Published: November 2, 2018Annual Meeting SnapshotsHighlights from the AAO-HNSF 2018 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience. More from November 2018 – Vol. 37, No. 10Help your patients Be ENT, the new dynamic patient health website from the AAO-HNSF, provides a much-sought-after roadmap for consumers navigating ENT health-related symptoms and conditions for themselves and their loved ones.Advocacy highlights from the AAO-HNSF 2018 Annual Meeting & OTO ExperienceAnother successful Annual Meeting & OTO Experience has come and gone. If you were unable to join us in Atlanta, Georgia, below is a brief overview of the advocacy events and opportunities that took place.Recap of Reg-ent℠ at #OTOMTG18The AAO-HNSF 2018 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience in Atlanta, Georgia, was a great success for the Reg-ent team.New data-sharing solutions for Reg-ent practicesThe Reg-ent team is excited to share the following updates regarding cloud-hosted EHRs. Continued advocacy with EHR vendors by FIGmd and the Reg-ent team is continuing to produce results. Significant strides have been made with Epic, eClinicalWorks, and Allscripts, and work with other EHR vendors such as Greenway continues.2019-2020 AAO-HNS/F Committee Application Cycle Opens November 1Apply to become a committee member and let your voice be heard! The 2019-2020 application cycle will open on November 1, and close on January 1, 2019.ENT for the PA-C Ninth Annual CME ConferenceThe ENT for the PA-C Conference offers unparalleled CME opportunities for PAs, physicians, and other medical professionals specializing in or interested in otolaryngology.Advocacy in Action: AAO-HNS comments on CY 2019 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule proposed ruleOn July 12, 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the CY 2019 proposed rule for the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS).AAO-HNS foundation – Giving back to the specialty and beyond#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities, and organizations to encourage philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide.What are we doing for you?One of the most influential factors determining care that patients receive are the medical policies adopted by the various commercial and government-sponsored health insurance plans.Physician-owned private practice in ENT—Not dead yet!There was a recent and very interesting discussion on the ENTConnect forum titled “The Devaluation of General ENT/HNS Private Practice” that evolved into an eloquent discourse on the current state of the practice of otolaryngology in our country.How do we get there?I recently had the opportunity to attend and speak at the Association of Otolaryngology Administrators (AOA) meeting in New Orleans, LA. The program was well-conceived and covered the breadth of skills and knowledge necessary to successfully navigate the ever-increasing complexity of what is our current healthcare system. The AOA’s contribution to our specialty and members, along with their patients, allows the optimal practice of otolaryngology.Keynote listenerA few months ago, as I was preparing to speak at the Summer Sinus Symposium of the American Rhinological Society, I ran some ideas by my wife, Jenny, a trained career coach. After hearing some of the key messages I intended to focus on, JPM (as I call her) suggested I refer to my role as “keynote listener” instead of the usual “keynote speaker.” I loved this clever idea and intend to use this forum to share messages from committed members like you—concerns and perspectives from every make and model of otolaryngologist in our extended AAO-HNS/F family.