Published: February 1, 2021
Call for Simulation Abstracts: Deadline March 1
Do you have an innovative simulator model or simulation activity that you would like to share with the otolaryngology community?
2019 SIM Tank Winners (L-R): Justin R. Shinn, MD (third place); Fanny Gabrysz-Forget, MD (first place); and Tulio A. Valdez, MD (second place).
Do you have an innovative simulator model or simulation activity that you would like to share with the otolaryngology community? The Academy is now accepting proposals to be considered for presentation at the Simulation Showcase held during the AAO-HNSF 2021 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience in Los Angeles, California. The top three proposals selected will present and compete at SIM Tank. Both events will be held Monday, October 4. The deadline for submissions is March 1.