Published: September 25, 2018 Primed for preview: The new patient health website, debuting at the 2018 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience in Atlanta, Georgia, this month, is the Foundation’s new dynamic patient health website—a consumer-facing online resource that will position the AAO-HNS/F as THE trusted source for patient-centered otolaryngology-head and neck surgery information.

Ent Health, debuting at the 2018 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience in Atlanta, Georgia, this month, is the Foundation’s new dynamic patient health website—a consumer-facing online resource that will position the AAO-HNS/F as THE trusted source for patient-centered otolaryngology-head and neck surgery information.

The goal is to offer approachable, patient-oriented health information that reliably informs the public about ENT topics in interactive and engaging formats. To accomplish that, the site includes:

  • conditions and treatments from A-Z
  • a symptom checker to navigate possible causes of what they and/or their loved ones are experiencing
  • videos showcasing AAO-HNS physicians speaking about a variety of conditions and diseases
  • a unique visual module called “It’s All Connected,” where visitors can explore the holistic view of the interrelationships between many ENT conditions
  • Find an ENT, a best-in-class physician directory connecting patients with AAO-HNS members
  • quizzes and polls to test knowledge and to engage visitors with the site
  • easy-to-share pages with icons on each page, making it a simple click to share content through social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or print at home
  • and more!
  • provides peer-reviewed, copyrighted information on otolaryngology-head and neck surgery conditions, symptoms, and treatments, the website also offers materials that focus on wellness and prevention in a section called “Be ENT Smart.”

In addition, through content focused on “What’s an ENT?” the website aims to promote public understanding of the otolaryngology-head and neck surgery specialty, increasing awareness of the breadth and diversity of the types of conditions and diseases treated by the specialty.

The transition of the Academy’s patient health information to its own dedicated website will also include a new licensing and printed program in January 2019. More information will be forthcoming about the new subscription program that will offer both co-branded, downloadable PDF patient hand-outs as well as content licensing with real-time, automatically updated access to content.

The website content is being developed by your peers through a governance structure that includes teams of clinician experts in their area of specialty, referred to as Consumer Health Development Groups (CHDGs). An Executive Committee, composed of clinical experts, provides guidance and overview.

Look for more in the November Bulletin about all that offers as well as more about the members of the Executive Committee and the CHDGs.

More from October 2018 – Vol. 38, No. 9