Candidate Statements | Nominating Committee: Academic | Troy D. Woodard, MD
An effective leader has integrity, compassion, enthusiasm, and is a team player. Integrity is the most important attribute.
Q: What attributes will you seek in our future Academy leaders? What experience do you have that will aid in selecting leaders that will advance the mission of the Academy?
Troy D. Woodard, MD
I have been active in the Academy since residency as the SRF BOG Legislative Representative. I have participated on the ARS educational and membership committees. I currently serve as Governor for the Diversity Committee. Additionally, I am president of the Harry Barnes Medical Society and chair of the Otolaryngology Section of the National Medical Association. These experiences provided opportunities to collaborate with and lead individuals from various backgrounds and philosophies. If chosen to be on the Nominating Committee, I will work for the AAO-HNS to select individuals who will lead with integrity, fortitude, and inclusiveness.