Select one from the two candidates for At-Large Director: Academic (Two-Year Term).
How to Cast Your Vote
AAO-HNS has partnered with Election America to administer the 2021 election of candidates for leadership positions. To ensure your election-specific broadcast email arrives safely in your inbox on May 3, simply add the following email address as an approved sender: Those who have not provided an individual email address to the Academy will receive a personalized letter from Election America with information on how to access the ballot. For technical support, please call 1-866-384-9978, or email For ballot-related questions, call Membership at 703-836-4444, or email Lisa Holman at
Vote for One of Two Candidates Below
Questions Posed to the Candidates
What do you see as the essential task of the Directors and in what ways are you well suited to that role?
What do you think is the most important issue that our Academy is currently facing?
Alexander G. Chiu, MDAlexander G. Chiu, MD
The Academy serves to represent the interests of all otolaryngologists, affiliated providers, and stakeholders. We are from different parts of the country, practice settings, and stages in our careers. But we share something very important and that is doing our absolute best to care for our patients.Whether that is through direct patient care, research, and/or education, the Academy is a vital engine to coordinate, innovate, and represent our shared mission in an inclusive and equitable environment.
I’ve been a member for 25 years and have a somewhat unique perspective in having practiced in three very different parts of the country. I spent the first part of my career in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, then moved to Tucson, Arizona, and now reside in Kansas City, Missouri. I’ve been fortunate to hold many leadership roles during that time period, including chairing the Departments of Otolaryngology at the University of Kansas and University of Arizona and serving one year as a surgery chair. I am the current editor of ENT Today and have built working relationships with colleagues all across the country in private practice and academics and in both urban and rural settings.
Like all medical specialties, the Academy is in a time of change and needs to be mobile in adapting to the disruptions in the marketplace and the evolution to a more diverse environment where healthcare inequities need to be addressed. As industry support continues to decrease, we will need to find new and creative ways to engage our membership and support the education and research programs that are so critical in fulfilling our mission to provide the absolute best care to our patients. These issues are central to what I do in my daily work life and I am eager to help in any way possible.
Thank you for your support!
Sanjay R. Parikh, MDSanjay R. Parikh, MD
Essential to the success of the BOD is to carefully listen to ALL constituents and to steer the BOD toward members’ greatest needs and concerns. I believe in responsive and representative leadership. In our AAO-HNS community, a successful Director listens and acts appropriately to all concerns from our membership.
I have been fortunate to serve in Academy leadership roles as Chair of the Board of Governors and Chair of the Young Physicians Section. During these terms, I participated in two AAO-HNS strategic planning retreats and served on the Academy’s Executive Committee and Nominating Committee. I have actively sought opinions from many grassroots groups including the BOG, WIO, YPS, SRF, IAB, and DIC. I feel particularly well suited for the position of At-Large Director as I have fostered successful collaboration between the diverse physicians and leadership of our membership.
Our Academy’s greatest issue is active support of our membership during this historic pandemic. We have already seen extraordinary leadership and community from our Academy and its members through responsive and adaptive attention to financial support for practices, development of new positions and paradigms for education, telehealth, research, and payment. But our work is not done.
As your At-Large Director, I will actively listen to your challenges and concerns and understand how the global pandemic has affected you. Our practices and loved ones have all been deeply shaken by this terrible year, and I would be sure to hear your perspective and thoughts on how our Academy may support you. The success of our Academy will hinge on understanding your needs. As we put these dark days behind us, we will work toward our best future together.