R. Peter Manes, MD, named coordinator for Health Policy
The Board of Directors approved combining the roles of the current coordinator for Socioeconomic Affairs, Jane T. Dillon, MD, MBA, and the coordinator for Practice Affairs, Robert Lorenz, MD, MBA, into one position—coordinator for Health Policy (CHP).
The Board of Directors approved combining the roles of the current coordinator for Socioeconomic Affairs, Jane T. Dillon, MD, MBA, and the coordinator for Practice Affairs, Robert Lorenz, MD, MBA, into one position—coordinator for Health Policy (CHP). An active search was led by Gavin Setzen, MD, and a search committee for a final candidate for the newly formed position. The position was marketed widely via the OTO News, HP Update, home page of the website, Facebook and Twitter, and Bulletin. The Search Committee and health policy staff participated in several conference calls to discuss several qualified candidates. Interviews took place for the CHP during the Leadership Meeting on March 11, 2017. The Search Committee nominated R. Peter Manes, MD, and his nomination was approved by the Board of Directors. He will spend six months training while Dr. Dillon and Dr. Lorenz complete their terms.
Dr. Manes is associate residency program director, Yale School of Medicine, and has served as the Academy Relative Value Update Committee (RUC) advisor over the last several years and is a member of the Physician Payment Policy Workgroup (3P). He will serve as coordinator-elect through September 13, 2017, and then assume the coordinator role through 2021. During his time as CHP, he will also serve as the chair of 3P.
The health policy coordinator develops and maintains programs that provide socioeconomic and practice management advice related to health policy issues and will assist members with the socioeconomics of medicine. The coordinator will spearhead collaborative efforts with other specialty societies on priority health policy issues.
Specific areas of responsibility include:
- Private sector advocacy in third-party reimbursement, including coordinating feedback to payers on policies related to otolaryngology-head and neck surgery.
- Coordinating the Academy’s efforts to participate in the CPT coding and RVS systems through work with the Academy’s members and advisors on the AMA’s CPT Editorial Panel, the RUC, and the RUC’s Practice Expense Review Committee (PERC).
- Providing input on related educational programs for the Annual Meeting and other business of medicine issues HP staff identifies.