We Must Show Up: 2012 OTO Advocacy Summit
Paul M. Imber, DO, Chair, Board of Governors Legislative Representatives Committee The past two years have been replete with political turmoil and manipulation of the delivery of healthcare in America. This was most recently demonstrated by the bipartisan ineptitude and adolescent, counterproductive posturing that led to the 11th-hour reprieve of the 27.4 percent cut in physician payments until February 29, 2012. Of course, this will lead to another six weeks of bickering and whining among the factions of Democrats and Republicans on the Hill, culminating in another short-term band-aid. The need for a long-term fix of the SGR-based formula for calculating physician payment becomes more imperative each year. The legislative branch of our government must be informed, again and again, of the impact to patient care of the elderly and the chronically ill if the problem is not solved. We must show up and be at the table to have our voices heard. Dr. Nurse, Dr. Audiologist, Dr. Speech Pathologist—Dr. Doctor? Will the real doctor please stand up! The public is confused and misled by marketing ploys that are designed to misinform, leading to waste in healthcare expenditures and possible misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment. Caveat emptor should not apply to healthcare. Our country needs uniform truth-in-advertizing laws that will ensure that the consumer understands what he or she is purchasing and from whom. Federal guidelines need to be established and enforced. Legislation (HR-451) has been propsed. We must show up and be at the table to have our voices heard. These are but a few of the issues that will be addressed at the 2012 OTO Advocacy Summit, May 7-8, 2012. This meeting is coordinated with the Board of Directors and Board of Governors meetings to facilitate maximum attendance. Come enjoy the legislative training sessions, networking, and the ENT PAC Investor reception. The Summit will culminate with your visit to Capitol Hill and meetings with your Representative and Senatorial offices and you will be provided with professionally prepared briefs and handouts. This is your opportunity. We must show up and be at the table to have our voices heard.
Paul M. Imber, DO, Chair, Board of Governors Legislative Representatives Committee
The past two years have been replete with political turmoil and manipulation of the delivery of healthcare in America. This was most recently demonstrated by the bipartisan ineptitude and adolescent, counterproductive posturing that led to the 11th-hour reprieve of the 27.4 percent cut in physician payments until February 29, 2012. Of course, this will lead to another six weeks of bickering and whining among the factions of Democrats and Republicans on the Hill, culminating in another short-term band-aid. The need for a long-term fix of the SGR-based formula for calculating physician payment becomes more imperative each year. The legislative branch of our government must be informed, again and again, of the impact to patient care of the elderly and the chronically ill if the problem is not solved.
We must show up and be at the table to have our voices heard.
Dr. Nurse, Dr. Audiologist, Dr. Speech Pathologist—Dr. Doctor? Will the real doctor please stand up! The public is confused and misled by marketing ploys that are designed to misinform, leading to waste in healthcare expenditures and possible misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment. Caveat emptor should not apply to healthcare. Our country needs uniform truth-in-advertizing laws that will ensure that the consumer understands what he or she is purchasing and from whom. Federal guidelines need to be established and enforced. Legislation (HR-451) has been propsed.
We must show up and be at the table to have our voices heard.
These are but a few of the issues that will be addressed at the 2012 OTO Advocacy Summit, May 7-8, 2012. This meeting is coordinated with the Board of Directors and Board of Governors meetings to facilitate maximum attendance. Come enjoy the legislative training sessions, networking, and the ENT PAC Investor reception. The Summit will culminate with your visit to Capitol Hill and meetings with your Representative and Senatorial offices and you will be provided with professionally prepared briefs and handouts. This is your opportunity.
We must show up and be at the table to have our voices heard.