Published: July 28, 2016

2016 AAO-HNS election results

The AAO-HNS extends its greatest appreciation to the candidates of  the 2016 election for their dedication and willingness to serve. The Nominating Committee presented the membership with an outstanding slate of candidates.

The AAO-HNS extends its greatest appreciation to the candidates of the 2016 election for their dedication and willingness to serve. The Nominating Committee presented the membership with an outstanding slate of candidates. The AAO-HNS thanks the committee for its meaningful deliberations. Committee Members are: Gayle E. Woodson, MD (chair), Susan R. Cordes, MD, David R. Edelstein, MD, Stacey L. Ishman, MD, MPH, Bradley W. Kesser, MD, Albert L Merati, MD, Brian A. Moore, MD, Spencer C. Payne, MD, Lawrence M. Simon, MD, and Joseph C. Sniezek, MD. James C. Denneny III, MD, AAO-HNS/F EVP and CEO, and Susan D. McCammon, MD, chair of the Ethics Committee, serve as ex-officio Members of the committee without a vote.

We also extend our greatest appreciation to all the candidates for their willingness to run for office and serve the AAO-HNS and its Members.  You are all dedicated Members and you are greatly appreciated.

Election results

President-Elect: Gavin Setzen, MD

Director-at-Large/Academic: Sonya Malekzadeh, MD

Director-at-Large/Private Practice: Peter J. Abramson, MD

Audit Committee: Jerome W. Thompson, MD, MBA (unopposed/incumbent)

Nominating Committee/Academic: Earl H. Harley, MD, and Cherie-Ann O. Nathan, MD

Nominating Committee/Private Practice: Catherine R. Lintzenich, MD, and Brian J. McKinnon, MD

Bylaws changes

Also approved were the two Bylaws changes cited below. Please see for the complete wording of the updated Bylaws Amendments.

Life Fellow/Life Members

Approved: The proposed language change to Section 2.07. Life Fellow/Life Members of the AAO-HNS Bylaws will serve to more clearly define what constitutes a “life member.” The current language defines a life member as any physician who has been a Fellow or Member of the Academy for 35 years. The new proposed language defines a life member as any physician who has held continuous membership with the Academy for a minimum of 35 years, and is fully retired from the practice of medicine. All current life fellow/life members would be grandfathered in and not be impacted by this change. In addition, should a physician who is fully retired and is doing humanitarian work by seeing patients, the physician is still considered “fully retired” for the purposes of the definition.

Nominating Committee

Approved: The proposed amendments to the Nominating Committee are: a) to extend the term of service from two years to three years for all elected Nominating Committee members, and b) to add four more elected members (2 each Academic and Private Practice) to allow for staggered terms and easier transition of new members as each learns how to become a productive member of the committee (i.e., four roll off each year); this would increase the number of elected members from eight to 12.

More from August 2016 - Vol. 35, No. 7