Published: March 1, 2024
Did You Miss It? Watch the WIO February Webinar “Married to Medicine”
Catch a recording of this expert panel on handling challenges unique to medical families, sponsored by the Women in Otolaryngology (WIO) Section.
Minding the Gaps Webinar Series Part 1: "Married to Medicine"
Sponsored by a WIO Endowment Grant
Moderated by Minka L. Schofield, MD, Immediate Past Chair of WIO
This webinar originally aired 8:00 pm (ET), February 13.
Listen and learn from an esteemed panel of otolaryngologists and their partners, along with speaker Rebecca Fallon, MS, MHWC, a clinical and health psychologist at the Sotile Center for Physician Resilience.
Rebecca Fallon, MS, MHWC
Topics included:
- Strategies for strengthening any relationship, as suggested by research with medical families
- The unique family challenges faced by women physicians
- How work ambivalence can ruin medical family life
- The distinguishing features of resilient medical families