Published: April 26, 2021

Back by Popular Demand: Worst-Case Scenarios Managing OTO Emergencies in Practice Workshop

This is a course geared toward practicing otolaryngologists to prepare them for low frequency, high stakes emergency situations.

Monday, October 4

Hosted at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, this is a 4.5-hour course geared toward practicing otolaryngologists to prepare them for low frequency, high stakes emergency situations that they may not encounter often in their daily routines. Attendees participate in a rotation of six simulated otolaryngology emergencies with a cohort of six peer attendees. Each simulated emergency is done as a duo with a partner from the group. Following each simulation, a debriefing is held with the group and a facilitator and includes discussion of best practices for these situations based on published guidelines and available literature. 

Click here for information on late-breaking abstracts.

Pictured below from the AAO-HNSF 2019 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience, Worst-Case Scenarios Managing OTO Emergencies in Practice Workshop held at Tulane Center for Advanced Medical Simulation Center 





More from May 2021 – Vol. 40, No. 4