Annual Report 2015: Message from Leadership
IN 2015: YOU SPOKE. WE LISTENED. This video message from the 2015 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO℠ Opening Ceremony delivered the “You Spoke. We Listened.” theme powerfully, as it does in this Annual Report.
This video message from the 2015 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO℠ Opening Ceremony delivered the “You Spoke. We Listened.” theme powerfully, as it does in this Annual Report.
It’s so rare to be listened to. And rarer still to be taken seriously. So we took a different approach.
That’s right. You said you needed a Data Registry. And we’re developing one.
You asked for a bigger and better learning experience. And we launched the new AcademyU®.
You called for the repeal of SGR. It’s gone.
You wanted to halt the efforts to eliminate 10- and 90-day global billing practices. Done.
You wanted us to work together; we convened the specialty unity summit.
And you requested changes to the Annual Meeting. Well, now 500 hours of education are included with registration…
Video presentations are part of the Scientific Program…
And Miniseminars and Instruction Courses now run simultaneously.
You spoke. We listened.
We’re always listening, so be sure to keep on speaking.
Because we’re proud to speak in one clear voice…
The short dialogue captures the essence of the AAO-HNS/F work this past year, but there is so much more to relay. We urge you not to miss the rest of the story, calling your attention to these standout efforts here and on the following pages.
- Centralized Otolaryngology Research Efforts (CORE) Grant Program
The 2015 CORE leadership approved a portfolio of 35 grants totaling $519,006. Of that amount, AAO-HNSF funded 28 grants totaling $278,750. - Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)
CPG Allergic Rhinitis published February 2, 2015; CPG Adult Sinusitis (Update) published April 2015. - CMS’s Continued Coverage for Osseointegrated Implants as Prosthetics
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), after discussions with Academy leaders and others, revised its proposal to designate auditory osseointegrated implants (AOI) as hearing aids, which would have excluded them from Medicare coverage. Longstanding coverage of AOIs continues. - Legends of Otolaryngology Fund
The Legends of Otolaryngology Campaign, part of the Annual Fund, launched this year. The first honoree will be M. Eugene Tardy, Jr., MD. The fund highlights how legendary otolaryngologists have served the public and the specialty. - Otolaryngology-—Head and Neck Surgery Scientific Journal Impact
The journal’s 2014 Impact Factor, the chief quantitative measure of the quality of a journal, increased by 17 percent to 2.020 (from 1.721 in 2013). - Accreditation with Commendation
The Foundation received Accreditation with Commendation from the ACCME based on its recent reaccreditation submission. This comes with a six-year accreditation cycle that runs through 2021. - The International Task Force
A special task force is developing a strategic plan for International Affairs and making recommendations to the BOD. The AAO-HNSF International Symposium, a new Annual Meeting forum designed to showcase cutting-edge content, already has been announced for 2016.
The following pages continue the “You Spoke. We Listened.” message, showing accomplishments for the year and work in progress for the coming months and years. Ultimately, we are extremely indebted by all Member volunteers and staff who both “Speak” and “Listen” for the good of all patients and our specialty.
Gayle E. Woodson, MD
AAO-HNS/F President 2014-2015
James C. Denneny III, MD