is reported with payment modifiers such as a modifier -24, -25 or -53.
What are some clinical examples for possible uses of G2211 in cases that are complex or serious and require long-term, longitudinal care?
- Head and neck cancer care
- Pediatric airway disorders
- Refractory chronic sinusitis management
- Skull base tumor care
- Facial reconstruction
- Voice disorders
- Sleep apnea management
- Pediatric congenital anomalies
- Cleft lip and palate care
- Chronic salivary gland disorders
- Pediatric hearing loss
- Complex adult hearing loss
- Thyroid and parathyroid disorders
- Refractory dizziness and balance disorders
- Ongoing treatment of complex rhinitis (e.g., immunotherapy management)
- Complex swallowing disorders
- Refractory laryngopharyngeal reflux
- Refractory epistaxis
- Chronic otomastoiditis
- Chronic cranial neuropathies
- Complex chronic voice disorders
- Migraines
When should you NOT use G2211?
- When your relationship with the patient is of a discrete, routine, or time-limited nature. For example, when you see a patient for an acute concern and have not also assumed responsibility for the patient’s subsequent, ongoing medical care with consistency and continuity over time.
- If the associated office visit E/M is reported with modifier 25 appended.
- When using CPT code 99211.
What is the Medicare amount for G2211, and when does it take effect?
The 2024 national Medicare allowable for G2211 is $16.04. HCPCS code G2211 is payable starting January 1, 2024.
Aside from Medicare, are any other payers adjudicating this code?
At this time, only Medicare is paying for this code.
What are the documentation guidelines in place for this add-on code?
There are currently no specific documentation requirements for the use of this code.
What are the implications for practice?
The introduction of G2211 is a positive step for otolaryngology practices, offering recognition and compensation for the comprehensive care often provided to patients with complex ENT issues. It emphasizes the value of cognitive services and care coordination, aspects that are pivotal in managing chronic and serious conditions in our field.
What are some next steps for my practice?
You are encouraged to review your contracts and speak with your provider relations representatives about adding G2211 to your fee schedule. Private payers are not required to cover and pay separately for G2211; their policies will vary.
Update your EHR and/or billing systems to reflect the 2024 Medicare physician fee schedule.
Educate your administration and coding staff about the importance of G2211.
Is there an example in which using add-on Code G2211 is appropriate?
Let’s say a patient sees their otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon to be evaluated for sinus congestion. The inherent complexity captured by HCPCS code G2211 is not in the clinical condition itself (chronic rhinosinusitis) but rather the cognitive load of the continued responsibility of being the focal point for all needed services for this patient.
In this example, the otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon could recommend conservative treatment including the prescription of antibiotics. If the otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon recommends conservative treatment and no new prescriptions, patients may think the doctor is not taking the patient’s concerns seriously and it could erode the trust placed in that practitioner. In turn, this eroded trust may make it less likely that the patient will follow that practitioner’s advice on a needed treatment at the next visit. The otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon must decide what course of action and phrasing to the patient would lead to the best health outcome in this single visit, while simultaneously building a trusting long-term relationship with the patient. Weighing these factors, even for a seemingly simple condition like sinus congestion, makes the entire interaction inherently complex. It is this complexity in the relationship between the doctor and patient that this code captures.
Important Disclaimer
CPT for ENT articles are a collaborative effort between the Academy’s team of CPT advisors, members of the Physician Payment Policy Workgroup (3P), and health policy staff. Articles are developed to address common coding questions received by the health policy team, as well as to clarify coding changes and correct coding principles for frequently reported ent procedures. These articles are not intended as legal, medical, or business advice and are not a guarantee of reimbursement. The information is also not meant to serve as the definitive or sole authority on billing and coding issues. The applicability of AAO-HNS billing and coding guidance for a particular procedure must be determined by the responsible physician in light of all the circumstances presented by the individual patient. You should consult with your own advisors as well as Medicare or private carriers in making any decisions about how to bill and code particular services or procedures.