More from July 2013 - Vol. 32 No. 07

The 36th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Otolaryngologists of Indian Heritage (AAOIH) will take place 6:45 pm-11:00 pm Monday, September 30, at Maurya Indian Cuisine, 1643 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, Canada. The featured speaker will be Manohar Bance, MB, MSc, FRCSC, of Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada.
For charges and details about the upcoming meeting, please contact Pete Batra, MD, secretary (, or Satish Govindaraj, MD, president-elect ( Attendance at the Annual Dinner meeting is anticipated to be large and an RSVP is strongly encouraged.
Otolaryngology residents of Indian heritage are encouraged to present their scientific work at the meeting. Three prizes will be announced. Residents who would like to present are urged to email Kevin D. Pereira, MD, at
Those desiring to join the organization are encouraged to contact Ameet Singh, MD, membership secretary. Email or visit
In addition, Arun K. Gadre, MD, AAOIH president, will convene a meeting of the Executive Board 4:30 pm-6:00 pm on Sunday, September 29, in the Vancouver Convention Centre, ICS room (Room 111). Board members are requested to RSVP Dr. Gadre at Gregory W. Randolph, MD, Coordinator for International Affairs, and Nikhil J. Bhatt, MD, Chair, International Otolaryngology Committee, congratulate the six winners of the 2013 International Travel Grants to attend the Annual Meeting & OTO EXPOSM in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
The winners are studying in post-residency fellowships in U.S. and Canadian otolaryngology departments.
Ahmed Hussein, MD, Vanderbilt University (Egypt)
Hideaki Moteki, MD, PhD, University of Iowa (Japan)
Lalenthra Naidoo, MBBCh, MMed (ORL), DCH (SA), University of British Columbia (South Africa)
Marianella Paz Silva, MD, University of Chicago (Venezuela)
Duo Duo Tao, MD, House Ear Institute (China)
Hongquan Wei, MD, University of Pittsburgh (China)
The travel grant awardees will be recognized at the Opening Ceremony. Dr. Bhatt invites them as guests to the International Otolaryngology Committee meeting from 1 to 2 pm Saturday, September 28, and the International Assembly from 2 to 4 pm Tuesday, October 1. 
= Hands-on ($70/hour)
= Mini-course ($50/hour)
= Audience Response ($50/hour)
= Two-hour course
Regular = $50/hour
Rates increase August 23
7th Annual Academic Bowl
Mark K. Wax, MD (Moderator); Sonya Malekzadeh, MD
Big Patients, Big Worries
Supported by the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Committee
Margaret L. Skinner, MD (Moderator); Daniel L. Wohl, MD
Challenging Cough Cases: A New Frontier in Otolaryngology
Supported by the American Laryngological Association (ALA)
Kenneth W. Altman, MD, PhD (Moderator); John H. Krouse, MD, PhD; Amber U. Luong, MD, PhD; Thomas L. Carroll, MD; Albert L. Merati, MD
Clinical Practice Guideline: Bell’s Palsy
Reginald F. Baugh, MD (Moderator); Gregory J. Basura, MD, PhD; Lisa Ishii, MD, MHS; Seth R. Schwartz, MD, MPH
Efficacy of Surgical Simulators for Otolaryngology Training
Supported by the Medical Devices and Drugs Committee
Kenneth H. Lee, MD, PhD (Moderator); Gregory J. Wiet, MD;
Marvin P. Fried, MD; Noel Jabbour, MD; Kaalan E. Johnson, MD
Exercises in Futility: Ethical Challenges in Otolaryngology
Supported by the Ethics Committee
Andrew G. Shuman, MD, and Susan D. McCammon, MD (Moderators); Roger D. Cole, MD
From Simulation to Surgery: Making It Real!
Supported by the Education Committee
Michael D. Seidman, MD (Moderator); Marvin P. Fried, MD;
Gregory J. Wiet, MD; Milan R. Amin, MD; Sonya Malekzadeh, MD; Stacey L. Ishman, MD; Carl H. Snyderman, MD, MBA
Getting Published: Letters, Commentaries, and Social Media
Richard M. Rosenfeld, MD, MPH (Moderator); Nikhila Pinnapureddy Raol, MD; Jeffrey C. Liu, MD; Eileen Cavanagh, MPS; Courtney Pugh
Global Health 2013: Academy around the World
Supported by the International Steering Committee Gregory W. Randolph, MD (Moderator); James L. Netterville, MD; Susan R. Cordes, MD; Terry A. Day, MD; Nikhil J. Bhatt, MD; Ramon A. Franco, MD; Bernard Gil Fraysse, MD; G. Richard Holt, MD, MPH, MSE; Chung-Hwan Baek, MD, PhD; Mark E. Zafereo, MD; James E. Saunders, MD
Grant Writing Pearls and Pitfalls: Maximizing your Funding
Supported by the CORE Study Section, and the Section for Residents and Fellows
Cecelia E. Schmalbach, MD (Moderator); Marion E. Couch, MD, PhD; Eben L. Rosenthal, MD; Melissa Pynnonen, MD, MS; Jeffrey Liu, MD
High-Anxiety Head and Neck Trauma Cases: Lessons Learned
Supported by the Trauma Committee
Joseph Brennan, MD (Moderator); Jose E. Barrera, MD; Joseph Sniezek, MD; Christopher Klem, MD; G. Richard Holt, MD, MPH; Paul J. Donald, MD
Hot Topics for the General Otolaryngology
J. Pablo Stolovitzky, MD; David W. Kennedy, MD; Dennis S. Poe, MD; Michael Friedman, MD
Improving Outcomes in Septal Surgery
Grant Gillman, MD
In Office Safety: Are You Putting Your Patient at Risk?
Supported by the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Committee
Robert J. Stachler, MD (Moderator); Berrylin J. Ferguson, MD; Jonathan C. Kopelovich, MD; Patrick T. Hennessey, MD
Integrative Approach to Atypical Facial Pain and Headache
Supported by the Complementary/Integrative Medicine Committee, and
the Rhinology and Allergy Education Committee
Marilene B. Wang, MD (Moderator); Brent A. Senior, MD; Chau T. Nguyen, MD; Malcolm B. Taw, MD
Management of CPAP Failure for the Otolaryngologist
John R. Houck, MD
Multi-Resistant Bacterial Infections in 2013
Supported by the Infectious Disease Committee and the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Committee
Tulio A. Valdez, MD (Moderator); Steven E. Sobol, MD, MSc; James C. Post, MD, PhD; Lee D. Eisenberg, MD, MPH
Neurological Disease of the Larynx
Andrew Blitzer, MD; Lucian Sulica, MD
Off Label Uses of Drugs and Technology: What’s the Stigma?
Supported by the Ethics Committee Karen B. Zur, MD (Moderator); Craig S. Derkay, MD; Steven D. Handler, MD; Bert W. O’Malley, MD; Michael J. Rutter, MD
Optimize Patient Education for Patient Satisfaction
Maya G. Sardesai, MD, MEd (Moderator); Mark Whipple, MD; Edward M. Weaver, MD, MPH; Ellen S. Deutsch, MD; Sara Kim, PhD
Practical Management of Complications in Otolaryngology
Sunil P. Verma, MD (Moderator); Pete S. Batra, MD; Eric P. Wilkinson, MD; Timothy M. McCulloch, MD; Alfred A. Simental, MD
Scary Cases 2013
Michael P. Platt, MD (Moderator); Gavin Setzen, MD; Gregory A. Grillone, MD; Elie E. Rebeiz, MD; Phillip Song, MD; Cathy D. Chong, MD; David E. Tunkel, MD
To Operate or Not to: How to Approach the Older Patient
Supported by the Geriatric Otolaryngology Committee
Ozlem E. Tulunay-Ugur, MD (Moderator); David E. Eibling, MD; Robert T. Sataloff, MD, DMA; Brian J. McKinnon, MD;
David R. Edelstein, MD; Gregory K. Hartig, MD; Karen M. Kost, MD
Instruction Courses
The ABCs of Hearing Aid Dispensing from A to Z
William M. Luxford, MD; Brad Volkmer, MD
Acupuncture for the Otolaryngologist: An Introduction
Anthony F. Jahn, MD
Advanced Ultrasonography Techniques for the ORL Office
Urban W. Geisthoff, MD; Hans J. Welkoborsky, MD, DDS, PhD; Jens Eduard Meyer, MD; Lisa A. Orloff, MD
Angioedema: Review for the Otolaryngologist
Marcus W. Moody, MD
Be All You Can Be: Simulation Boot Camps to Prepare Residents
Sonya Malekzadeh, MD; Ellen S. Deutsch, MD; Kelly M. Malloy, MD
Bedside Tracheotomy: From Program to Practice
Bradley A. Schiff, MD; Andrew Tassler, MD
Botulinum Toxin for Headache and Pain
Andrew Blitzer, MD, DDS; William J. Binder, MD
Can You Fly with That? Your Flying Patients and the FAA
David G. Schall, MD, MPH
Chronic Cough and Other Sensory Disturbances
Robert W. Bastian, MD
Clinical Fundamentals: Anesthesia Related Topics for Otolaryngologists
Murali Sivarajan, MD
Clinical Fundamentals: DVT: How, When, Why in Otolaryngology
Amy Clark Hessel, MD
Clinical Fundamentals: Ethics & Professionalism
Roger D. Cole, MD; Susan R. Cordes, MD; Susan D. McCammon, MD
Clinical Fundamentals: HIPAA: Updates and What It Means for You
Kathleen L. Yaremchuk, MD
Clinical Fundamentals: Integration of Quality and Safety into Otolaryngology
Amy Clark Hessel, MD; Randal S. Weber, MD
Clinical Fundamentals: Pain Management in Head and Neck Surgery
Christopher Oliver, MD; John Sok, MD
Complementary and Integrative Medicine (CIM)
Michael D. Seidman, MD
Corticosteroids: Know the Risks!
David T. Poetker; Todd T. Kingdom, MD
Crystal Clear BPPV
Michael T. Teixido, MD
Dysgeusia: Leaving a Bad Taste in the Doctor’s Mouth
Allen Mark Seiden, MD
Errors in Otolaryngology: Where Can We Go Wrong
Rahul K. Shah, MD; Brian Nussenbaum, MD
Evaluation and Management of Oral Malodor 2013
Yosef P. Krespi, MD; Victor Z. Kizhner, MD
Head and Neck Surgical Pathology Pearls and Pitfalls
Yash J. Patil, MD; Qihui Zhai, MD
Head and Neck Trauma: Lessons of War and Mass Casualties
Joseph Brennan, MD; Jose E. Barrera, MD
Hearing Aids: From the Otolaryngologist Perspective
Stacey D. Watson, MS
Herbal Therapy: A Guide for Otolaryngologists
Edmund A. Pribitkin, MD
Histology, Histopathology, and Radiology of the Ear
Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD; Hosakere Chandrasekhar, MD
How to Interpret and Prepare a High Quality Systematic Review
Martin J. Burton, MD; Richard M. Rosenfeld, MD, MPH
How to Review a Journal Manuscript
Richard M. Rosenfeld, MD, MPH
HPV: What the Practicing Clinician Should Know
Eric M. Genden, MD
Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
Bevan Yueh, MD, MPH; Edward M. Weaver, MD, MPH
Managing Mucus: Examining the Evidence
C. Blake Simpson, MD; Kevin C. McMains, MD
Medicolegal Issues for ENTs: Top Ten Concerns
Winston C. Vaughan, MD; Ankit Patel, MD
More than a Headache: Migraine for the Otolaryngologist
Michael T. Teixido, MD; John P. Carey, MD
The Nasal Valve Primer: Everything You Need to Know
Grant Gillman, MD
Pains in the Neck: Treating Globus Pharyngeus
Lee M. Akst, MD; Seth H. Dailey, MD
Pearls of Dysphagia Management in the Older Patient
Ozlem E. Tulunay-Ugur, MD; Michael J. Pitman, MD
PET in Otolaryngology: When, Where, Why, and How
D. Gregory Farwell, MD; Quang C. Luu, MD
Red, White, and Ulcerative Lesions of the Oral Cavity
Susan Muller, DMD, MS
Sialendoscopy for Gland Preservation: A Case-Based Approach
M. Boyd Gillespie, MD, MSc; Johannes Zenk, MD
Steroids in ORL: Indications, Efficacy, and Safety
Stacey Tutt Gray, MD; Eric H. Holbrook, MD
Understanding and Managing Career
Julie Lien Wei, MD; Robert H. Orsoff, DMD, MD; Douglas A. Girod, MD
Understanding Clinical Practice Guidelines
Richard M. Rosenfeld, MD, MPH;
Understanding Audiology Assessment for the Otolaryngologist
Stacey D. Watson, MS
Worldwide Otolaryngology Humanitarian Missions
Drew M. Horlbeck, MD 
= Hands-on ($70/hour)
= Mini-course ($50/hour)
= Audience Response ($50/hour)
= Two-hour course
Regular = $50/hour
Rates increase August 23
Coding and Precertification Strategies for Nasal Surgery
Supported by the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Committee
John S. Rhee, MD, MPH (Moderator); Travis T. Tollefson, MD, MPH; Preston D. Ward, MD; Krishna G. Patel, MD, PhD
Functional Rhinoplasty
Supported by the Education Committee and the Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Committee
James R. Jordan, MD (Moderator); Benjamin W. Cilento, MD;
Jose E. Barrera, MD; Edmund A. Pribitkin, MD
Parotidectomy Defect: To Reconstruct or Not
Supported by the American Head and Neck Society (AHNS)
Oleg N. Militsakh, MD (Moderator); Douglas A. Girod, MD;
Matthew M. Hanasono, MD; Derrick T. Lin, MD
Reconstruction of Mohs Defects
Supported by the Education Committee and the Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Committee
James R. Jordan, MD (Moderator); Ivan Wayne, MD; John B. Lazor, MD
Surgical Management of the Patient with Facial Paralysis
Supported by the Program Advisory Committee, the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), and the American Head and Neck Society (AHNS)
Mark K. Wax, MD (Moderator); Eben L. Rosenthal, MD; Fred G. Fedok, MD; Tom D. Wang, MD
Instruction Courses
Advances in Traumatic and Oncologic Orbital Reconstruction
Kris S. Moe, MD
Botox and Fillers for Facial Lines and Wrinkles
Andrew Blitzer, MD, DDS
Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery for Residents
Tom D. Wang, MD
Defect-Based Approach to Reconstruction of Cutaneous Defects
Jeffrey S. Moyer, MD; Jennifer C. Kim, MD
Does My Patient Need a Free Flap?
Douglas B. Chepeha, MD; K.M. Malloy, MD; Samir S. Kharuvala, MD
Essentials of Rib Cartilage Harvest for Septorhinoplasty
Marcus W. Moody, MD
Facial Injuries: Zygoma, Midface, Skull Base Reconstruction
Kurt Laedrach, MD
Functional Reconstruction of the Oral Cavity and Oropharynx
Gregory K. Hartig, MD; Ara A. Chalian, MD
Incisionless Otoplasty
Michael H. Fritsch, MD
Introduction to Craniofacial Surgery
Sherard A. Tatum, MD
Management of Septal Perforations
Stephen Francis Bansberg, MD
Open Rhinoplasty: Arming Novices for Success
Edmund A. Pribitkin, MD
Optimal Surgical Strategies for Treating Facial Paralysis
David B. Hom, MD; Ravi N. Samy, MD; Patrick Shumrick, BS, MHS
Orbital Trauma: Comprehensive Diagnosis and Treatment
E. Bradley Strong, MD
Otolaryngologists as Cleft Surgeons
Lisa Buckmiller, MD; Larry Hartzell, MD
Reconstruction and Reanimation Spectrum: Parotidectomy Defects
Steven J. Wang, MD; Jennifer C. Kim, MD; Kevin Fung, MD, FRCS
Reconstruction of Partial Auricular Defects
Gregory J. Renner, MD; C. W. David Chang, MD
Scar Wars: Treating the Elusive Scar
David B. Hom, MD; J. Regan Thomas, MD
Surgical Rejuvenation of the Aging Forehead and Brow
Tom D. Wang, MD
Update in Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Injectible Treatments
Lisa Danielle Grunebau 
= Hands-on ($70/hour)
= Mini-course ($50/hour)
= Audience Response ($50/hour)
= Two-hour course
Regular = $50/hour
Rates increase August 23
Alternative Payment Models and Academy Advocacy
Supported by the Physician Payment Policy (3P) Workgroup and the BOG Executive Committee
Michael Setzen, MD (Moderator); James C. Denneny III, MD; Richard W. Waguespack, MD; Charles F. Koopmann Jr., MD, MHSA; Robert R. Lorenz, MD; Emily F. Boss, MD, MPH; Denis C. Lafreniere, MD
Avenues to Leadership: Opportunities at Every Level
Supported by the Young Physicians Committee and Women in Otolaryngology Section
Marita S. Teng, MD (Moderator); Marion E. Couch, MD, PhD; Lauren S. Zaretsky, MD; Stacey Tutt Gray, MD; Craig S. Derkay, MD; Sukgi S. Choi, MD
Cutaneous Carcinoma: Beyond Mohs Surgery
Supported by the Head and Neck Surgery and the Oncology Committee
Gregory J. Renner, MD (Moderator); Randal Scott Weber, MS; Sue S. Yom, MD; Cecelia E. Schmalbach, MD; Michael R. Migden, MD; Nicholas Golda, MD
Detailed Analysis on Selecting/Installing/Using an ENT EMR
Supported by the Medical Informatics Committee K. J. Lee, MD (Moderator); Subinoy Das, MD; Edward B. Ermini, MD; Lawrence J. Gordon, MD; David R. Nielsen, MD; David T. Upchurch, MD
Hot Topics in Otolaryngology 2013: ACOs
Supported by the BOG Executive Committee and the BOG Socioeconomic and Grassroots Committee
Wendy B. Stern, MD (Moderator); Raymund C. King, MD, JD; James C. Denneny, MD; Denis C. LaFreniere, MD
Pearls on How to Transition to ICD-10 Coding by 2014
Supported by the Physician Payment
Policy (3P) Workgroup
Richard W. Waguespack, MD, and Michael Setzen, MD
(Moderators); Rhonda Buckholtz; Robert R. Lorenz, MD; Annie Boynton
Practical Guide to MOC: Who, What, When, Why, and How
Marita S. Teng, MD (Moderator); Sonya Malekzadeh, MD; Robert H. Miller, MD; Sukgi S. Choi, MD; Derrick T. Lin, MD; Randal Scott Weber, MD; Shane Smith, MD
The Top 10 Business Mistakes I Have Made in Practice
Seth M. Brown, MD, MBA (Moderator); Winston C. Vaughan, MD; Donald C. Lanza, MD; Michael Setzen, MD
Using Social Media in Medicine
Supported by the Section for Residents and Fellows and the Media and Public Relations Committee
Wendy B. Stern, MD (Moderator); Christopher Y. Chang, MD; Lee D. Eisenberg, MD, MPH; Lawrence M. Simon, MD; Julie L. Wei, MD
Instruction Courses
The 2013 Primer for the Otolaryngology Program Director
Brian B. Burkey, MD; Terance Tsue, MD
ACGME Next Accreditation System in your Residency Program
Terance Tsue, MD; Sukgi S. Choi, MD; Pamela L. Derstine, PhD, MHPE
Become an Expert in Rhinology Coding
Seth M. Brown, MD, MBA; Winston C. Vaughan, MD
Building a Referral Network in Medicine’s Changing Times
Douglas D. Backous, MD; Kris Barlow, RN, MBA
Clinical Fundamentals: Clinical Outcome Measures/Evidence-Based Medicine
Michael G. Stewart, MD, MPH
Clinical Fundamentals: Management of the Addicted Surgeon
Peter Sargent Roland, MD
Clinical Fundamentals: Universal Precautions for the Otolaryngologist
Peggy E. Kelley, MD
Coding for Residents and New Practitioners
Marc G. Dubin, MD; Brian A Kaplan, MD; Kenneth C. Fletcher, MD
Developing a Quality Control Program for Surgeons
Carl H. Snyderman, MD, MBA; Erin M. McKean, MD
Developing a Compliance Program for Your Practice
Charles F. Koopmann, MD, MHSA
Development of a Physician Assistant Fellowship in OTO/HNS
Michael L. Hinni, MD; Richard E. Hayden, MD; Carlene B. Donald, PA-C
Disclosure of Medical Errors for the Otolaryngologist
John R Houck, MD
E&M Coding and Documentation for Proper Reimbursement
Richard W. Waguespack, MD; Lawrence M. Simon, MD
Evidence-Based Approach to Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery
Rodney J. Schlosser, MD; Bradford A. Woodworth, MD
Financial Planning for Young Physicians
John E. Buenting, MD, MPH
General Otolaryngology Review Course
Karen T. Pitman, MD
Healthcare 2014
Alvin B. Ko, MD
Healthcare Reform: A Brief Summary
Jerome Walter Thompson, MD, MBA;
Rose Mary S. Stocks, MD, PharmD
Health Insurance 101
Kathleen L. Yaremchuk, MD
Hearing Aids: A Medical Prospective
Herbert Silverstein, MD; Vicki Alexander, LPN
Introduction to Reimbursement: A Crash Course!
Gregory A. Grillone, MD
Measuring the Productivity/Success of Your Practice
Kimberley J. Pollock, RN, MBA, CPC; Michael Setzen, MD
Medicare Audit Risk Identification and Prevention Prescription
Mary S. Legrand, RN, MA; Michael Setzen, MD
Medical Ethic Decision Making: Why, When, and How
Charles F. Koopmann, MD, MHSA
Office-Based Ultrasonography of the Neck
Hans J. Welkoborsky, MD, DDS, PhD; Lisa A. Orloff, MD
Office Practice Quality Improvement: A Hands-on Approach
Daniel H. Morrison, MD, MS; Giri Venkatraman, MD, MBA
Social Media for the Otolaryngologist
Steven Y. Park, MD
Surviving/Thriving: Practice Management 2013
Steven F. Isenberg, MD
Techniques of Evidence-Based Medicine in Otolaryngology
Sanford M. Archer, MD; Michael G. Stewart, MD, MPH
Ten Essentials to Negotiating Employment Contracts
Nadim B. Bikhazi, MD; Michael Scheuller, MD
Using M & M Conference to Promote Safety and Quality Improvement
Brian Nussenbaum, MD; Rahul K. Shah, MD The AAO-HNSF 2013 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPOSM Scientific Program will offer new enhancements this year. The 300-plus oral presentations will be given in either five-minute or eight-minute increments. According to Eben L. Rosenthal, MD, who chairs the Scientific Sessions, the Board of Directors and the Program Advisory Committee are committed to promoting innovation within the Annual Meeting that will improve the value of the meeting for attendees. The traditional format will offer 50-minute presentations scheduled from 9:30 to 10:20 am each day and will be presented in eight-minute increments. The new accelerated presentation format is scheduled during the 80-minute time slots each day from 8:00 to 9:20 am and 10:30 to 11:50 am. These presentations will be given as five-minute presentations followed by a question-and-answer period.
Continuing the popular track offerings of this meeting, the scientific oral presentations will be offered in nine topic areas. These are: Business of Medicine/Practice Management; Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; General Otolaryngology; Head and Neck Surgery; Laryngology/Broncho-Esophagology; Otology/Neurotology; Pediatric Otolaryngology; Rhinology/Allergy; and Sleep Medicine. Abstracts, presenters, and time-slots are fully available to view and search at
Once at this web spot, you can also plan your schedule using the itinerary planner to plan your time at the meeting effectively. While planning, insert time in your schedule to view the scientific posters that will be on display Sunday, September 29, until noon Wednesday, October 2, in Hall C of the Vancouver Convention Centre. Coming soon, a smart phone App will let you browse and plan on the go.
Miniseminars and Instruction Courses PreviewedMiniseminars and Instruction Courses follow the nine tracks to allow you to target content areas you need as do the scientific orals. In this issue and in August and September we will update three of the nine tracks consecutively. So below see the first group of miniseminars and instruction course presentations for The Business of Medicine/Practice Management, Facial Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery, and General Otolaryngology.