The Academy should continue to expect leaders with commitment to service within and beyond the specialty; integrity to uphold basic human values such as honesty and fairness…
What do you see as the priorities of the Nominating Committee in selecting the future leaders of our Academy?
The Academy should continue to expect leaders with commitment to service within and beyond the specialty; integrity to uphold basic human values such as honesty and fairness; humility to build consensus and foster unity; vision to anticipate and respond appropriately to challenges and climate changes within the specialty and the broader landscape of medicine; and the grace and strength of character to inspire others to seek unity in a common purpose, even amid differences in opinion and interests.
The strength of the Academy is its membership, both the talent of its individual members and the broad representation of the specialty. Some have particular gifts to understand the economics of health policy and payment reform; others to mobilize grassroots efforts to influence legislation; some to push the frontiers of research; others to improve evidence-based clinical care guidelines. While any one person cannot possess all, effective leaders of the Academy will harness and inspire the wealth of gifts and diversity within Academy membership, so that the Academy will continue to be true to its mission: to empower otolaryngologists to deliver the best patient care.