ENT PAC remains a cornerstone of the Academy’s federal advocacy efforts in Washington, DC.
ENT PAC is the nonpartisan, issue-driven political action committee (PAC) of the AAO-HNS that supports the Academy’s legislative advocacy efforts by increasing the specialty’s visibility on Capitol Hill and with key lawmakers.
In the first quarter of 2024, ENT PAC has supported thirty congressional campaigns and four political committees through USD 72,500 of disbursements. ENT PAC is a critical component of the Academy’s advocacy mission, supporting Congressional leadership, members of key committees, and physician leaders in Congress,.
The ENT PAC Board of Advisors and staff are grateful to all ENT PAC investors. Thanks to your generosity, ENT PAC received almost USD 72,000 in the first quarter of 2024, the bulk of which came from the annual “First 50” campaign. “First 50” investors give at least USD 1,000 to ENT PAC and have exclusive access to events with members of Congress throughout the year.
If you have questions about ENT PAC or would like additional information, please contact ENT PAC staff at entpac@entnet.org.
Honor Roll
The Academy would like to thank the following 2024 “First 50” investors for their dedication and financial support of the specialty’s political advocacy efforts.
Leadership Club
Douglas D. Backous, MD Eugene G. Brown III, MD, RPh Paul M. Imber, DO Romaine F. Johnson, MD, MPH Ken Kazahaya, MD, MBA Matthew Scarlett, MD
Chair’s Club
Yuri Agrawal, MD, MPH J. Noble Anderson, Jr., MD Cristina Baldassari, MD William R. Blythe, MD Dennis I. Bojrab, MD Richard J. Brauer, MD Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD Andrea C. Chiaramonte, MD, MPH Susan R. Cordes, MD Andrew Coughlin, MD Stephen P. Cragle, MD Nathan Deckard, MD Thomas Dozier, MD Marc G. Dubin, MD David R. Edelstein, MD David Scott Fortune, MD Paul E. Goco, MD Daniel Gold, MD T. Oma Hester, MD Stacey L. Ishman, MD, MPH Madan N. Kandula, MD Seth J. Kanowitz, MD Jonathan P. Lindman, MD, MBA R. Peter Manes, MD Lance A. Manning, MD David E. Melon, MD Matthew J. Mifsud, MD Mary T. Mitskavich, MD David Norcross, MD Annette Pham, MD Richard M. Rosenfeld, MD, MPH, MBA Michael D. Seidman, MD Vijay Sharma, MD, MPH William H. Slattery, MD Matthew Smith, MD Gary M. Snyder, MD Yolanda L. Troublefield, MD, JD Ronald Van Tuyl, MD Ryan C. Vaughn, MD Steven West, MD Raymond E. Winicki, MD Ken Yanagisawa, MD Kathleen Yaremchuk, MD David M. Yen, MD
Geographic Distribution of ENT PAC Investors
South Carolina and Florida provided over a quarter of 2024 Q1 contributions to ENT PAC. AAO-HNS members from Pennsylvania, New York, and Maryland round out the top five so far this year.
Note: Contributions to ENT PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary, and all members of the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery have the right to refuse to contribution without reprisal. Federal law prohibits ENT PAC from accepting contributions from foreign nationals. By law, if your contributions are made using a personal check or credit card, ENT PAC may use your contribution only to support candidates in federal elections. All corporate contributions to ENT PAC will be used for educational and administrative fees of ENT PAC, and other activities permissible under federal law. Federal law requires ENT PAC use its best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and the name of the employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. ENT PAC is a program of the AAO-HNS which is exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code.