Candidate Statements | BOG Candidate: Chair-Elect | Spencer C. Payne, MD
As physicians we thrive on information and rely on it for action. The BOG chair must excel at communication in order to equip Academy leaders and membership with the knowledge of our shared experiences.
What qualities does the chair of the BOG need to be effective in the position?
As physicians we thrive on information and rely on it for action. The BOG chair must excel at communication in order to equip Academy leaders and membership with the knowledge of our shared experiences. By leveraging ENTConnect and the virtual society platform, we can enhance the bidirectional and continuous flow of data in order to better understand and treat the maladies of our profession. The chair of the BOG must also be creative in order to invigorate its members to future action despite growing regulatory and fiscal obstacles. Enhancing the value of the leadership forum through innovative networking and advocacy opportunities will empower our membership. And finally, the chair must be introspective. It is essential to not only recognize one’s own limitations but also to identify and foster the savvy and expertise of others. Through mentorship and sponsorship, we will advance the current and future leaders of this great organization.
How would you change the BOG to make it more successful?
As healthcare delivery and reimbursement continue to evolve, so also must the Academy and the BOG. This evolution must include enhancements in both engagement and mentorship strategies. Even the briefest review of the threads on ENTConnect reveals a fragmented membership that is uncertain of Academy goals. We must reinforce our commitment to our Members through more regular and engaging activity on the forum, enhancing both the reality and perception of our continuous advocacy. Further, we will need to enact strategies to foster more formalized mentoring relationships among member societies. By expanding upon the Virtual Society and BOG Tool Kits, BOG model societies can be paired with other regional or developing organizations to optimize their efficacy. We must then design more specific approaches to directly involve them in local and state advocacy opportunities such as the I-GO (In-district Grassroots) initiative. We can and will meet the future challenges of our specialty through this continuous adaptation.
The positions of Chair-Elect, Secretary, and Member-at-Large will be elected by the voting members of the BOG (i.e., Governors or Alternate Governors pursuant to Article III, Sections 2 and 3) present at the fall meeting of the BOG General Assembly. No proxy votes are allowed.