Select one from the two candidates for Seat One and one from the two candidates for Seat Two for Nominating Committee: Academic.
How to Cast Your Vote
AAO-HNS has partnered with Election America to administer the 2021 election of candidates for leadership positions. To ensure your election-specific broadcast email arrives safely in your inbox on May 3, simply add the following email address as an approved sender: Those who have not provided an individual email address to the Academy will receive a personalized letter from Election America with information on how to access the ballot. For technical support, please call 1-866-384-9978, or email For ballot-related questions, call Membership at 703-836-4444, or email Lisa Holman at
Vote for One Candidate for Seat One and One Candidate for Seat Two
Questions Posed to the Candidates
How will you select candidates for Academy leadership that best represent our diverse membership?
What experience do you have that will aid in selecting leaders that will advance the mission of the Academy?
Seat One
Ronda E. Alexander, MDRonda E. Alexander, MD
Our Academy needs a balance of experienced and emerging voices to serve our membership. The lived experiences and practical expertise of those from historically marginalized perspectives can advance our mission when positioned to impact our actions and policies. Many of them are already leading other academic and identity-affiliation organizations, while others are the quiet engines behind them. These are the willing workers I want to call up into Academy service, better equipping us for a future in which we will face unknown challenges in the realms of public health, patient care, and advocacy.
As a former residency program director, I have seen the benefits of selecting strong introverted candidates, then cultivating an environment that doesn’t disadvantage them, relative to extroverts. Many of the “best of the best” have been the quiet ones, and this reinforces the importance of breaking “type” when we look for excellence. My work with my state medical society has complemented this by highlighting the importance of moving from mentoring to sponsoring people whose spark I can see, even if they haven’t yet. Having been a beneficiary of sponsorship, I’m looking forward to encouraging others to put their potential to good use within the Academy.
Samantha Anne, MD, MSSamantha Anne, MD, MS
"Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square hole, the ones who see things differently …” This narrative from a popular tech company advertisement follows with a description of how these are the people who change things. The importance of thinking innovatively became clear to me especially during the past year. I believe that the way to capture these resourceful intellectuals is to draw from our incredibly heterogeneous membership to find leaders with integrity who have proven to be inventive trailblazers.
I have served on various leadership roles in the American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, including on the Board of Directors (as Young Physician Section Chair) and on the Board of Governors (as Secretary and current Vice Chair of the Governance and Society Engagement Committee). In addition, I have been the Chair of the Women in Otolaryngology Section’s Nominating Committee. This service afforded me the chance to observe the leaders, and the qualities that elevate them as successful advocates for our profession.
This experience along with my motivation to identify talented and innovative leaders, will guide me if I am given the incredible honor to serve on the Nominating Committee.
Seat Two
Ken Kazahaya, MD, MBAKen Kazahaya, MD, MBA
It is wonderful that we have such diversity in the membership of the Academy. With the global nature of our specialty, our organization encompasses members from various practice settings, organizational structures, geographic locations, and demographics. There is also great diversity in the individuals themselves, inclusive of unique origins and experiences, ages, ethnicity, and orientation. Our Academy’s strength is in our membership’s diversity of thought, experiences, and culture. It is important to keep an open mind and be inclusive in selecting individuals who have the necessary talents, skills, and experiences to best lead our Academy while considering the merits and accomplishments of each individual.
I had the honor of being elected to the Nominating Committee for the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology. As part of the Nominating Committee, I participated in discussions regarding the various considerations prioritizing qualities and attributes that are important and optimal for the positions we were seeking to select nominees. It was essential to be able to succinctly and effectively summarize the candidates under consideration and support their candidacy. I advocated considering individuals for their qualifications and what they would contribute to the leadership of the organization.
Brendan C. Stack, Jr., MDBrendan C. Stack, Jr., MD
I will propose and advocate for Academy members for leadership opportunities who have great passion for our specialty and extending its impact to ALL of our patients and learners regardless of their background, identity, or circumstance. A record of demonstrated impact will be required for my nomination or support. I will seek consensus from among members of the nominating committee to ensure a quality selection with strong, broad support. I will take seriously that the selection of future candidate leaders as a crucial task to ensure that our organization represents our membership and flourishes into the future.
I have learned to recognize leaders from over 30 years of observation of both good and bad examples of leadership. Those experiences have both educated me, inspired me to seek greater understanding of GREAT leadership, and driven me to identify those characteristics crucial for inspiring successful leaders. My value of a strong and effective leader is profound and inspires me on my personal leadership journey. Moreover, having served in various leadership capacities within the AAO-HNS/F, the American Thyroid Association, and the American Head & Neck Society – Endocrine Surgery Section, I have learned the importance of leading by example, building and maintaining relationships, and making and keeping commitments.