Guidelines and consensus statements: A foundation for Quality
The AAO-HNSF Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) and Clinical Consensus Statement (CCS) program continues to thrive. We’ve completed several five-year CPG updates, created several new products, released the eagerly anticipated CCS manual, and welcomed a few new methodologists.
Guideline Task Force products see high yield in downloads and citations
The AAO-HNSF Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) and Clinical Consensus Statement (CCS) program continues to thrive. We’ve completed several five-year CPG updates, created several new products, released the eagerly anticipated CCS manual, and welcomed a few new methodologists.
Five-year updates
- CPG Otitis Media with Effusion (published February 2016)
- CPG Cerumen Impaction (under journal review)
- CPG Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (under journal review)
- CPG Hoarseness (Dysphonia) (in process)
New products
- CCS Septoplasty with or without Inferior Turbinoplasty (published November 2015)
- CCS Development Manual (published November 2015)
- CPG Rhinoplasty (in process)
- Evaluation of the Neck Mass in Adults (in process)
We are pleased to see a continued, high-level of interest in the guidelines. Citations for the guideline products now exceeds 3,500 and all of the 2015 Top 10 most accessed articles for Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery were guideline products (totaling more than 150,000 downloads).
Our senior guideline methodologists, Richard M. Rosenfeld, MD, MPH, and Seth R. Schwartz, MD, MPH, have been busy training additional Members to become guideline methodologists. Our current methodologists in training include Stacey L. Ishman, MD, MPH; David E. Tunkel, MD; and Lisa E. Ishii, MD, MHS. Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD, is also a contributing methodologist, however, her 2014-2015 AAO-HNS president-elect and AAO-HNS 2015-2016 president leadership positions have placed a temporary hold on her engagement with the program. We look forward to welcoming her back into the fold this fall.
The Guideline Task Force continues to meet in both the spring and fall to review new guideline and CCS topics. The current queue includes five-year updates for “Tonsillectomy in Children,” “Polysomnography for Sleep Disordered Breathing prior to Tonsillectomy in Children,” and “Sudden Hearing Loss.” New guidelines are scheduled for the “Surgical Management of Rhinosinusitis, Meniere’s Disease, and Epistaxis.”
To help educate Members about the clinical practice guidelines, 22 CME activities and nine American Board of Otolaryngology Self-Assessment Modules/Performance Improvement Modules have been linked to the pertinent guideline webpages.