Published: July 31, 2019

New life and 30-year members

“On behalf of all AAO-HNS members and the Board of Directors, I offer my congratulations to the following members who have earned lifetime status with the Academy and those celebrating 30 years of membership in 2019.”

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“On behalf of all AAO-HNS members and the Board of Directors, I offer my congratulations to the following members who have earned lifetime status with the Academy and those celebrating 30 years of membership in 2019.”

Your commitment to the Academy is a testament to the dedication you have to your colleagues, your patients, and the healthcare community at large. Your support continues to help us strive to be the global leader in optimizing quality ear, nose, and throat patient care through professional and public education, research, and health policy advocacy. – Albert L. Merati, MD AAO-HNS/F President, 2018-2019

The following are celebrating 30 years of membership in 2019. These particular groups would be prime candidates to participate in and benefit from the “transition from practice” program we are constructing as mentioned in Dr. Denneny’s column on the facing page.

More from August 2019 – Vol. 38, No. 7