Special Recognition of a 2012 Distinguished Service Award Winner: Eiji Yanagisawa, MD
The AAO-HNS extends a special honor to Eiji Yanagisawa, MD, a 2012 Distinguished Service Award recipient. Like all of this year’s renowned recipients, Dr. Yanagisawa has a long-standing, dedicated history of loyalty and support to the Academy and its mission. He has dedicated his time and expertise to serve on many Academy and Foundation committees, participated in countless annual meetings, and been extremely generous in his philanthropic pledges to the Foundation over the course of his entire membership. Of particular note is his donation of his personal collection of ENT-related images, which have been built to become the ENT ImageViewer and Collections. The application was initially conceived of and developed specifically to house Dr. Yanagisawa’s extensive library of ear, nose, and throat images. The purpose of this library is to provide Academy members with digital images of common and uncommon diseases of the ear, the nose and paranasal sinuses, and the larynx, so that Academy members can utilize these images for teaching purposes.
The AAO-HNS extends a special honor to Eiji Yanagisawa, MD, a 2012 Distinguished Service Award recipient. Like all of this year’s renowned recipients, Dr. Yanagisawa has a long-standing, dedicated history of loyalty and support to the Academy and its mission. He has dedicated his time and expertise to serve on many Academy and Foundation committees, participated in countless annual meetings, and been extremely generous in his philanthropic pledges to the Foundation over the course of his entire membership. Of particular note is his donation of his personal collection of ENT-related images, which have been built to become the ENT ImageViewer and Collections. The application was initially conceived of and developed specifically to house Dr. Yanagisawa’s extensive library of ear, nose, and throat images. The purpose of this library is to provide Academy members with digital images of common and uncommon diseases of the ear, the nose and paranasal sinuses, and the larynx, so that Academy members can utilize these images for teaching purposes.