2015 BOG Awards announced
Each year, the AAO-HNS Board of Governors (BOG) highlights outstanding individualized efforts of its state societies and Members. Below are the results of the 2015 BOG Awards. Congratulations!
BOG Model Society Award
The Model Society Award recognizes outstanding local/state/regional societies that exhibit effective leadership. The 2015 Model Society Award is based on activities from February 1, 2014, through January 31, 2015.
The PAO-HNS had a major legislative victory in 2014 after a 12-year effort to battle legislation that would inappropriately expand the scope of practice of audiologists and speech-language pathologists. All otolaryngologists in Pennsylvania benefit from PAO-HNS representation on the Pennsylvania Medical Society’s Specialty Leadership Cabinet and the region’s Medicare Contractor Advisory Council. This representation gives the specialty a voice on issues impacting all of medicine and in the development of local carrier determinations for Medicare reimbursement.
BOG Model Society Honorable Mention Award
In 2014, CENTS participated in several public awareness activities, including, but not limited to, a Doctor’s Day at the Capitol, the organization of seven free statewide head and neck cancer screenings during Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer Awareness Week, and a World Voice Day proclamation/resolution in their General Assembly.
BOG Practitioner Excellence Award
The 2015 BOG Practitioner Excellence Award is presented to Robert J. Stachler, MD. Dr. Stachler is in academic practice at Henry Ford, helping to shape our future colleagues. He is strongly committed to the success of our specialty and has been an active member of the AAO-HNS and Michigan Otolaryngology Society for many years. As noted in his nomination application, Dr. Stachler “is the kind of workhorse individual that jumps into projects with his sleeves rolled up and ready to work. He does not shy away from difficult projects, rather he seeks them out. His hard work and reliability are what merits the appropriate recognition of Practitioner Excellence Award.”
Please join the BOG to honor the award recipients during the BOG General Assembly meeting, 5:00-7:00 pm, Monday, September 28, in Dallas.