As Meaningful Use changes, we’re advocating for you
As Members know, the Health Policy team has actively worked not only to educate Members on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid’s (CMS) Electronic Health Records (EHR) Meaningful Use (MU) Incentive Program, but also to advocate on behalf of Members so that your needs and experiences are best represented within the program.
As Members know, the Health Policy team has actively worked not only to educate Members on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid’s (CMS) Electronic Health Records (EHR) Meaningful Use (MU) Incentive Program, but also to advocate on behalf of Members so that your needs and experiences are best represented within the program.
This past spring, CMS published two proposed rules regarding the EHR MU Incentive Program that if finalized will change a number of reporting requirements in the current year and beyond. Below is a brief overview of changes under each proposed rule.
Stage 3 proposed rule overview*
- Proposed Stage 3 as the final stage of MU.
- Proposed single reporting period and a single stage for all participants.
- Proposed requiring a full calendar year reporting period after 2015 for all eligible professionals regardless of their stage of participation.
- Proposed replacing the core and menu structure with a flat structure (eight advanced use objectives with accompanying measure requirements).
Get involved!
Rulemaking is a process that federal government agencies, such as CMS, use when developing health policy in regulations. This process requires the opportunity for public comment before final regulations may be made. The Academy submits comments to CMS and other agencies on priority issues that impact otolaryngology-head and neck surgeons nationally. Member feedback on why certain measures within the program are difficult to meet helps the Academy craft pointed arguments giving additional weight to our comments.
Modified Stage 1 and Stage 2 proposed rule overview*
- Proposed changes for reporting in 2015, 2016, and 2017 in an effort to align with Stage 3.
- Proposed synchronizing reporting period objectives/measures to reduce burdens on providers.
- Proposed all providers (EPs, hospitals, CAHs) would be moved to a calendar year reporting period starting in 2015.
- Proposed all providers attest to a single set of objectives and measures in 2015.
- Proposed reducing the number of requirements and lowering certain thresholds.
- Proposed all providers move to Stage 3 beginning in 2018 regardless of their prior participation or stage of MU.
Academy submits comments to CMS
The Academy submitted comments to CMS emphasizing 1) the need for increased flexibility; 2) lack of interoperability; 3) stringent threshholds; and 4) delay of stage 3. Publication of final rules likely will take place this summer and the Academy will once again submit comments on behalf of Members. To stay up-to-date on the latest announcements from CMS, Members are encouraged to periodically review the Academy’s CMS Quality Initiative Page at:
*Please note that the information listed is based on proposed rules, which may change.