The Candidates for President-Elect Outlined Their Platforms: An Early Look
During the February/March AAO-HNS/F Leadership Forum, The BOG hosted its yearly event for candidates for president-elect to introduce themselves and lay the groundwork for their official platforms and statements to the membership. This year’s candidates, Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD, and J. Pablo Stolovitzky, MD, readily engaged the audience displaying their mutual strengths of loyalty, zest for a challenge, and specialty pride. According to the Bylaws, in advance of the presentation, the Nominating Committee selects three questions that the candidates address both live during this forum and also more formally in their official statements that are fully published in the June Bulletin. By coin toss, Dr. Stolovitzky began the exchange. This year, Drs. Chandrasekhar and Stolovitzky responded to one question from the audience as well. It was presented by the Immediate Past BOG Chair Denis Lafreniere, MD: “How would you expand the reach of the Academy while improving non-dues revenue?” To see the full perspective of these Members, read the full transcript and audience response.
During the February/March AAO-HNS/F Leadership Forum, The BOG hosted its yearly event for candidates for president-elect to introduce themselves and lay the groundwork for their official platforms and statements to the membership.
This year’s candidates, Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD, and J. Pablo Stolovitzky, MD, readily engaged the audience displaying their mutual strengths of loyalty, zest for a challenge, and specialty pride.
According to the Bylaws, in advance of the presentation, the Nominating Committee selects three questions that the candidates address both live during this forum and also more formally in their official statements that are fully published in the June Bulletin. By coin toss, Dr. Stolovitzky began the exchange.
This year, Drs. Chandrasekhar and Stolovitzky responded to one question from the audience as well. It was presented by the Immediate Past BOG Chair Denis Lafreniere, MD:
“How would you expand the reach of the Academy while improving non-dues revenue?”
To see the full perspective of these Members, read the full transcript and audience response.