Published: June 29, 2016

Thanks to State Trackers

With most state legislatures adjourned for the year, the AAO-HNS sincerely thanks its State Trackers who helped make 2016 another successful year. Despite their full workloads and family obligations, these physician-leaders took action and volunteered their time to closely monitor and report on legislative activity in their statehouses.

With most state legislatures adjourned for the year, the AAO-HNS sincerely thanks its State Trackers who helped make 2016 another successful year. Despite their full workloads and family obligations, these physician-leaders took action and volunteered their time to closely monitor and report on legislative activity in their statehouses.

The efforts of the AAO-HNS State Trackers cannot be praised enough, as this legislative session was quite active. Many states considered legislation that would inappropriately expand the scope of practice of various professions, including audiologists, speech-language pathologists, physician assistants, naturopaths, and hearing aid dispensers. With the dedication of the State Trackers, quick and coordinated actions were successful in keeping the most intrusive of these measures from being enacted.

Identify your state’s Tracker(s)* below. If you are interested in joining this “boots on the ground” effort, please contact the AAO-HNS Legislative Advocacy team at for more information.

*In addition to the AAO-HNS Members listed, some states are also represented by state/local OTO society staff/lobbyists. The Academy appreciates their efforts as well!

2016 AAO-HNS State Trackers

J. Noble Anderson, Jr., MD
William R. Blythe, MD


Mariel Stroschein, MD

Lance A. Manning, MD
Paul R. Neis, MD

Art A. Ambrosio, MD
Marcella R. Bothwell, MD
Susan R. Cordes, MD
Steven T. Kmucha, MD,
JD Zara M. Patel, MD
Geoffrey A. Smith, MD

Jeremy D. Prager, MD
Andrew Winkler, MD

David S. Boisoneau, MD
Denis C. Lafreniere, MD
Raymond Winicki, MD
Ken Yanagisawa, MD

Paul M. Imber, DO

District of Columbia
William R. Bond, Jr., MD
Florida K. Paul Boyev, MD
Michael L. Patete, MD
Michael D. Seidman, MD
Robin L. Wagner
Georgia Peter J. Abramson, MD
Donald N. Cote, MD
Lisa Perry-Gilkes, MD
Julie L. Zweig, MD

Paulus D. Tsai, MD


Ira D. Uretzky, MD
Indiana Michael Agostino, MD
Edward J. Krowiak, MD
Iowa Isaac D. Erbele, MD
Kansas Mark G. Bell, MD

Sanford M. Archer, MD
Paul A. Conrad, MD
K. John Yun, MD

Keith F. DeSonier, MD
Lawrence M. Simon, MD

Benjamin D. Liess, MD
Maryland William R. Bond, Jr., MD
Hamad Chaudhary, MD
Shannon P. Pryor, MD
Michael D. Weiss, MD
H. Russell Wright, MD

Robert W. Dolan, MD
Wendy B. Stern, MD
Kenneth Whittemore, Jr., MD
Michigan Seilesh Babu, MD
Charles F. Koopmann, MD, MHSA

Paul C. Frake, MD
James E. Kuderer, DO


Jonathan L. Lusardi, MD
Michael D. Puricelli, MD

Paul Byorth, MD
Neal L. Rogers, MD

Ryan K. Sewell, MD


New Hampshire
Mark F. Kelly, MD
Christopher J. Knox, DO

New Jersey
Paul J. Carniol, MD
Nathan A. Deckard, MD
Lee D. Eisenberg, MD, MPH
Jeffrey D. Roffman, MD

New Mexico
Karen A. Hawley, MD
Jeremy D. Prager, MD

New York
David R. Edelstein, MD
Soha Ghossaini, MD
Paul E. Hammerschlag, MD
Phillip L. Massengill, MD
Steve M. Parnes, MD
Gavin Setzen, MD
Hayes H. Wanamaker, MD
Jay S. Youngerman, MD
Lauren S. Zaretsky, MD

North Carolina
Calhoun D. Cunningham III, MD
Brian W. Downs, MD
Stuart M. Hardy, MD
Robert F. Leinbach II, MD
Eileen M. Raynor, MD
Merritt J. Seshul, MD
Carlton J. Zdanski, MD

North Dakota
Joshua G. Yorgason, MD
Ohio Stacey L. Ishman, MD. MPH
Yash J. Patil, MD
Erica A. Woodson, MD

Christopher F. Baranano, MD
Mark W. Wood, MD

Philip B. Zald, MD

Nathan A. Deckard, MD
Stephen M. Froman, MD
Karen A. Rizzo, MD
Jeffrey P. Simons, MD

Rhode Island
Andrew Tompkins, MD

South Carolina
Robert Puchalski, MD
Gregory Tarasidis, MD

South Dakota

Scott R. Chaiet, MD
Ronald H. Kirkland, MD, MBA

Daniel C. Chelius, Jr., MD
John D. Edwards, MD
Enrique T. Garcia, MD

Joshua G. Yorgason, MD
Vermont Kristofer E. Anderson, MD
Richard N. Hubbell, MD
Virginia William R. Bond, Jr., MD
Andrew J. Heller, MD
Edilberto O. Pelausa, MD
Michelle M. Roeser, MD
Washington David L. Horn, MD
Sung-Won Kim, MD
Sanjay R. Parikh, MD

West Virginia
B. Joseph Touma, MD

Nathan T. N. Schreiber, MD

Sigsbee W. Duck, MD


More from July 2016 - Vol. 35, No. 6