Published: February 6, 2018

Reg-ent℠ value beyond MIPS: Why participate?

The Reg-ent registry allows otolaryngologists in the practice setting to benchmark their patient outcomes, professional performance, and care processes against other otolaryngologists across the country.

The Reg-ent registry allows otolaryngologists in the practice setting to benchmark their patient outcomes, professional performance, and care processes against other otolaryngologists across the country. Ent Data Reg-ent is able to capture the continuum of care from the patient’s initial visit, through intervention and follow up, collecting data that has endless possibilities.

  • Research: Reg-ent is the first national data repository of otolaryngology-head and neck surgery specialty-specific data that may be mined for research purposes and will define quality otolaryngology care. Reg-ent data will serve to safeguard the role of otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeons in defining the best care for their patients. Currently, there are close to five million unique patients and 10 million patient encounters in Reg-ent from the initial year of operation.
  • Visual Representation of Your Data: Reg-ent provides a visual representation of individual physician performance in an easy-to-use dashboard that provides meaningful and actionable data for providers to create self-directed quality improvement projects.
  • Comparison to Peers, Benchmarks: Each member in Reg-ent can see real-time data on the dashboard to identify gaps  in care and benchmark against their  performance in comparison to other  otolaryngologists nationally.
  • Define best practice: More than reporting on generic measures for MIPS, Reg-ent gives otolaryngologists in practice, including employed physicians, the opportunity to define ENT care and improve quality for patients with otolaryngologic-specific diseases. See this Reg-ent FAQ for Employed Physicians for more:

Other tangible benefits of Reg-ent:

  • A national repository of clinical data specific to the specialty will demonstrate the value of otolaryngology-head and neck surgery to both public and private payers. Many societies are realizing the advocacy benefit of their registries.
  • It is the only registry with otolaryngology-head and neck surgery specialty-specific quality measures. Evaluate your performance on 19 specialty measures only available in Reg-ent:
  • Eligible physicians and care team members, who sign up and meet MIPS reporting requirements, can streamline their MIPS (UC) 2018 reporting by completing all three performance categories through Reg-ent: Quality, Advancing Care Information, and Improvement Activities.
  • The Reg-ent registry will assist with research and development of new treatments, as well as pre- and post- market surveillance with the FDA. It will also demonstrate the value of otolaryngology patient care to outside entities.
  • Long-term benefits of Reg-ent:
    • Private payers quality programs: FIGmd is working with private payers to develop incentive-based programs for participants in FIGmd registries including those participating in Reg-ent.
    • Maintenance of Certification requirements: Over time, Reg-ent will help otolaryngologists meet Maintenance of Certification requirements. Aggregate  data also will be used by the Academy to identify topics for the development of CME activities.

Every member should invest in Reg-ent— the future of otolaryngology. In light of  Reg-ent’s importance to the future practice of otolaryngology, we encourage you to make the decision that almost 2,000 clinicians have made  so far and join the Reg-ent registry today. View answers to the most frequently asked questions at:

More from February 2018 – Vol. 37, No. 1