As we approach the November mid-term elections, educate and empower yourself by visiting www.entpac.org. ENT PAC, the political action committee of the AAO-HNS, financially supports federal Congressional candidates and incumbents who advance the issues important to otolaryngology–head and neck surgery. Since your AAO-HNS annual dues cannot be used for political purposes, ENT PAC was established to accept voluntary contributions enabling our members to speak with a collective voice. ENT PAC is a non-partisan, issue-driven entity that supplements the Academy’s legislative advocacy efforts and helps to increase the visibility of the specialty on Capitol Hill and with key policymakers. To learn more about ENT PAC and the Academy’s Federal Elections Center, visit www.entpac.org (log-in with your AAO-HNS Member ID and password) or email entpac@entnet.org for assistance.
As we approach the November mid-term elections, educate and empower yourself by visiting www.entpac.org. ENT PAC, the political action committee of the AAO-HNS, financially supports federal Congressional candidates and incumbents who advance the issues important to otolaryngology–head and neck surgery. Since your AAO-HNS annual dues cannot be used for political purposes, ENT PAC was established to accept voluntary contributions enabling our members to speak with a collective voice. ENT PAC is a non-partisan, issue-driven entity that supplements the Academy’s legislative advocacy efforts and helps to increase the visibility of the specialty on Capitol Hill and with key policymakers. To learn more about ENT PAC and the Academy’s Federal Elections Center, visit www.entpac.org (log-in with your AAO-HNS Member ID and password) or email entpac@entnet.org for assistance.