Published: May 14, 2024

Aging-related Disorders and Conditions

Treating common geriatric disorders is an essential part of otolaryngological care. offers resources for your patients and their caregivers to address the challenges of aging.

Elderly Patient Stock Photo (for Your Patients)Caring for older patients is commonplace in many otolaryngology practices. Otolaryngologists see firsthand how changes and challenges in hearing, speaking, swallowing, and more can lead to isolation and, potentially, cognitive decline. Understanding and treating common disorders affecting the geriatric patient population is an essential part of otolaryngological care.

Ent is dedicated to helping patients. The content is developed by AAO-HNS members, and information is delivered via peer-reviewed articles, video content featuring clinicians, and more. offers information for your patients on these age-related topics and more:

More from June 2024 – Vol. 43, No. 6