Call for 2025 AAO-HNS Election Nominees
Recommend someone for elected office prior to the December 9 deadline.
The AAO-HNS Nominating Committee is calling for recommendations of individuals to be considered for an elected office. Academy members must be in good standing, and it is recommended that they have held membership for the last three consecutive years, have proven leadership qualities, are active in the Academy, familiar with the strategic direction of the Academy, and able to dedicate the necessary time to serve.
Elected positions to be filled:
- President-Elect (Academic)
- At-Large Director (Academic)
- At-Large Director (Private Practice)
- Nominating Committee Member (Academic)
- Nominating Committee Member (Private Practice)
- Audit Committee Member
Application materials are available on the Academy’s website. Please contact any member of the Nominating Committee to recommend an individual. Application packets are due to Lisa Holman, Nominating Committee staff liaison, at The application deadline is 11:59 pm (ET), Monday, December 9, 2024. No extensions will be permitted.