The Academy is our calling
As a third-year Cornell Medical College student I had a basic science research background and strong clinical interest in reproductive endocrinology. It was then I took my otolaryngology-head and neck surgery rotation and met Roy Sessions, MD, then the sole otolaryngologist on the renowned head and neck surgical service of Memorial Sloan Kettering.
Gregory W. Randolph, MD
AAO-HNS/F Past President
I am so proud to serve as your president of the American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery. Our strong and vibrant Academy has never been better situated as we move forward through our challenging medical landscape. There has never been a better time to find your calling within the Academy.
I call on you to contribute to the Academy—there are many venues for your participation.
Our otolaryngology-specific unique data registry, approved as a Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR) by CMS, was rolled out in September. Data is king, and as our specialty collects and utilizes clinical data so we are increasingly empowered on many levels. Data will be largely automatically pulled from electronic medical records without encumbering participating physicians. Regent functionality will include performance metrics quality reporting (including current PQRS and future MIPS reporting for CMS and private payers), clinical effectiveness research, and assistance in Member maintenance of certification and licensure. We must thank the tireless work of Lisa E. Ishii, MD, MPH, chair of the Regent Task Force. The registry also provides a strong bond between subspecialty societies and the AAO-HNS/F to define quality measures.
The depth of the committee structure within the Academy is remarkable, with more than 50 committees and task forces focused on specific clinical and surgical topics as well as standing and board-related committees, ad hoc committees, education committees, international committees, research committees, and those committees associated with the Women in Otolaryngology Section, and the Board of Governors, the Section of Residents and Fellows-in-Training, and the Young Physicians Section.
Participate with more than 5,500 Members now using ENTConnect, our communications portal. Through this unrivaled communication source, you can access the entire Academy membership with your comments and questions.
Academy communities
We are a community of diverse individuals. The Board of Governors is a superb grassroots network of committed Academy Members. The Women in Otolaryngology Section, Diversity Committee, Young Physicians Section, and Section for Residents and Fellows-in-Training are areas for participation.
International networking
Through the leadership of Gayle E. Woodson, MD, of the International Task Force, the International Advisory Board has been born—an Academy body with representation from International Corresponding Societies to promote the highest standards of clinical care through education, research, communication, and global collaboration.
Education expanding
Positioning toward a comprehensive online curriculum is being expertly fashioned under the leadership of Curriculum Task Force chair Sonya Malekzadeh, MD.
Ready to lead
Over time and this last year, I’ve learned a tremendous amount from our inspiring Academy leaders including James C. Denneny, MD, our tireless and forward-thinking CEO, who has forged strong strategic partnerships with the ABO to and American College of Surgeons; from Past-President Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD, whose articulate, collaborative leadership has so strongly led us this past year; and Dr. Woodson, whose kind leadership provides an invaluable moral compass.
It is with great pride in otolaryngology, pride in what we have done, and pride in what we can still achieve, that I look forward to this coming year of work. You may count on me, heart and mind, to tirelessly provide leadership to our Academy and specialty—in this I’m committed completely.
I call you to look to the Academy, to redouble your efforts and partner with me to advance our Academy and specialty with a single voice. It is our privilege. It is our time. It is our calling.