Annual Report 2015: Education & Knowledge
YOU SPOKE. WE LISTENED: EDUCATION & MEETINGS The reinvented 2015 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO℠ enriched your overall experience and expanded your education opportunities. Many innovations took place this year in Dallas.
The reinvented 2015 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO℠ enriched your overall experience and expanded your education opportunities. Many innovations took place this year in Dallas:
Adjusted: Registration fees were adjusted, and all Members receive a discounted fee of 2/3 the non-member rate.- Included: Instruction Courses were included in the regular registration fee.
- Scheduled: The Miniseminars, Scientific Oral Presentations, and Instruction Courses were scheduled concurrently Sunday
through Wednesday. - Concluded: The OTO EXPO℠ officially concluded on Tuesday at 3:00 pm.
- Avoided: Nearly all committee meetings were held mid-morning and mid-afternoon to avoid conflicts with the Scientific and Instruction Course programs.
- Rated: A ‘Best of Orals’ 80-minute session included 12 of the highest rated Oral submissions representing all the subspecialties topics.
- Presented: The Scientific Program included eight-minute Masters of Surgery Video Presentations, followed by a live Q&A.
- Offered: Seven Instruction Course Review Courses were presented throughout the meeting —“Facial Plastic Surgery,” “General Otolaryngology,” ”Head and Neck Surgery,”“ Laryngology/Bronchoesphagology,” “Pediatric,” Otology and Neurotology,” and “Rhinology and Allergy.” These extended courses, two hours long, were designed to help Members prepare for the MOC Part III cognitive exam.
- Commended: The AAO-HNSF was awarded the distinction of Accreditation with Commendation by our accrediting board, the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). This status conveys a six-year accreditation period.
- Launched: A new AcademyU® Learning Platform at launched that will provide a more robust learning experience. It is learner-focused, personalized, social,
user-friendly, searchable, and flexible. - Planned: Continued growth in education programming for the AAO-HNSF 2016 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO℠.
The AAO-HNSF 2015 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO℠ was one like no other.
This year the Program Advisory Committee and Instruction Course Advisory Committee introduced a broad range of changes designed to enhance the world’s premier gathering of otolaryngologists. These changes enriched the overall experience and expanded your education opportunities.
For starters, the full conference registration price included Instruction Courses. This change gave attendees complimentary access to over 400 hours of education content. The Scientific Program (Oral Presentations and Miniseminars) and Instruction Courses simultaneously, Sunday through Wednesday. The redesigned program allowed attendees more uninterrupted time on the OTO EXPOSM show floor to explore the latest products and technology.
We had more than 5,000 professional registrants this year; an 11 percent increase in domestic attendance.
Attendees came from all over the world, spanning over 89 different countries.
Moreover, there were many wonderful opportunities for professional development, networking with colleagues
The AAO-HNSF would like to extend a special thanks to the Program Advisory Committee, led by Eben L. Rosenthal, MD, and the Instruction Course Advisory Committee, led by Sukgi S. Choi, MD, for their leadership, commitment to professional growth, and innovation.
New AcademyU® Learning Platform provides the “House that Education Built”
With Members’ advice and great assistance from the eight Education Committees, the New AcademyU® education, home built in 2015, has all the amenities: transcripts on demand, community forums, customized course recommendations, easy-to-read course listings, a comprehensive how-to guide, and a complete catalog of education activities.
Most importantly, the new AcademyU® has a very robust search function to assist with finding all the education activities of interest to you. The search options include: specialty, activity format, activity series, stage of career, certification, and credit designation. By using these search criteria you can narrow down what you are looking for and get to the activities you want quickly and easily.
In addition to moving into a brand new house, many existing education activities were upgraded and enhanced. Patient Management Perspectives is now directly offered through AcademyU® and available in single volumes. eBooks are now true eReaders with links and other interactive features. AcademyQ CME is a new product using the same questions as the app but also offering CME credit. All the COOL courses were rebuilt and the Pediatric Webinar Series is archived in AcademyU®. And, the good news is, many new education activities are being added annually.
This status, which provides a six-year accreditation period, is awarded to only a fraction of all organizations who seek to become an accredited provider of medical education. It is recognition of programs that deliver the highest quality of practice-relevant, physician-focused education.

Four Education Committee representatives now serve on Clinical Practice Guidelines working groups to serve as a liaison between Research and Education and to ensure appropriate education activities are planned in conjunction with each newly published guideline.
Members of each of the eight Education Committees formed work groups in 2015 to focus on a specific initiative of Foundation education, including Innovation, Faculty Development, Item Writing, Non-physician Clinician, and Marketing.
On October 1, 2015, Richard V. Smith, MD, became the new AAO-HNS Foundation Education Coordinator.
New in 2015, key Annual Meeting education sessions were video recorded in their entirety. These included seven specialty-focused review courses, nine clinical fundamentals courses, two clinical practice guidelines presentations, and a variety of other Mimiseminars and Instructions Courses. These recordings will be available through the new AcademyU® accompanied with CME credit. As a new education offering, the Annual Meeting Expert Series (AMEx) is comprised of a select group of sessions that include a post-presentation faculty interview where further discussions were had about each topic.
AAO-HNSF is proud to partner with AAPC, a leader in medical coding education, to offer a series of live workshops, webinars, and eCourses. Jointly sponsored Coding Workshops and Webinars will be held regionally and online through 2016.
The reinvented 119th Annual Meeting proved to be a success. You should expect continued growth in the education program, more networking opportunities, and increased access to the products and services showcased in the OTO EXPO℠. Please join us for the 120th Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO℠ September 18-21, 2016, at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California. Watch the Annual Meeting website for updated information.