AAO-HNSF seeks Coordinator for Research and Quality
A search is underway for the coordinator for Research and Quality. This position coordinates the research and quality improvement efforts of the Foundation with particular attention to oversight of research and evidence-based activities that improve care.
A search is underway for the coordinator for Research and Quality. This position coordinates the research and quality improvement efforts of the Foundation with particular attention to oversight of research and evidence-based activities that improve care. This includes the development and maintenance of Reg-ent℠, the clinical data registry for the specialty, as well as performance measure development; treatment effectiveness and outcomes efficiency; patient safety; and activities that provide members with education and opportunities to improve performance in practice and translate research. The coordinator will serve on the Reg-ent Executive Committee (REC).
Specific duties of the coordinator include facilitating Foundation research and quality/patient safety efforts through input from the Reg-ent Executive Committee and the relevant content committees: Patient Safety Quality Improvement (PSQI), Outcomes Research and Evidence-Based Medicine (OREBM), Guidelines Task Force (GTF), and CORE grants. Activities of these committees include oversight of the Reg-ent clinical data registry; clinical practice guideline and performance measures development; surveys and data registry projects; clinical and outcomes research; and the CORE grants program. For more information, visit http://www.entnet.org/sites/default/files/uploads/AboutUs/_files/coordinator_ research_and_quality_2017.pdf. Interested candidates should submit a CV and cover letter to Jean Brereton at jbrereton@entnet.org by July 1, 2017.