Do You Qualify for a Travel Grant to the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience?
Grants are available to medical students, international members, Residents and Fellows-in-Training and Young Physicians.
The Harry Barnes Endowment Travel Grant Application
In collaboration with the AAO-HNS Diversity and Inclusion Committee, the Harry Barnes Society provides two $1,000 travel grants to assist with needed funding for meritorious young residents of African descent from the United States, Caribbean, or Canada to participate in the AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO Experience. Learn More!
Medical Student Travel Grants
Travel grants to the Annual Meeting are available to medical student members who seek to learn more about the specialty, to meet and network with thousands of otolaryngologists from around the world, and to provide a foundation for continued learning. Twenty $250 grants are awarded. Learn More! (Member Login Required)
Resident Leadership Grants
Resident travel grants help defray the costs of attending the Annual Meeting and make it possible to learn and connect with the global otolaryngology community. Sixty $500 grants are awarded. Learn More! (Member Login Required)
YPS Travel Grants
Young Physician Section (YPS) grants subsidize the costs of attending the Annual Meeting. These grants are exclusively for young physicians in the first five years of practice. Twenty $500 grants are awarded. Learn More! (Member Login Required)
International Travel Grant Program
The 2023 Annual Meeting International Travel Grant Program is designed to help offset travel expenses for physicians from lower resource countries who are attending the Annual Meeting. The AAO-HNSF will award up to five grants of $1,000 each. The program launched in April and closes on June 10. Learn More!
International Visiting Scholarship
International Visiting Scholarships (IVS) are for international physicians from lower resource countries, who have completed otolaryngology training to:
- attend the Annual Meeting
- spend a short period (minimum two weeks) studying in an otolaryngology department in the U.S.
The grantee receives $2,000, a waiver for the Annual Meeting registration fees, and a one-year AAO-HNS membership. The application opens annually at the end of January and for 2023 closed on May 1. Learn more to plan your application for 2024!