Get to Know the #OTOMTG21 International Guests of Honor: Brazilian Association of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervical-Facial Surgery
The Brazilian Association of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervical-Facial Surgery (ABORL-CCF) is a civil society of a scientific, nonprofit nature and legitimate representative of the professional class of otorhinolaryngology.
ABORL-CCF Executive BoardThe Brazilian Association of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervical-Facial Surgery (ABORL-CCF) is a civil society of a scientific, nonprofit nature and legitimate representative of the professional class of otorhinolaryngology. ABORL-CCF aims to promote the development of the specialty and the scientific, technical, cultural, and social exchange between its professionals. It is linked to the Brazilian Medical Association. There are more than 70 years between federation, society, and association acting in the defense and development of the specialty in Brazil, representing more than 8,000 otorhinolaryngologists.
ABORL-CCF promotes teaching and research in otorhinolaryngology in its most diverse sectors, such as otology, otoneurology, pediatric otorhinolaryngology, occupational otorhinolaryngology, snoring and sleep apnea, rhinology, bucco-pharyngo-laryngology, traumatological, aesthetic orthodontic surgeries and recuperators of the face, head and neck, and skull base surgery, otoneurosurgery, microsurgery, allergy, phoniatrics diagnosis, endoscopy, and other sectors. In addition, the ABORL-CCF promotes education campaigns, makes themselves heard in the organization of ENT services and campaigns, promotes and provides training courses, meetings, congresses, internships in the country and abroad, grants scholarships for research and continuing education, institutes stimulus awards for those who stand out, and participates in the elaboration of the specialty teaching programs in undergraduate and graduate latu-sense courses.
The association maintains the journal of the specialty as an official organ of ABORL-CCF and an information bulletin. It also cultivates the memory of the Brazilian and worldwide ENT and honors its outstanding members.