CPG Resources and Tools
The AAO-HNSF develops Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) on a variety of topics, which are published in Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery.
The AAO-HNSF develops Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) on a variety of topics, which are published in Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery. As defined by the Institute of Medicine, Clinical Practice Guidelines are “statements that include recommendations intended to optimize patient care that are informed by a systematic review of evidence and an assessment of the benefits and harms of alternative care options.”1 Guidelines are one way of increasing implementation of evidence into practice. They can serve as a guide to best practices, a framework for clinical decision making, and a benchmark for evaluating performance.
In addition to the published guidelines, the AAO-HNSF also develops a number of supplementary resources to raise awareness and promote the dissemination and implementation of the CPGs. Additional resources for AAO-HNSF CPGs include:
Executive Summary – summarizes the key action statements for clinicians and offers a concise overview of essential text, tables, and figures. It is published simultaneously with the CPG.
Plain Language Summary – shares the main concepts and recommendations from the CPG in clear, understandable, patient-friendly language. It is published simultaneously with the CPG.
Patient Handouts – includes FAQs or other information from the CPG that clinicians can share with patients. They are available in English and Spanish and can be customized with a practice’s logo.
Quick-Reference Pocket Guide – provides highlights on the CPG in a booklet format developed by Guideline Central. It is available in print form, as a digital flipbook, and through a mobile app.
Slide Deck – includes information on each CPG key action statement. It is originally presented as an AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting Panel Presentation and then made available to download from the website.
Podcast Episodes – provides information, delivered by CPG authors, on the CPG’s implications for otolaryngologists and for non-otolaryngologists.
Videos – provides an overview of the CPG or a specific aspect of the CPG and shared online.
Press Release and Fact Sheet – informs the media about a new CPG and shares important highlights.
OTO Logic – makes each CPG available on the AAO-HNSF’s Otolaryngology Learning Network, www.otologic.org.
AAO-HNSF CPGs are widely accessed and cited, and the supplementary resources promote the wider implementation of CPG recommendations. In addition to the Academy website, the CPGs are made available in the Guidelines International Network guideline library and registry of guidelines and the ECRI Guidelines Trust online repository of guidelines. The Academy continues to prioritize the development of new CPGs and updates of existing CPGs to further the goal of defining and promoting quality care in otolaryngology. As we continue in the future, we plan to develop additional resources to continue the growth of CPG dissemination and implementation.
CPGs and their resources are available to AAO-HNS members and the general public. We encourage everyone to check out these resources by visiting www.entnet.org/cpg. Each CPG title has its own webpage with details on the related available resources.
Institute of Medicine. Clinical Practice Guidelines We Can Trust. In: Graham R, Mancher M, Miller Wolman D, Greenfield S, Steinberg E, eds. Washington (DC): National Academies Press; 2011.