Published: December 8, 2014

2014 Annual Report: Transforming for the Future: Committees and Sections

Each November, the Academy and Foundation open the committee application process for the subsequent year’s appointments. In 2014, we welcomed 224 new committee members from the 385 applications received.

Committees and Sections

Women-in-Oto-JCP_8056-3555948957-OEach November, the Academy and Foundation open the committee application process for the subsequent year’s appointments. In 2014, we welcomed 224 new committee members from the 385 applications received. While we are not able to accommodate all applications due to committee size limitations, those not selected to formally serve are still welcome to attend any of the more than 70 committee meetings as guests. This is a great way to be active and demonstrate your interest in the committees’activities. Additionally, your comments are always valued when submitted to the committee chair or shared on ENTConnect.


Our sections remain a vibrant part of who we are as your professional home and a great way to engage in activities of interest to your personal needs. Each of the sections convened leadership meetings in September in Orlando.shapeyourfuture

Our sections remain a vibrant part of who we are.

  • The Women in Otolaryngology (WIO) Section conducted its annual Luncheon/General Assembly with guest speaker Susan Miller, PhD, delivering an excellent talk titled “Presenting Your Best Self.” The luncheon was dedicated to the memory of the late Linda S. Brodsky, MD, whose family was also present to accept the Helen Krause Trailblazer Award. The award  acknowledges all that Dr. Brodsky did for the section and for the profession. Christine B. Franzese, MD, transitioned to chair of the WIO.
  • The Section for Residents and Fellows-in-Training re-elected Kanwar S. Kelley, MD, JD, as chair for another term. A top priority in the Academy’s strategic plan is to increase the outreach and value provided to residents, young physicians, and program directors. More than 100 Resident Leadership Grants were awarded in 2014. Also, the section revitalized the Resident Annual Fund, creating an opportunity for Millennium Society donations to directly support residents and fellows-in-training, as well as a forum for educational contributions from industry.
  • The newly formed Young Physicians Section drafted its governing documents and its proposed operating structure. The chair of the Young Physicians Section for this year is Lawrence M. Simon, MD.
From Residency through Retirement We continue to strive to provide the most pertinent benefits to Members during all phases of their professional lives. We recently developed a new brochure that outlines the benefits of membership. It is titled appropriately “Shape Your Future and the Future of the Specialty. AAO-HNS Is Your Partner from Residency through Retirement.”

More from Annual Report 2014